TZ’IKIN is the intermediary between the Heart of the Sky (the Sun) and Mother Earth. It is the space that opens communication between the Igneous Heart of Mother Earth, Q’aq’ Alom (magma) and the face of the Earth, entering to our heart. Tz’ikin is the vision. It is the one that communicates the essence of our being with the essence of reality, which is the image of this Creation. From it comes the vision of the future, which is the result of the structures of the Najt (Space-Time). It is the power of traveling between the circles which configure the Najt. The purpose of this energy for this moment is to have control of our mind, of focusing and directing our thoughts to be connected, to be aware. It is intuition, revelations through dreams, precognition of the dormant senses that we all possess. This is a moment to take away the constraints, this is what we should focus upon. Remember that spirituality of these times has a name, and that name is action. The same happens with economic well-being and with love, which are under the auspices of Tz’ikin. These are a determination of the creativity that we delineate. This is a moment to return to the reason of being Humans in the concatenation of the thread of Creation.
All posts by Carlos Barrios
4 I’x – Creation to Realization for Cholq’ij New Year
I’X is the feminine energy, the feline energy. It represents life being born from the womb of Mother Earth: the water – rivers, lakes, and oceans. It is the plants, fish, trees, and the first phase of the Human Being. It is all of this is guided by the woman, the giver of life, and it is given in a matriarchy. I’x is also the magic, the energy that comes from the strength of nature in balance with the cosmos. It is the magic that we had in the ancient times, when all human beings were connected to the Supreme and to the inner being. It is the time when our vision reached the depths of space, across the entire face of the Earth. Our communication was mental, through images, and our hands had the power to capture the energy of Mother Earth and the Cosmos. We were the creators of our own reality, the travelers of the Najt (space-time). Now that we have reached the Job’ Ajaw our purpose is to recover that wonderful state in which we lived. We ask I’x, the jaguar that overcomes all limitations, for our strength. Its energy will help us break out of all those things that restrain us, so we can seek to enter into this Fifth Dimension that is emerging.
3 Aj – Creation to Realization for Cholq’ij New Year
AJ represents the moment in which the foundations are laid. It represents the moment in which the planetary systems, the galaxies, and everything finds its place in the cosmos, in the Universe. Settling is the essence of Aj. The foundations, what holds up all of creation ―this reality― are the energetic forces that hold up the essence of everything we know. We could call them physical laws of the material universe, but these are also the laws that affect the plane of the mental structure and within them the emotional energy is manifested. The spiritual plane is not ruled by this structure, for the spirit is a free essence connected in itself to all of Creation, however, it can stay in a state of hibernation if we do not restructure our foundations and own our reality.
Aj is the cane, the staff of power. It is our home (where we live). The purpose is to develop this energy, to look into our inner self and to project a connection with our spirit.
2 E – Creation to Realization for Cholq’ij New Year
E is the path traveled by the expansion of creation travels, as the elders say. It is a path known as the Saq’ Be’, the white path of the Cosmos. The Saq’ Be’ has a correlative in the face of Mother Earth – the white path that brings the ceremonial centers together in the Mayan territory. It is also the inner path of each human being, the path that allows us to realize our purpose in life. It is every step that we take, every action we carry out. It is the realization of the cosmic and telluric completeness, the harmony we must have with the environment. It is the limitless expansion of the Universe.
E is the intermediary between the material and the emotional, it is the path of expansion of the creative mind, that which creates what we call “reality”, and it is primarily our path towards spirituality. Project your well-being in the physical plane, which includes the material well-being, to then have the space/time for the other planes. Remember that only you can walk your Saq’ Be’, no one can walk it for you.
Twenty Days of Creation – Cholq’ij New Year
According to the Maya, the world was created in one Mayan month (twenty days). The process of creation begins on Jun (1) B’atz and ends on the day Wuqub’ (7) Tz’i’, completing the first twenty days of the Cholq’ij (Calendar of Life). After this final day of creation, the day Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’ arrives, which is considered the Cholq’ij New Year. When Maya people celebrate the Cholq’ij new year, they are celebrating that the creation of the world has been fulfilled, and the beginning of a new cycle of 260 days.
We are living in the time of the Job’ Ajaw, or Fifth Sun which we entered on December 21, 2012. This epoch is related to the element Ether and to the fifth dimension. We have entered a time of greater awareness, in which we are witnessing socio-economic changes – but these changes don’t happen overnight. We are only now beginning to see them. The energy of the Ch’umilal, or signs of the Maya Cholq’ij Calendar, have the same meaning we have been sharing, but now their energy resonates more with the spiritual power that comes with them. The concatenation of the energies that each of the Ch’umilal represents is the guide of the Creation. It influences us throughout the cycle of our life and the cycle of Mother Earth. By working with each of the days we will connect to the spiritual energy of the twenty Ch’umilal to be in harmony with each of them.
You can follow Carlos’s guide to more deeply understanding and connecting with the energies of the twenty days leading up to the Cholq’ij New Year in the Daily Ch’umil section of the website, or by subscribing to the newsletter or following Saq’ Be’ on social media.
1 B’atz’ – Creation to Realization for Cholq’ij New Year
B’ATZ’ is the origin, it is the moment of creation. It is the moment when from nothingness, from emptiness, from darkness (which have a value and an energy) leads to an explosion from which everything arises and the expansion of contained matter begins. It is when a light enters darkness; the exact point from where everything expands to form the light lines that create the interweaving of the Najt (space-time). It is the lines that connect the universe and which are woven by B’atz’. It is the circles and the spirals that are formed when everything starts to revolve.
This vision indicates that now we must begin our path of life in full awareness. We must walk the path of our purpose of life, of a life that expands our spirit without limits. It is delineating and taking a real control over our life, to become one with all of creation. It speaks to us about organizing and directing our purposes to reach and develop our inner powers.
