Category Archives: Stories

The wisdom of ancient, living traditions – kept alive through stories, ceremonies and other practices – can foster our personal and collective development. These lineages of wisdom provide guidance for discovering our deepest purpose and developing a more balanced relationship to each other, our environment and our universe – moving us towards unleashing our collective potential. By reading, listening, and participating we are helping these traditions to grow and evolve as they move beyond the people and places from which they originate. It is with much gratitude and respect that Saq’ Be’ is pleased to present the stories, teachings and wisdom from those that have stepped forward to share them with the world.

We also maintain an archive of stories that featured time-bound content, but still hold timeless wisdom.

Tz’apiq’ij 2025

As we prepare to cross the threshold into a new Haab’ cycle, we can turn to the wisdom of the great ancestral elders, who spoke of the importance of pausing, observing the rhythm of our lives, reconnecting with our essence, clearing the path of what weighs us down, and setting intentions for what we seek to manifest. The Haab’, the calendar that marks the Solar Cycle, gifts us its final five-day month, Tz’apiq’ij (Wayeb’ in Yucatec Maya), as a space for this purpose.

This 365-day calendar, composed of eighteen months of twenty days each plus the five-day month of Tz’apiq’ij, not only offers us this time for reflection but also reveals the Mam—Year Bearer—, the guiding energy that holds the Haab’ cycle.

The Maya count of time is so precise that the first day of Tz’apiq’ij begins under the star of the Ch’umil that has carried the Haab’ cycle to its completion. This time, Ajaw No’j, the Mam who has held this cycle and will soon pass its purpose to Ajaw Iq’, the new guide and carrier of the year, also opens this sacred five-day period, inviting us to reflect on the lessons that the year and Mam No’j have gifted us with.

These days of Ta’zpiq’ij offer a moment to turn inward, to engage in practices that lead us to reflection, stillness, and contemplation, bringing clarity. It is a time to recognize our path, see how far we have come, and align our intentions with what we seek to manifest. It is not just about asking ourselves what we wish to achieve but about tracing the path we want to walk in this new year.

This is also a time to give thanks for the experiences we have had, the lessons we have received, and the growth we have undergone. It is a moment to release and forgive what no longer serves us while also honoring and holding onto what strengthens us. During this Tz’apiq’ij, let us pay attention to dreams, to the messages that flow, and to the guidance of the energies as we close one cycle with awareness and step with a light heart into the next.

This period of inner cleansing can also extend to our surroundings—clearing our spaces and letting go of what we no longer need. It is a time to be fully conscious of what we consume in every sense—what we eat, what we take in, and what we allow to surround us. May this time help us recognize what truly nourishes us.



Ahora que estamos por cruzar el umbral hacia un nuevo ciclo Haab’, podemos recordar esa enseñanza de los grandes abuelos ancestrales que nos habla de la importancia de saber pausar, observar el ritmo de nuestra vida, conectar con nuestro ser, limpiar nuestro camino de aquello que nos carga y nos estanca y trazar los objetivos que estamos buscando alcanzar a través de nuestra existencia. El Haab’, que es el calendario que marca el Ciclo Solar, nos regala a través de su último mes de cinco días llamado Tz’apiq’ij (Wayeb’ en maya yucateco) el espacio para dedicarnos a esta intención.


Este calendario de 365 días, que está compuesto por dieciocho meses de veinte días cada uno, mas el mes Tz’apiq’ij de cinco días, no solo es quien nos da ese espacio para la reflexión, sino que es también el calendario que nos dice cuál será el Mam—Cargador del Año, que es la energía que guía o carga cada ciclo de 365 Haab’.


El conteo del tiempo Maya es tan perfecto que el primer día del Tz’apiq’ij inicia bajo la estrella del Ch’umil que ha sostenido el ciclo Haab’ que está por finalizar. En esta ocasión, Ajaw No’j, el Mam que ahora está por entregar su propósito a Ajaw Iq’ como guía y sostén del año, es también quien abre este pequeño periodo de cinco días que nos permite conectar con los aprendizajes que este año y este Mam No’j nos han legado.

Estos días de Ta’zpiq’ij son un espacio para estar con nosotros mismos, un tiempo para realizar prácticas que nos conduzcan a la reflexión, la quietud y la contemplación, para encontrar claridad. Es el momento de reconocer nuestro camino, ver hacia dónde hemos avanzado y alinear nuestras intenciones con lo que queremos manifestar. No se trata solo de preguntarnos qué buscamos alcanzar, sino de trazar el sendero que queremos recorrer en este nuevo año.

