All posts by Adam Rubel

Adam is a founder of Saq' Be'. Having first met some of the Maya elders in 1998, he has been blessed with the opportunity to spend time with communities and bearers of living lineages in Guatemala as well as other regions of the Americas. Adam is fortunate to be able to commit his life's work to opening opportunities for greater eco-social-spiritual benefit, integration and realization.

Please Consider Supporting Saq’ Be’ this Giving Tuesday

Please consider donating to Saq’ Be’ this giving Tuesday!

We appreciate each one of you for the way you continue to send us encouragement, to engage with and keep the essence of the lineages we work with alive and vital, both through your recognition and valuing of the teachings in your life and in the support that nourishes the very roots of these traditions.  Saq’ Be’ has been very busy behind the scenes this year, from launching our apprenticeship program, thanks in part to the generous support of the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange and our supporters, to work with supporting the healing traditions in the Ecuadorian Amazon, and emergency funding to aid elders facing health struggles and those that wish to gather with the next generations of lineage keepers. Additionally we continue to publish the Daily Ch’umil, thanks to the efforts of Denise Barrios, collect articles and videos for presentation, and support Denise’s Journeys to the Homelands.  Be on the lookout, as we will even be providing an update to our website soon! While Saq’ Be’ has always operated on a volunteer basis, the expansion of our programmatic offerings does incur additional operating expenses. It is your support and generosity that makes this possible.  We know many organizations are worthy of your support on this Giving Tuesday, but we ask that you please consider Saq’ Be’ amongst them, that your financial gift may be transformed into the food that nourishes the work of Saq’ Be’ and the flourishing of these living lineages in the ways we are called to serve.  You can donate online, or contact us for other ways.  For the past 23 years, Saq’ Be’ has been a tax-exempt organization.

With deep gratitude!

KAB’LAJUJ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjAj symbolizes the energetic foundations that strengthen our being and our reality. Its energy sustains and gives structure to our body, which is the temple and altar of our spirit, that sacred space that allows our evolution in this existence. Aj is our spiritual power and strength. The number Kab’lajuj (12) connects us to the cosmic and subtle planes, it opens our consciousness and elevates our being.

This day invites us to become aware of all that we are, not only physically but also energetically. Today Kab’lajuj Aj reminds us of the importance of taking care of our whole being, of working on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, as each of these aspects are pillars that hold us and give us strength. Let us learn to pay attention to our body and its natural rhythms, let us breathe and become aware of our being, let us listen to what it tells us in order to follow its harmonic rhythm.
Aj simboliza los cimientos energéticos que fortalecen nuestro ser y nuestra realidad. Su energía sostiene y da estructura a nuestro cuerpo, que es el templo y altar de nuestro espíritu, ese espacio sagrado que permite nuestra evolución en esta existencia. Aj es nuestro poder y fortaleza espiritual. El número Kab’lajuj (12) nos conecta a los planos cósmicos y sutiles, abre nuestra consciencia y eleva nuestro ser.

Este día nos invita a tomar consciencia de todo lo que somos, no solo físicamente sino energéticamente. Hoy Kab’lajuj Aj nos recuerda la importancia de cuidar nuestro ser completo, de trabajar en nuestro bienestar físico, mental, emocional y espiritual, pues cada uno de estos aspectos son pilares que nos sostienen y dan fuerza. Aprendamos a escuchar a nuestro cuerpo y sus ritmos naturales, respiremos y tomemos consciencia de nuestro ser, escuchemos lo que nos dice para poder seguir así su ritmo armónico.

October 2023 Eclipse Journey to Guatemala

This is another tremendous opportunity to join Denise Barrios for a journey in Maya Lands
We invite you to embark on a unique life-changing experience of spiritual expansion, during which you will explore your Inner Universe in connection to energetic portals of the Cosmos and Earth.
This 7-day journey will be an incredible and transformative experience. With the magic and guidance of Elders and traditional Wisdom Keepers, you will connect with yourself and your life purpose through the power and strength created by the Annular Solar Eclipse, strengthened by the pyramids and energies that move in the ancestral cities of the Mayan land.

KAB’LAJUJ AJPU ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjpuMay our gratitude today be expressed through sharing the light of our being. On this day the number 12 reminds us that although the work is individual, the magic is found in sharing, for we are part of all that exists. Let us choose today to be the light that illuminates other paths, let us remember that the light of our inner self shines brighter if we allow it to expand.

