No’j embodies the power of thought, it represents knowledge and wisdom; number 11 is an energy that has many tests, especially of a spiritual and mental order. Choose the information that fills you mind, the excess of information can lead to confusion. Call upon the energy of No’j to help you attain a state of mental clarity.
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13 Aq’ab’al – Creation to Realization for Cholq’ij New Year
AQ’AB’AL is the first ray of light in the darkness. Let’s imagine when everything was just space, when there was an emptiness of dark matter. Then a light emerges, breaking monotony. Creation begins to awaken and movement takes place. This is the energy of Aq’ab’al. Aq’ab’al is the dawn, it is the count of the days; the Ch’umil that connects us to the eternal present (past-present-future). It is a step towards the creation of the illusion/reality in that infinite Macro Spiral of the Najt (Space-Time). This goes from the macro to the micro; in the constant expansion of the Universe, in the Chipi Kakulja, the small ray that produces the neural synaptic interconnection. The purpose of this Ch’umil is to allow us to develop that connection, to delineate our own reality according to the cosmic creation. This energy brings a lot of opportunities. It brings unforeseen changes, but it also brings challenges. The light of Aq’ab’al leads us to other places, sometimes unknown, but it always protects us. Within this chain, which is a sequence of Creation, how the energies arrived to create reality, Aq’ab’al opens the opportunity to find light in the darkness, a light that will illuminate our path. Where are we headed? What level do we want to reach? To what dimension do we want to arrive?
Maya Ajq’ij Lina Barrios in Santa Fe, NM July 7-17, 2015
Mayan Ajq’ij (spiritual guide) Lina Barrios will be returning to Santa Fe with Denise Barrios in July to present an evening workshop series, give a free public talk, provide personal consultations and share a fire ceremony. Our guests from the highlands of Guatemala will provide a primary level workshop for understanding and working with energies of the Cholq’ij to create balance and harmony. This is a rare opportunity to experience the teachings and practices of an ancient, living lineage directly, in a way that brings benefit for individuals, families and communities. Lina and Denise arrive in a spirit of generosity, grounded in the practicality of a tradition capable of fostering both personal development and deep, integrated alignment.
Contact Saq’ Be’: 505-216-6766, SaqBe1[at]gmail[dot]com
- July 7-17: Personal Consultations – Mayan Astrology, Divination, Healing, Energy Cleansing. $52/ 50min
- July 13: Talk – Maya Healing. Free (Suggested Donation $10)/ 6:00-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe
- July 14 & 15: Workshop – Healing with the Energies of the Cholq’ij Cost: $35/ session; $60/ Series; 5:30-7:30PM. Includes Fire Ceremony (see below). – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe
Healing with the Energies of the Cholq’ij
An evening workshop series
July 14th & 15th, 5:30-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe, NM Cost: $35/ session; $60/ Series
Each participant will work with a problem they are facing at this moment of life. Together we will learn to use the twenty cosmic and telluric energies of the Cholq’ij Calendar to overcome that specific problem. This workshop will teach participants how to use the Maya Calendar to face any future problems that may rise.
Attendees of the workshop are invited to attend a fire ceremony the following day. Details, including location (in Santa Fe), to be shared at the workshop, $10 materials donation suggested.
Public Talk: Maya Healing
Free Talk (Suggested Donation $10)
July 13th, 6:00-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe
Maya culture, with 5,200 years of existence in Mesoamerica and with its close connection to Mother Earth, has accomplished different natural techniques of healing the body, mind, heart, and spirit. These techniques range from the use of plants and herbs, to minerals, steam, flowers, and fire, all combined with the energies of the Calendar of Life (Cholq’ij). Each of these healing techniques is practiced by a specialist. For example, the people who work with plants and herbs are called the Ajqayis, the people who work with the minerals are the Ajab’aj, with the steam the Ajtuj, with flowers the Aj Cotz’ij, and with fire the Ajk’at. During the talk we will speak about these techniques and others like healing with the flint knife, healing through sound and using chants and prayers to lift the spirit of a person who died in an accident.

Lina is completely booked and we are not able to accommodate any more sessions this time.