Es un tiempo para agradecer lo vivido, honrar las lecciones, saber soltar y perdonar lo que no colabora con nuestro ser, pero también saber sostener lo que hemos recibido y nos fortalece. En este Tz’apiqij, prestemos atención a los sueños, a los mensajes que fluyen, a la guía que nos ofrecen las energías para cerrar con consciencia el ciclo que termina y abrir con liviandad el que comienza.

Este período de limpieza del ser también puede ir acompañado de una limpieza en nuestros espacios, dejando ir lo que ya no necesitamos. Es un tiempo para estar conscientes de aquello que consumimos en todo sentido: en la alimentación, en lo que observamos, en lo que nos rodea. Que este tiempo nos ayude a reconocer lo que verdaderamente nos nutre.


MAYA ZENITH SUN RETREAT – Discover the Traditional Maya Wisdom

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to witness the Zenith Sun, one of the most important cosmic events for the Maya Cosmovision! We are so excited to host this 7-day retreat that will take place on the sacred land of the Itza Maya People in Peten, Guatemala from May 5 to May 11, 2024. We invite you to join us on this magical journey where you will witness a plethora of breathtaking sights, as well as be immersed in the power of the jungle and pyramids of the ancient Maya land. This is truly the perfect setting to connect to the rich heritage that our elders have left us with, and which we are now sharing with the utmost respect for the tradition. You will work with traditional spiritual practices, the healing of nature, and the profound knowledge of Maya spiritual guides.

For us, it is important to give people a space for profound healing and personal attention, which is why we are only taking 10 spots and currently only have 8 spaces left!

We will have a USD $100 discount if you sign up before November 13.


If you have any questions please get in touch at +502 30975131or You can also check our full itinerary on our website

Let us walk together in this powerful journey and allow the light and energy of the Sun as it passes through the Zenith to empower us.

Zenith Sun Retreat

Maya Day of the Dead

Maya Dia de Los Muertos
Cemetary on Dia de los Muertos

One of the pillars of traditional Maya spirituality is that of paying homage to the memory of our ancestors through our ceremonies, prayers, and rituals, as we understand the importance of the roads they walked before us and the power of their heritage, guidance, and wisdom in the path that we are traversing together as a lineage.

We acknowledge how essential and powerful it is that our ancestors remain present in our spirituality and in our hearts, and while we are grateful for and honor our Elders each day, we also have a special time to remember them. This time is the days of November 1st and 2nd, which is when we celebrate the memory of those who left this dimension before us.

Although these dates coincide with the Catholic celebrations of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day, which is somewhat related to the religious syncretism that took place after the Spanish invasion of America, the Maya Elders tell us that the true importance of these dates lies in the Heart of the Sky. During these days there is a subtle line in which the realities of this world and the world of those who have passed touch, this energetic portal that connects us with the other dimension is opened by the Nadir passage of the Sun. During the Nadir the Sun is directly below us, shining over our ancestors and bringing us closer to them.

The Nadir and the Zenith passages of the Sun —during the Zenith the Sun is directly overhead—, are complementary astronomical events that connect us with the Heart of the Earth and the Heart of the Sky, with the realms and dimensions of above and below.

On this moment of Nadir, let us honor our ancestral Grandfathers and Grandmothers. Let us remember that we come from a long lineage of ancestors and that their accomplishments, struggles, and evolution have been passed down to us as a legacy for our lives. We are influenced by all the ancestors that came before us, which is why reminiscing their memory, their value, celebrating them and being aware that their existence is part of our origin, of our destiny, also helps us to come closer to our own purpose in life.

Today and tomorrow let us have them present in our altar, let us light candles on their memory, let us feed their souls and share with them, connect to their energy, wisdom, and essence. Let us thank them for their heritage, and let us say a prayer to honor them, to remember that a great part of who we are, a great part of our being, exists thanks to them.

“Oh Great Grandfathers and Grandmothers, great ancestors who have preceded us in this reality, in this day in which your presence is stronger we want to honor and remember you, we want to thank your legacy, your guide, and your protection. Our heart calls you so that your heartbeats attune with ours; we are your descendants, the seeds that you planted, the offspring that succeed you in the transit through this reality to carry on with the process of healing and growth of your legacy, for this we give thanks. Your consciousness has influenced the lineage of which we are a part, your achievements and shortcomings have brought us to this moment and for this, we ask that together we can move forward to fulfill the destiny that was outlined at the beginning of Creation. We ask your guidance to fulfill our individual life’s purpose and the destiny that we share as a lineage. We give thanks for your existence, your heritage, and your energy in our lives. We honor the life of each and every one of you and for it, we give thanks, three times we give thanks.”