Ajpu is the force of Grandfather Sun, it is illumination and vital energy. Its power impels us to evolve in each plane of existence in order to ignite our own inner light. This Ch’umil marks the opening of new cycles and provokes changes, the Oxlajuj B’ak’tun, the cycle that opened a new era for humanity, began under its energy. Ajpu is then the transition, it is the power that allows us to renew and evolve, which gives us the strength, determination, and clarity to go through the cycles of our own existence, to channel our destiny based on the experiences we have lived. It is the energy of the diviner and the hunter, the dancer and flute player, the heir to the power of light and spiritual warrior who possesses the clarity and certainty to connect with his consciousness and radiate his inner light. This Ch’umil transmits us the wisdom we need to overcome any negative energy, to succeed by being connected to our inner power and spirituality. Number 12 brings the energy of community and sharing,it is a force that allows us to harmonize our relationships.

Que nuestro agradecimiento hoy se exprese a través de compartir la luz de nuestro ser. Hoy el número 12 nos recuerda que aunque el trabajo es individual, la magia la encontramos en compartir, pues somos parte de todo lo que existe. Escojamos hoy ser la luz que ilumina otros caminos, recordemos que el brillo de nuestro interior se ilumina más si permitimos que se expanda.

Ajpu es la fuerza del Abuelo Sol, es iluminación y energía vital. Su poder nos impele a evolucionar en cada plano de existencia para poder así encender nuestra propia luz interior. Este Ch’umil marca la apertura de nuevos ciclos y provoca cambios, bajo su energía inició el Oxlajuj B’ak’tun, el ciclo que abrió una nueva era para la humanidad. Ajpu es entonces la transición, el poder que nos permite renovarnos y evolucionar, que nos otorga la fortaleza, determinación y claridad para transitar los ciclos de nuestra propia existencia, para encauzar nuestro destino apoyados en las experiencias que hemos vivido. Es la energía del adivino y el cazador, el danzante y flautista, es el heredero del poder de la luz, el guerrero espiritual que posee la claridad y certeza para conectar con la consciencia e irradiar su luz interior. Este Ch’umil nos transmite la sabiduría y poder que necesitamos para vencer cualquier energía negativa, para triunfar al estar conectados con nuestro poder interior y espiritualidad. El número 12 trae la energía de la comunidad y el compartir, es una fuerza que nos permite armonizar nuestras relaciones.

2 Spaces Left: Jan-Feb. Journey to Guatemala

This January 27 the paths will open for you to embark on a 10-day spiritual retreat in Guatemala which will be filled with the wisdom and healing of the ancestral Mayas.

This journey through the heart of the Maya world will be traveled in synchrony with the energies of the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar, which will lead you to enter into profound contact with your being and to heal and empower yourself in a holistic way —physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual,—  using the energies that are available as a tool that helps you find your transformation, connection, and the awakening of your power. Along the way, you will meet and walk together with different Mayan spiritual guides, Tatas and Nanas, who will accompany your journey through their ancestral medicine of tobacco, meditation, ceremony, cacao, Tz’ite, sound, and other practices.

Denise Barrios and Andy Rocca, who will be your guides throughout the whole trip, have been walking the Maya and ancestral paths for several decades and through their own personal healing and transformational processes, they have outlined a journey that will bring you to powerful energetic places, sacred altars, profound medicines, and to meet great wise men and women, heirs to the ancestral wisdom of the Mayas.

The spiritual retreat will take place in Guatemala from January 27 to February 5. You can contact Denise via whatsapp or email for more information or to book your space:

+502 3097-5131 |

***Please do keep in mind that there are only two spaces left.

Click to Download Journey PDF

Saq’ Be’ & CSEE Live Discussion: November 29th, 2022

How can we support living lineages to remain vital in this modern era?

On November 29th, 2022, we had a live online presentation, hosted by Chris Casillas of the Center for Shamanic Education and Exchange (CSEE).  Denise Barrios and Adam Rubel of Saq’ Be’ were be present to share some background on the Maya cosmogony, understanding of the Maya calendars including the sacred Cholq’ij, and the journey that has enabled these lineages to remain vital up to this current day.  We will also learned about an exciting new partnership with CSEE, where Saq’ Be’ is preparing to launch an apprenticeship program to nourish the lineages within communities, including developing the next generation of wisdom keepers while honoring and bringing alive the wisdom of elders. We heard about an opportunity to join with one of the few remaining openings for an upcoming journey to Guatemala in January. Finally, Denise and Adam answered questions related to the topics presented. You can view the event recording below.



Denise Barrios will be leading a spiritual retreat in Guatemala from January 27 to February 5th.  This will be an incredible adventure and immersion in Maya spirituality in the homeland of the tradition, experienced with incredible guides and with many sacred teachings, ceremonies and places. As always, these programs continue to provide direct support to the lineages and communities that we are able to experience. Please see the attached document for more details. Please contact us to ask questions, learn more, and book your space: +502 30975131 – IG: @maya.ukux | @andyrocca


Following the footsteps of the ancestral elders, we will immerse in a ten-day transformational journey during which we will focus on ourselves, being beautifully led by wise and healing spiritual guides who will support us in our process of transformation and development.

