All posts by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

6 Kan ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal KanKan symbolizes the strength of the Universe, the power and force of the serpent; however, today it converges with number 6 that represents imbalances that may affect us in the physical world. Watch your level of energy, for this day may bring energetic highs and lows. Ask Kan to balance your energy, and connect to Ajpu, the Ch’umil that rules over this trecena (thirteen days), to obtain the strength of the spiritual warrior.

5 K’at ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal K'atK’at symbolizes the net that can be thrown into the water to fish or that can be used to entangle our own selves; it means that everyone shapes their own thoughts either in a positive or in a negative way. Number 5 is an energy that allows you to achieve anything you set your mind to. On this day you can catch all your dreams if you believe it, if you use your thoughts to attract and trap positive things.

3 Iq’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Iq'Iq’ is the spirit of the wind, the element that governs ideas and nourishes the mind. Number 3 symbolizes communication and creation; it is the number that represents the children. This is a good day to nourish the minds of our children, to help them discover their creative side by using their imagination and to develop their own ideas.

1 AJPU ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjpuThis day is one of the most important ones in the Maya counting of the days. With this energy the large and medium cycles begin. Jun Ajpu is one of the Magical Twins who defeated the challenges of Xib’alb’a. He is the warrior that defines clarity, security, certainty, and strength; attributes that are within our reach, we just need to have the aim to develop them.
Este día es uno de los mas importantes de la cuenta Maya, con esta energía comienzan los grandes y medianos ciclos. Jun Ajpu es uno de los Gemelos Mágicos que venció las pruebas en Xib’alb’a. Es el guerrero que define la claridad, seguridad, certeza y fortaleza, atributos que están a nuestro alcance, solo tenemos que proponernos desarrollarlos.

13 KAWOQ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal KawoqThis day marks the abundance and wellbeing related to the family and the community, to which we need to pay attention. The plans that you have thought can be boosted with determination, for they will do well. The family is your base and what is most important, pay all your attention to it.
Este día marca la abundancia y bienestar en relación a la familia. También la proyección comunitaria a la que debemos poner atención. Los planes que has pensado se pueden impulsar con determinación, pues tendrán buen camino. La familia es tu base y es lo mas importante, ponle toda la atención.

12 TIJAX ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal TijaxThis is a day in which you can cut off anything that is affecting you. The energy of Tijax takes away what is not convenient for you. The things that limit you are manifested today, you need to be determined to remove the negative. Remember not to be violent, this day marks kindness.
Este es un día en el que puedes cortar de lleno cualquier cosa que te afecte. La energía de Tijax retira lo que no te conviene, hoy se manifiesta lo que te limita, hay que ser determinado para retirar lo negativo. Recuerda no ser violento, el dia marca bondad.

11 NO’J ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal NojThe strength of this day affects us in the action of the thoughts that may bring unbalance, both the external thoughts and our own. Don’t open the space to any negative thoughts. The power of the mind is powerful, think positively.
La fuerza de este día nos afecta en la acción de los pensamientos que pueden desbalancearnos, tanto los externos como los propios, estos últimos si se manifiestan negativos no hay que darles cabida. El poder de la mente es poderoso así que piensa positivo.

10 AJMAQ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjmaqThis is a day to review all the important things that have happened in your life, the negative and the positive. To have a moment of introspection and achieve a good balance, outlining our actions and steps to take to reach our true purpose of life. The energy of the day is kind and positive.
Día para recapitular todo lo importante que ha pasado en tu vida, lo positivo y negativo, tener un momento de introspección y alcanzar un buen balance. Delinear qué hacer y cuáles son los pasos a seguir para alcanzar el verdadero propósito de la vida. La energia del día es noble y positiva.

9 TZ’IKIN ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Tz'ikinDuring this day, Tz’ikin, the messenger between the Earth and the Sky, elevates our petitions without obstacles. Today is a day in which the spiritual awareness is at a high level and it produces the space for our development. Seek for it and vibrate with this energy.
El mensajero entre la Tierra y el Cielo eleva nuestras peticiones sin obstaculos este día. Hoy es un día en que la conciencia espiritual está en un nivel muy alto y se produce un espacio para desarrollarnos. Búscalo y vibra con esa energía.

8 I’X ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal I'xThe energy of this day is guided towards our magical powers, to balancing the male and female energies to develop our inner strength. For this we need to sharpen our senses and capture those gifts. To find balance it is important to feel and develop the female energy, this is a work for both men and women.
La energía de hoy está orientada a materializar nuestros poderes mágicos, a balancear la energia masculina con la femenina y desarrollar nuestra fuerza interior. Para esto hay que afinar nuestros sentidos y atrapar estos dones. Para encontrar el balance es importante sentir y desarrollar la energía femenina, este es un trabajo tanto para hombres como para mujeres.