In Maya Cosmovision, the Sun and the Moon exert a strong influence on the life of beings. Both stars are considered to be energies of creation, supernatural forces that are essential for life. They symbolize a manifestation of the Sacred.

We must have an awareness of certain cycles that exist for life to continue on Earth, as we rely on nature to survive. This understanding, which has been gathered gradually through time since the dawn of civilization, has evolved into a body of knowledge regarding the movement of specific stars and their relationship to human fate. For the Maya, understanding these natural events and their order was more than a scientific thought, it was a spiritual approach: the divine and human worlds were inextricably intertwined and the actions of one reverted on the other. Astronomy was never an abstract science among the Maya; rather, it was the study of the relationships between celestial beings that influence human existence, allowing them to know, predict, and eventually change the effects of the universe on humans.

The vast majority of our knowledge regarding the astronomical calculations of the ancient Maya, which served as the foundation for their complex calendars, comes from writings carved on monuments or recorded in codices. Of all the people, the Maya were perhaps the most intrigued by time, having records of it written on nearly every stele, lintel, stairway, frieze, or panel. Every significant event, whether natural or human, was documented.

Since pre-Hispanic times, the wise sages calculated the dates of a solar eclipse with exceptional precision, although the telescope and all the equipment needed for close observation had not yet been developed.  Evidence of this can be found in the Maya Codex that is in Dresden in what is known as the eclipse tables, which indicate that they knew when an eclipse would occur even if it were not visible in the Maya area. At the same time, they placed great importance on other cosmic phenomena such as the passage of the Sun through the Zenith, the Equinoxes and Solstices, and the movement of celestial bodies such as the Pleiades, Venus, and Mars, among others, as these events mark the beginning or end of a cycle, generating effects on the planet and our being. Thus, in addition to being a time marker, the Sacred Calendar was used by the sages to forecast health, births, harvests, life purpose, and marriages, among other things.

The ancient Maya viewed eclipses as the union of the Sun and Moon. The oral tradition relates that this is a moment when we celebrate the coming together of the Heroe Twins Junajpu and Xb’alamke, who became the Sun and Moon upon overcoming the trials of Xib’alb’a. It is at this point that they come together, reminding us of the importance of remembering that we are all part of Uk’u’x Kaj and Uk’u’x Ulew, the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth. That we all share and are the convergence of these cosmic and telluric forces and that we are all in the process of walking our own cycles, of working with our dual nature, which is nothing more than our completeness. That by releasing and integrating, we come closer to becoming the being of light that each one of us is, thus developing our evolutionary potential.

Elder Isidro, one of the guides of our teacher, Carlos Barrios, shared through his stories that Eclipses are a space of union between the solar and the lunar in which the confluence of Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon generates a great force that opens energetic portals. Tata Isidro said that his teachers had transmitted to him the significance of a Solar Eclipse because this event, which is not frequently visible in the same location, creates a window of darkness that allows us to release those things that no longer strengthen us, enabling our light to shine brighter.

We can also find prophecies relating to eclipses in the Book of Chilam Balam: “… as the 13 Ahau is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet and coincide; it will be the night and at the same time the dawn of the Oxlajuj Tiku’ (cycle of positive energy)…”

“Our attention must be focused on achieving our intentions, in particular those of humankind, as in these times we have reached the point of experiencing transcendent changes, hence, we must strive for this purpose. As Humanity and Mother Earth, this is a time for us to fulfill our purpose of existence, and this is precisely what we are witnessing, for this reason, meditating, concentrating, connecting with the great grandmother stars, lighting candles, and doing our own ritual is both an individual and a collective action. Consequently, we should focus our attention on doing a concentration exercise to balance the energies that may arise from this moment, any spiritual practice we undertake should include and be channeled towards this purpose.” -Tata Carlos Barrios

May the guidance of the wise Elders inspire us to open ourselves to that communication with the Universe and the Earth, to reconnect with those important moments that mark a rebirth, that lead us to our care, personal growth, and evolutionary development.

Andy Rocca & Denise Barrios

We suggest that you do not use this energy to manifest or set intentions, but rather we can make space for some activity that does good to the heart to nourish self-love, to reflect and rest.

Upcoming Eclipse…& Maya Retreat!