This journey through the Heart of the Mayan world will be traveled in synchrony with the energies of the Sacred Calendar, as our intention is to share with you from a place of authenticity the profound wisdom of our ancestors so that it may lead you to enter into deep contact with your being and to harmonize yourself in an integral way —physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual,— using the energies that are available as the tool that helps you find your healing, transformation, connection, and the awakening of your power.

This retreat will begin on the day of Jun (1) Toj in the Sacred Mayan Calendar. The energy of Toj will open a 13-day cycle of healing and transformation that, together with the other energies that influence each day, will guide and help us during the days that we will be traversing through its energy our processes of healing and transformation. With this purpose in our hearts, we will walk together with different Mayan spiritual guides, Tatas and Nanas, who will accompany our journey with their ancestral medicine of the temazcal (Mayan sweat lodge), tobacco, massages, meditations, ceremonies, cacao, and other different practices. Andy Rocca and Denise Barrios, who will be your guides throughout the trip, have been walking the Maya and ancestral paths for many years and through their own personal healing and transformation processes, they have outlined a journey that will also bring you to powerful energetic places, sacred altars, and to meet great wise men and women, heirs to the ancestral wisdom of the Mayas.

Our invitation is for you to embark on this ancestral life-changing experience charged with lots of medicine, gifting yourself a time of connection with your soul while being guided and accompanied in your process by the wise Mayan people of Guatemala, the Heart of the Mayan World.

Please contact us to ask questions, learn more, and book your space: +502 30975131 – IG: @maya.ukux | @andyroccas




Journey to the transformation of the self 2022

September Workshops with Denise Barrios in McCall, Idaho

This is a tremendous opportunity to spend time in person with the wonderful Denise Barrios for a pair of weekend workshops in the US.  Denise will be sharing profound teachings from the Maya lineages she has been immersed in all her life.  Set in a beautiful location, these workshops are an opportunity to deepen your connection to the tradition and to experience the healing energies and power of ceremonies and practices.  As always, these programs continue to provide direct support to the lineages and communities that we are able to experience.

Please contact us to ask questions, learn more, and make your reservation: | +1 203 524 8556


September 9-11: Igniting your Inner Fire

In this three-day workshop, we will dive into an exploration of the twenty Sacred Energies of the Mayan Calendar, called Ch’umil. We will work with our personal energy and will interact with the other energies through meditation, the Sacred Fire, our creativity, and through our interaction with Mother Earth and each other.  We’ll also introduce you to the Mayan worldview and deities, sharing their stories. We will speak about the power of the fire ceremony, the history behind the materials used, and how to collect them. We will incorporate the natural world around us as our classroom, and provide opportunities for you to use your artistic creativity.

September 16-18: Opening the Portals of Energy

In this three-day workshop, we will explore the way in which the twenty energies of the Mayan Sacred Calendar, Cholq’ij, manifest and affect the twenty portals of energy in our body. We will learn techniques for unblocking our energy to facilitate health and wellbeing. We’ll learn about the use of crystals (if you have some of your own, please feel free to bring them with you!) We will also explore the unique map of energies in our body so that they help our processes of healing. At the end of the workshop, we will make an offering of gratefulness through a Sacred Fire Ceremony in which we will ask for the sacred, ancient energies of the Cholq’ij to open up our paths in life, to bring healing, balance, and harmony to our lives.

Denise is an Ajq’ij, timekeeper and Mayan Spiritual Guide, and the author of  “The Mayan Count of the Days”, a Journal of the Energies of the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar. Denise is the daughter of Carlos Barrios and was his translator for many years when he visited the US to share the Mayan worldview and the wisdom of the sacred calendar. Through her father, Denise met Blake Sherlock, an amazing human being and artist. The three of them became great friends. Denise and Blake have traversed together not only the death of her father, but the rebirth of their spirituality, they have been fortunate to be able to accompany each other on their individual spiritual paths and for the last two years they have been able to travel in Guatemala together to meet with elders, to gather more learnings, and share around the offering of Sacred Fire.

Workshop and Activity schedule each weekend:

Friday 5-9 pm

Saturday 9 am–4 pm

Sunday 9 am–1 pm

All activities take place at Blake’s family home on Lake Payette in McCall. Blake’s home is nestled amongst giant Ponderosas, Douglas Fir, and Tamarack trees. There’s lots of nice walking and hiking, and you can swim in the lake. There are some hot springs nearby and plenty of outdoor activities nearby should you decide to make a longer trip out of it. There will be time for exploring on your own and eating out in McCall as well. We will also be available for private sessions on Maya Chart Readings and Energy Unblocking.