Birth Altar of Tikal
As we celebrate mother’s day in the west, we are pleased to be able to share this video about traditional mothering practices in the Maya lineage- as seem at a birth altar in Tikal. Thanks to the film work and production of Jim Jenner and Brenda Bynum (Oasis Theater Company), we see Maya Ajq’ij Carlos Barrios describing the way a sacred altar was used to make prayers and offerings for pregnant women and to present children once they have been born:
Located in the Tikal National Park of Guatemala, this little known site was the ceremonial center for women going through pregnancy and childbirth. Carlos Barrios speaks to the events that took place is this peaceful, inspiring location.
Carlos describes the deep connection the Maya lineage embodies between the energies of the Cholq’ij (known as the calendar of life) and the development of our human experience as we enter into the world. This embodiment at the start of life oriented individuals, families and the Maya society towards a deep harmony with the natural order of creation.
Peten Itza – Maya Water Wisdom
We are excited to be able to share the first video from Jim and Brenda’s recent trip to Guatemala. As we discussed recently, humanity is at a place where we must question the way we relate to water, to treat it as a living gift to be nourished rather than as a dead commodity to be exploited. The Itza are known as magicians for their work with water. In this video, Carlos gives an amazing perspective into the formation and function of a sacred land formation in lake Peten Itza.
Lake Peten Itza – Carlos Barrios shares Maya Water Wisdom from Saq’ Be’ on Vimeo.
This video was the ultimate film-on-the-fly experience. Traveling in a van full of people on the way to Tikal National Park, Carlos Barrios, an ajq’ij’ of the Eagle Clan in Guatemala, felt it was important to share the mystery of this magical, pristine location. The Maya-made mountain is well named for an alligator which it resembles.
Video and editing by James Jenner and Brenda Bynum
Rest of the Ajaw and Purpose of New Cycle
According to the tradition of the Mam Mayan Elders, on December 21 – the day of the Winter Solstice, there is a period of five days of rest for the Ajaw – the Grandfather Sun.
The Ajaw (Sun) settles in one of the corners of the Jun Kaj (the first level of the thirteen skies) and rests for five days. This visual station, as is seen from Earth, is for our tradition a moment of reflection known as the Cosmic Wayeb, the days of introspection and meditation. This position of the Ajaw allows us to have stillness in our mind and in our energy that also affects our physical level. This influences us according to the energies of the Choq’ij Calendar, the Calendar of Life.
Now that our Grandfather Sun began its journey we must project our purposes for this new cycle. During these days we must outline the purpose and direction that our life will take, we must program and determine what we want in every level, the changes that we are going to make and the way in which we will accomplish them, remembering that the power of our mind is infinite.
We can also create a vision at a communal level, in this vision we can determine the wellbeing of our community, also thinking that it will expand to the whole world.
It is very important to put the energy of our thoughts in the destiny of Mother Earth and Human Beings. Our thoughts and visions should be directed to halt the destruction, racism and intolerance. We must create, with all our strength, with the power of our mind and the power of our heart, the necessary energy to stop the confrontations of war to which the great world leaders are taking us.
According to the Cholq’ij Calendar, the path of Grandfather Sun has began on a day I’x, which symbolizes the strength and balance of magic. It also means the power of the Jaguar, which to the ancestral Mayas was related to the mythical Jaguar-Men who thousands of years ago restructured the pollution and chaos that existed.
This is the moment to RETURN TO BEING HUMANS!!!!
Our Potential, Technology and Opportunity
Maya Ajq’ij Carlos Barrios shares some crucial thoughts on the way we have been missing our potential and the opportunity to bring the ancient knowledge and wisdom into working harmony with modern technology. Carlos also discussed the opportunity he sees for Saq’ Be’ to contribute to this effort, through the rescue of the tradition with documentation and other projects. Please watch the video below.
For the Maya, there are nine levels that comprise the Underworld and thirteen levels that make up the Upper World. We are talking about very high, subtle cosmic levels and the very subtle levels of the underworld, which are attached to what the ancestors call the Heart of Mother Earth, that igneous heart, that powerful strength that exists in the center of the Earth which the elders call K’ak’ Alom, what means the feminine spirit of the fire, of the inner fire, the fire that is connected to us human beings, that fire that is deposited in our coccyx and which ascends through our spine and activates us, gives us the energy and the spark to become a communal spirit. The problem we westerners have, we have failed to understand that humanity has a collective purpose and that we have to evolve together to realize more subtle levels, but we got lost in selfishness, we got lost in ambition, we got lost in fear, we got lost in hatred, in jealousy, we got lost in a number of internal conflicts that do not allow us to see the greatness we posses as human beings, that do not allow us to see the extraordinary potentiality and capacity we posses and which we can develop. That is our calling, to reconnect to that ancient wisdom which is not a fake wisdom, but a tradition that has survived for many thousands of years and which is now more open to human beings to be able to evolve. That is what we are doing at this moment, together with the organization Saq’ Be’, with the brothers and sisters that are working with us, with Denise, with Douglas, with Mariano, with Grandfather Tata Pedro; we are trying to merge those two ontologies, the developed technological science of the Western world with the magical and spiritual science that is managed in the creation; these two creations can achieve what the western world has lost and that the technology that the western world has developed can be combined to develop a fully integrated and true human being, as Grandfather Mariano said, those fully integrated and complete beings who live in nature, who live in the mountains, who barely eat and who, with their creative power and their power of thought keep a balance between materialism and spirituality. So for us it is important to recover this, to document all that knowledge; this is our purpose at this moment, it is what’s most transcendent, and we really want to recover all this consciousness and knowledge, to be able to recover it, document it and transmit it.