Join us on a one-week retreat to one of the most ancient Maya cities!

We are very excited to invite you this October to a 7-day retreat of immersion to the Traditional Maya Knowledge that will take place in Petén, Guatemala.

This trip will be led by Denise Barrios, daughter of renowned Maya Elder Carlos Barrios. She accompanied him for over 30 years throughout all of Guatemala in Ceremonies and met many Elders along the way. Her intention in this journey is to share the wisdom she obtained from him together with his last disciple, Andy Rocca. Don’t miss this opportunity to receive the wisdom of Tata Carlos Barrios directly from his closest disciples, together with other wisdom keepers, including one of the last Elders who holds the knowledge and language of the Itza people.

We firmly believe that healing and spirituality is something that should be available to every single being. In this trip we have tried our best to make it as affordable as possible, and hopefully give the opportunity to all of those who want to accompany us in this powerful journey.

Ready for a journey to the Heart of the Maya World?

Don’t miss this opportunity, visit our website to check the itinerary, for more information and to book your space, or contact us at or

You can also watch a recording of our previous retreat, as well as a review from one of the wonderful participants, Susan Hess, in order to see if this resounds with you.


Our last journey:


In Maya Cosmovision, the Sun and the Moon exert a strong influence on the life of beings. Both stars are considered to be energies of creation, supernatural forces that are essential for life. They symbolize a manifestation of the Sacred.

We must have an awareness of certain cycles that exist for life to continue on Earth since we rely on nature to survive. This understanding, which has been gathered gradually through time since the dawn of civilization has evolved into a body of knowledge regarding the movement of specific stars and their relationship to human fate. For the Maya, understanding these natural events and their order was more than a scientific thought, it was a spiritual approach: the divine and human worlds were inextricably intertwined, and the actions of one reverted on the other. Astronomy was never an abstract science among the Maya; rather, it was the study of the relationships between celestial beings that influence human existence, allowing them to know, predict, and eventually change the effects of the universe on humans.

The vast majority of our knowledge regarding the astronomical calculations of the ancient Maya, which served as the foundation for their complex calendars, comes from writings carved on monuments or recorded in codices. Of all the people, the Maya were perhaps the most intrigued by time, having records of it written on nearly every stele, lintel, stairway, frieze, or panel. Every significant event, whether natural or human, was documented.

Since pre-Hispanic times, the wise sages calculated the dates of a solar eclipse with exceptional precision, although the telescope and all the equipment needed for closely observing had not yet been invented.  Evidence of this can be found in the Codex found in Dresden in what is known as eclipse tables, which indicate that they knew when an eclipse would occur even if it was not visible in the Maya area. At the same time, they placed great importance on other cosmic phenomena such as the passage of the Sun through the Zenith, the Equinoxes and Solstices, and the movement of celestial bodies such as the Pleiades, Venus, and Mars, among others, as these events mark the beginning or end of a cycle, generating effects on the planet and our being. Thus, in addition to being a time marker, the Sacred Calendar was used by the sages to forecast health, births, harvests, life purpose, and marriages, among other things.

The ancient Maya viewed eclipses as the union of the Sun and Moon. The oral tradition relates that this is a moment when we celebrate the coming together of the Heroe Twins Jun Ajpu and Xb’alamke, who became the Sun and Moon upon overcoming the trials of Xib’alb’a. It is at this point that they come together, reminding us of the importance of remembering that we are all part of Uk’u’x Kaj and Uk’u’x Ulew, the Heart of the Universe and the Heart of Mother Earth, that we all share and are the convergence of these cosmic and telluric forces, that we are all in the process of walking our own cycles, of working with our dual nature, which is nothing more than our completeness, and that by letting go and integrating, we come closer becoming the being of light that each one of us is, thus developing our evolutionary potential.

Elder Isidro, one of the guides of our teacher, Carlos Barrios, shared through his stories that Eclipses are a space of union between the solar and the lunar in which the confluence of Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon generates a great force that opens energetic portals. Tata Isidro said that his teachers had transmitted to him the significance of a Solar Eclipse because this event, which is not frequently visible in the same location, creates a window of darkness that allows us to release those things that no longer strengthen us, enabling our light to shine brighter.