Please contact us to ask questions, learn more, and make your reservation: | +1 203 524 8556

WAJXAQIB’ B’ATZ’ – Happy Cholq’ij New Year!

Nawal B'atz'When the 20 days were created the Chilam B’alam says: “And they tested each other (the days) and said: «Thirteen and seven in group», with them the month was born. They said that for their word to arise where there was none before, when the first God, the Sun, asked for their origin. The instrument of their voice was not yet opened so that they could speak to one another. And they went in the middle of the sky and they held hands to unite with each other. And then it was said in the middle of the Earth «Be open!»”

This day we celebrate the beginning of a new cycle according to the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar. Today Fire Ceremonies are offered to invoke the energies of the 260 Ch’umial, to harmonize our essence with each of them and to walk in synchronicity with each of these manifestations that impel us in our growth and guide us in our path towards realization. Let’s light a ceremonial fire or some candles to connect and join to the energy of all the fires that are lit in each of the Sacred Altars of the Maya area.

Today we thank Chuchqajaw, Father and Mother of the Universe. The 4 B’alameb’, the great grandfathers guardians of the 4 corners and the 4 elements; B’alam Ki’tze’, B’alam Aq’ab’, Majuk’utaj B’alam e Ik’i B’alam. The 4 great grandmothers guardians of the 4 corners and the 4 elements; Kaja Paluna, Chomija, Tz’ununija’ y Kaqixaja’. The Creator, Maker, Doer, and Giver of Life; B’itol, Tz’aqol, Alom, K’ajolom. The first grandfathers, great diviners and creators of the present humanity, Ixmukane e Xpiyakok. The Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth, Uk’ux Kaj and Uk’ux Ulew. All the divine manifestations and Mother Earth, we thank all those energies for our life, for the opportunity we have to exist, for receiving this new cycle that begins today. For this, Maltyox, three times thank you. Our offering should be focused in thanking and asking for our future and the future of humanity.

8 B’at’z in Pascual Abaj, Chichicastenango, Guatemala 2002

Happy Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’, may this new cycle bring abundance and balance in the four planes, may the paths to realization and freedom open for all.
Al estar creados los 20 días el Chilam B’alam dice: “Y entonces fueron a probarse unos a otros (los días) y dijeron así: «Trece y siete en un grupo», con ellos nació el mes. Esto dijeron para que saliera su palabra donde no la había, cuando el primer Dios, el Sol, les preguntara su origen. No se les había abierto el instrumento de su voz para que pudieran hablarse unos a otros. Y fueron en medio del cielo y se tomaron de las manos para unirse unos con los otros. Y entonces se dijo en medio de la tierra: «¡Sean abiertos!»”

Este día celebramos el comienzo de un nuevo ciclo de acuerdo al Calendario Sagrado Cholq’ij. Hoy se ofrendan Ceremonias de Fuego para invocar las energías de los 260 Ch’umilal, para armonizarnos con la esencia de cada una de estas ellas y caminar en sincronía con estas manifestaciones que nos impulsan en nuestro crecimiento y nos guían en nuestro camino hacia la realización. Encendamos un fuego ceremonial o algunas velas para conectarnos y unirnos a la energía de todos los fuegos que se encienden en cada uno de los altares Sagrados del área Maya.

8 B’at’z in Pascual Abaj, Chichicastenango, Guatemala 2002

Hoy agradecemos a Chuchqajaw, Padre y Madre del Universo. A los 4 B’alameb’, grandes abuelos guardianes de las 4 esquinas y de los 4 elementos; B’alam Ki’tze’, B’alam Aq’ab’, Majuk’utaj B’alam e Ik’i B’alam. A las 4 grandes abuelas, guardianas de las 4 esquinas y los 4 elementos; Kaja Paluna, Chomija, Tz’ununija’ y Kaqixaja’. Al Creador, Formador, Hacedor y Dador de Vida; B’itol, Tz’aqol, Alom, K’ajolom. A los primeros abuelos, grandes adivinos y creadores de la presente humanidad Ixmukane e Xpiyakok. Al Corazón del Cielo y Corazón de la Tierra, Uk’ux Kaj y Uk’ux Ulew. A todas las manifestaciones divinas, a la Madre Tierra, a todas estas energías agradecemos por nuestra vida, por la oportunidad que tenemos de existir, de recibir este nuevo ciclo que hoy comienza. Por eso Maltyox, tres veces gracias. Nuestra ofrenda debe ir enfocada a agradecer, a pedir por nuestro futuro y por el futuro de la humanidad.

Feliz Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’, que este nuevo ciclo traiga abundancia y equilibrio en los cuatro planos, que se abran para cada uno los caminos hacia la realización y la libertad.