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The glyph signifies the heart of the planet, the reproductive part of the feminine, the face of a jaguar, the print of a jaguar and the points of this map of the world.

I’x signifies the jaguar and the tiger, the female energy and the feline energy. It represents the Mayan altar, or the Tabal; the intelligence of the four B’alaneb’; the mother earth; the seven guacamayas; a high level of developed consciousness; spirit protector of the planes and the mountains. I’x signifies the creative forces of the universe. This day is utilized to ask for the life of the animals, for the health, for the spiritual power, for the force and energy, for the women that surround us, for the protection of Mother Nature, to thank the earth for our sustenance. This day brings a special force to change negative aspects. It is a day to retreat, meditate, and re-plan life; to formulate new strategies and resolve problems. It is the day of magic and of the management of the occult forces. It is the day of fertility related to the feminine sex – be it person, animal or plant. The energy of the day is related to sensibility. It is a good day to establish good relations based on clarity. It favors the investigations and it brings good doses of intuition. It is a day to apply scientific techniques of magic, especially favors divination. Out of all of the signs, this is the one that mostly expands our minds, to give us the force, to reach the highest levels of consciousness. The psychic abilities and powers are benefited from this day. It also gives an excellent power to the mind, next to firmness and astuteness. It benefits the highest levels of mysticism.

To ask for the path of the animals both domestic and wild. It is a good day to ask for the force; The vigor; The wisdom of the four balaneb (the four guardians of the four corners of the universe); The spiritual energy; Astuteness in life; That we may not have drastic changes; To block the negative energies; To liberate ourselves or someone else of vices; To cut negative energies.



The vertical lines signify the superior stalks that don’t reach the end. This represents the development of the spiritual process and the sacred interconnectedness. The horizontal line represents the multiplication and the horizon.


Aj symbolizes the corn field or the garden; everything that is related to the home and the family. It signifies abundance, unity, power the seven virtues (fire, water, air, earth, heart of the heavens, heart of the earth, the center) of the divine power; clairvoyance, sacred words; love to humanity; telepathy; signs in the body; unexpected dreams, knowledge of the sacred sex; development of the serpent of fire and power. Aj is a day for the protection of the home; for animals and plants; proportions good timing; it gives great fruits and harvest. Energy that brings the resurrection; the return to the home; Sign of life; re-establishment of nature; to harmonize with others. It is the triumph of life over death. The firmness and the conviction. It is the sign of communication. It is the pillar that connects the cosmic and telluric energy. It activates the forces that makes the heroic acts. It proportions leadership. It cultivates the knowledge of the human nature developed through communal work. Personifies integrity, honesty and strictness. It is the mother of confidentiality and the purity. It is characteristics of the cosmic expansion. It is the sign that embarks ethics, prudence and morality. It brings simplicity and the justice for the order of the existence and harmony of life. It is a sign of prestige and status. It brings the energy to excel and reach perfection in all acts.

Ask for protection for the home, the animals and the plants. It is a day to ask for the good timing and to ask for triumph over the negative. To ask for the resurrection of nature, for the purification of the environment, for the harmony, for our sacred space. To ask that our energies may be renewed. To ask that a person may comply with their obligations. To not have difficulties in gatherings. To give firmness to our purpose; So that others may understand and respect our path. It is a good day to ask that humanity may not be destroyed.



The glyph signifies: on the upper right side are the ears which signify the path; the curves and the points are the stones placed on the side of the path. It has as special characteristic that is always represented with a flat nose that represent the steps on a stairway.

The development of history is Bat’z and the finish is on Tz’i, but the one that gives force, energy and action for it to be realized is E. This is the best day to initiate or conduct any type of business. It is a special day to sign contracts as well as a very auspicious day for traveling, be it short or long. E symbolizes the path of destiny, which means more of the path than you are able to see with your eyes; because it is the path of life, the guide, the one that takes us to a precise objective point. It is the aspect in life where we find the realization in all situations, aspects and manifestations of life. E is the force, the potential and energy a person has to start a trip, a job, an assignment and everything that has to do with human realization. It is the one that indicates the middle, the form and the condition of the march of life. This sign is the energy of action and this energy acquires experiences opening paths. This is also a day to ask for the health, to initiate a project, to ask for those that live abroad or far from their homes.

It is a good day to ask for: Good business; So that life may give us a good path; To plan or initiate long travels; For the benefit of the community; To initiate a business; To ask that a pact may come to fruition; Contracts; Employment; So that it may give us a good spiritual path. Good day to ask for the ones living away from home or in other cities. To ask for Guidance about our destiny; So that new opportunities may open up. So that we may be free of accidents; so that we may be free of bad business dealings. To ask for good opportunities. Good day to be grateful for occupations, for work and for the well being of our physical and mental health.




The glyph signifies: the top is a cone which has time rolled up in and becomes uncoiled towards the bottom and reaches the globe of the earth passing through the angles that are both polarities, the masculine and the feminine.

This is the first day of the Mayan calendar. B’atz’ is the start, the beginning, the time; it is the day of the perpetual ceremonies and customs of our ancestors. This day is utilized to effect matrimonial and business ties, it’s a good day to bring things into order or to initiate any plans. It is a good day to ask for: predictions, protection for the artist, well being for the crops, to resolve any family problems. This is the day of the time; it is the day of creation of life and the beginning of intelligence. B’atz’ predicts the future; it is the history that is weaved into time, just like with a thread you weave a dress. It is the human gestation time for a child, it represents the umbilical cord. It is the beginning of life, of the infinite time, of the intelligence and wisdom. It symbolizes the cosmic phenomena, the original wisdom. It represents the infinite time and the unity, through this the man and woman are united and from this originates matrimony. Before the Mayas found the thread they used the palm (tree) (pop) to weave. This is the reason why it is called “Pop” the history written in the POP WUJ (sacred book with quiche origin). In the vegetation B’atz’ is symbolized with plants that climb. On the day Wajxaqib’ B’atz’ (8 B’atz’), the Mayan new year is celebrated as it corresponds to the thread of time that has once more rolled up our mother earth. Belejeb B’atz’ (9 B’atz’), is the day of the woman, of nature in it’s entirety. B’atz’ symbolizes the life of the human being, the possibility of lasting until the flame burns down or the thread is cut.

To ask for a job, to do projects, for engagements or matrimonial ties, to reinforce matrimonies and the societies; for all nature; to ask for things to be in order; to make plans; to protect the artist; help the dancers, musicians; gives grace in the dance; contract signatures; to resolve family matters; initiate any activity; to initiate treatments.