July 7-17; Appointment must be scheduled. Cost – $52/ 50 minute session
Lina Barrios will be available for consultations in person (at various Santa Fe locations). Please book an appointment early as openings are likely to fill up completely.
Interpretations of Mayan Sign
The Sacred Maya Calendar has 20 energies which are complemented by 13 different numbers or levels. It is the combination of an energy with a number that gives us our personality. According to the Cholq’ij Calendar, each person, depending on their date of birth, has specific talents, strengths and weaknesses. By getting an interpretation of your Maya sign you will understand your energy and learn how to use it to its full potential. You may wish to bring a recording device or take notes during this session.
In the Maya world divination is done with the seeds and stones of the Sacred Pouch. This form of divination is used to give us a guide and a specific answer to questions on situations that are affecting the person in order to help them make a better decision. This type of divination is probably the most ancient one that is still being used.
Energy Cleansing
By using the healing power of the obsidian stone one can heal illnesses or eliminate the negative burdens from our body, heart, spirit and soul in order to become lighter beings and to obtain a better quality of life. When using the obsidian stone together with tobacco smoke ―a plant that is considered sacred to many indigenous peoples from the Americas ― the energy of the person can be lifted and strengthened, developing a protective shield for when a person’s energy is weak so they become less energetically vulnerable to illnesses.
In the Mayan world healings are often done with tobacco, sacred stones and/or oils with the intention of either healing the person completely or helping them feel relief, this depends on the strength of the illness.
The Mayan Fire Ceremony has been practiced for thousands of years; according to the Mayan tradition the first Fire Ceremony was offered by the four B’alaneb’ (semi-god, jaguars) who suggested that every time that we needed to be in contact with god, we could make a Ceremony and he would listen and help us. $10 materials fee, donations welcome.
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The glyph represents a wheel with its axle. It also represents grandfather sun with his energy and the circle symbolizes the law of cause and effect.
Signifies Tojil; the payment; the offering or penalty; it is the fire of the spirit Ajaw (Creator); heart of the heaven, heart of the earth; it is the rain drop; It is the beginning of communication with higher life, nature and the cosmos; it is the balance of justice and love; it is the beginning of communication of the spiritual life; the reunion of people and the sign of the divine power. It is a good day to ask to shed light on occult things; to understand the law of cause and effect; we give payments to worship the sun; to ask for our lives; to calm the instability; to ask that light may reach all of us; so that the warriors may have the force; to do away with torment and suffering; so that we may not have droughts for our crops; to do away with violent accidents; to do away with bad death; to do away with anticipated death; so that we may have the force. It is a day indicated to offer blood to the Tojil; balance and justice, life and hope; day to give Xukulem (Mayan ceremony to be in peace with the Ajaw).
To pay for all that we have received in life – positive or negative; to pay for something that we need which we haven’t received; to do away with bad accumulations; to forgive and be forgiven; to ask for energy; to ask for changes in our destiny; to do away with any illness or problem that we may have.
The glyph represents a perforation upon the earth with the Tixjob, that is used to separate the earth to deposit the seeds and the four seeds that represents the four seeds that represents the four colors of corn and the four races of humanity: red, black, white, yellow.
Q’anil signifies germ; seed; life and creation. Creation of the universe, especially life and Mother Nature. It’s a day to ask for life; the germination of the sacred Maize and everything else that Mother Nature produces. In this sign, the four cardinal points are represented and procreation. Day of human realization and knowledge; symbolizes the four colors of maize existent in Meso-America (red, black, yellow, white). It is also a good day to ask for all things that are initiated so that they are good and strong like work, construction, travels, etc. We also ask to do away with shyness; so that our problems may come to light; so that we may have good children; to do away with arrogance and slander; to do away with plagues on our crops; to do away with talkers and liars; to uncover occult enemies; to clear up the skies; to do away with black magic; and to do away with impotence and frigidness. The day 8 Q’anil is good to plant the beginning of healing, for both and addict or an ill/ sick person, and to give thanks. The day of the pregnant women; to revive sterile earth; fertility of human beings, plants and animals. A good day to ask for what you want: business, crops, travels, love, etc.
To separate the good things from the bad; to plant a project; for a person that is having trouble having babies to get pregnant; so that there may be an abundance of everything; for the development of the children; to have a strong growth in life; to change professions; to initiate a relationship; to do away with shyness so that we may not take other people’s problems; to start any treatment; to do away with plagues on plants; to do away with occult enemies.
The glyph represents a closed hand with opposing fingers; closing off a circuit of energies that charges the four cardinal points which are represented by the four fingers on the right and charged by the opposing finger.
Signifies the deer and the horse; it is the four pillars that sustain the sky and the earth; the force and the powers that charge the destiny of humanity; realization of the physical existence; the food; the power of complementation; the wind that passes; the guardian of the forests. It is a good day to be thankful for life and the process of the gaining power for an Ajq’ij (spiritual guide); grateful for the elements: sun, earth, air, water, life. Signifies the four B’alaneb’ and their respective partners; the four cardinal directions and the four paths. It is a good day to ask for the force and the strength; to ask for positive things; so that we may be in balance with life; so that we may be liberated from talkers and enemies; to help us in our bidding; to dominate the enemy; so that our destiny may be protected; so that is may give us physical and mental agility; to do away with arrogance; to destroy the negative in life and to do away with liars on earth.
To ask for strength and power; so that we may have good relationship with the four elements; to ask for mother earth; to ask that we may not be traitors; to do away with lies; to ask for strength in a job; to give us clarity in life; to ask fro strength; to not be weak; to not be manipulated; so that it may give us equilibrium; to be more generous; to have more love; to free us from gossip; so that we may have good contracts; to have physical agility and to develop in the arts.
The glyph signifies death and it is represented by the closed eyes and the closed mouth with the teeth hanging out. The vertical line represents the cycles of re-incarnation.
This is a special day to have contact with the ancestors; to do away with mortal illnesses; accidents; to ask for protection for travels; to find access to the higher knowledge. On this day, there is communication with the higher beings and there is access to dimensional portals. It is also used to seek advice from the Nawales; so that no harm may come to the community, vision throughout the stones; to give us capacity and tranquility; so that the plants may sprout; so that our instincts may increase; so that we may have internal strength; so that we may be liberated from vices; to finish with bad businesses; to end suffering; to harmonize negative energies; to cut hate, grudges and lower passions. Symbolizes the death; the change in the spiritual state; the beginning the advice; the diviner; the fortune; the instinct; the visionaries; the end; the falling; the sprouting or rebirth.
So that life may support us; to transmute the cycles of life; to do away with bad death and big accidents; to ask for the ancestral wisdom; to ask for good signs; to ask for good advisors and spiritual guides; to end relationships that aren’t beneficial to us; so that we may have nocturnal vision; to ask for protection in the community; to not have sudden death so we can finish our purpose in life; to ask that there may be no wars; to liberate us from any vices; to finish bad businesses.
The glyph signifies the serpent; the drawing on the upper left is what is on the back of the serpent as well as the dots. This is represented in Kukul’Kaan or Qukumatz’.
This is a special day to increase the physical force; to build the internal fire and spiritual evolution; for the return of the lost and forgotten; for the return of a loved one; for the reconciliation of the couples; to ask for the couples; for the sexual balance; the justice; the truth; the intelligence and the peace. This day is also good to ask for the equilibrium in life; so that we may be free of anger; to be grateful of truth and justice; to heal illness of the nervous system; to do away with economic problems; to ask for the integrity of the community; to ask for the wisdom of all spiritual students; and to ask for the continuation of the tradition and the Mayan ceremony. It is the energy of the knowledge transmuted into wisdom; it is the strength; it is the serpent power; the space energy; the wisdom of the elders; it is the sexual magic. It is the DNA; the orbits of the planets; and it is the spiral of evolution.
To ask for the energy; to ask that the knowledge may transmute to wisdom; fortitude; for serenity; patience; so that the ancestral knowledge may return; to ask for the couples; so that we may have an equilibrium in life; to do away with anger; so that truth may come to light; to do away with illnesses of the nerves and of the vertebrae of the spinal column.