We can also find prophecies relating to eclipses in the Book of Chilam Balam: “… as the 13 Ahau is the time when the Sun and the Moon will meet and coincide; it will be the night and at the same time the dawn of the Oxlajuj Tiku’ (cycle of positive energy)…”

“Our attention must be focused on achieving our intentions, particularly those of humankind, as in these times we have reached the point of experiencing transcendent changes, hence, we must strive for this purpose. As Humanity and Mother Earth, this is a time for us to fulfill our purpose of existence, and this is precisely what we are witnessing, for this reason, meditating, concentrating, connecting with the great grandmother stars, lighting candles, and doing our own ritual is both an individual and a collective action. Consequently, we should focus our attention on doing a concentration exercise to balance the energies that may arise from this moment, any spiritual practice we undertake should include and be channeled towards this purpose.” -Tata Carlos Barrios

This scientific knowledge was once the sole realm of the wise sages. It is now our wish and mission as Ajq’ijab’ (wisdom keepers) to share it with people in the purest and most traditional way possible. We have been given the possibility of acquiring the knowledge of the customs and practices that were bequeathed to us by the ancestral Maya so that we can live more in connection and harmony with ourselves and care for our home planet, our Mother Earth. We also have the opportunity to visit the sacred sites that they carefully selected for their high energetic quality to establish their cities and ceremonial centers, such as Tikal, or their unique astronomical sites, such as Uaxactun, among many others, with the goal of recreating these ancient ritual practices in a respectful and traditional manner, so that these can help us improve our lives and relationships. We hold the possibility to reenact in a symbolic manner, as they taught us, the vision of a disappearing Sun and to assist the New Dawn as it emerges anew so that we, as humanity, can live in a better way with ourselves, others, and the planet.

May the guidance of the wise Elders inspire us to open ourselves to that communication with the Universe and the Earth, to reconnect with those important moments that mark a rebirth, that lead us to our care, personal growth, and evolutionary development.

Andy Rocca & Denise Barrios

Winter Solstice 2023

The wisdom transmitted by the elders often reminds us that we are connected to the whole, that the cycles of life, the cosmos, and nature are bound to us and when we walk with an awareness of this connection we can better understand our own cycles, our times of introspection and growth, of death and rebirth, vibrating in resonance with the energies that surround us and that are part of us.

Today the solstice announces a change of season, the longer nights arise to invite us to take a pause, to gift ourselves with some time to restructure and heal, to transit our darknesses and prepare ourselves to receive the light that will emerge with the new cycle, with the new season. Today the Solstice reminds us of the importance of going within, it brings us an awareness of the profound changes that occur through the work that happens inside of us, when we delve into exploring our divinity and connect with our gifts to bring them to the light.

Let us remember that this solstice vibrates with the energy of Oxib’ E, which encourages us to take a moment to meditate and recognize the paths we have traveled, honoring the growth we have achieved through each season that our being has journeyed and also honoring the growth we are walking at this moment and which leads us, one step at a time, to find our sovereignty and divinity.
La sabiduría transmitida por los abuelos y abuelas nos recuerda con frecuencia que estamos conectados con el todo, que los ciclos de la vida, del cosmos y la naturaleza están vinculados a nosotros y que cuando caminamos con consciencia esta conexión podemos comprender con mas profundidad nuestros propios ciclos, nuestros tiempos de introspección y de crecimiento, de muerte y renacimiento, vibrando en resonancia con las energías que nos rodean y que son parte de nosotros.

Hoy el solsticio anuncia un cambio de estación, las noches más largas surgen para invitarnos a pausar un poco, para tomar un tiempo para reestructurarnos y sanar, para transitar nuestra oscuridad y prepararnos así para recibir la luz que surgirá con el nuevo ciclo, con la nueva estación. Hoy el Solsticio nos recuerda la importancia de ir adentro, nos hace conscientes de los grandes cambios que emergen en ese trabajo que sucede en nuestro interior, cuando nos adentramos a explorar profundamente nuestra divinidad y conectar con nuestros dones para traerlos a la luz.

Recordemos que el solsticio hoy vibra con la energía de Oxib’ E, que nos invita a tomar un momento para meditar y reconocer los caminos que hemos recorrido, honrando el crecimiento que hemos alcanzado con cada estación que transita nuestro ser y honrando también el crecimiento que estamos caminando en este momento y que nos conduce, un paso a la vez, a encontrar nuestra soberanía y divinidad.


For the Maya people and for those of us who follow this millenary way of living, astronomic events such as equinoxes and solstices are of great transcendence, as they not only mark the change of a season, but they also open a portal of connection to the powers of the Cosmos and Earth.

Now that autumn is about to emerge it is reminding us of the cycles of nature, making us conscious of our own cycles which are attuned to those of Mother Earth, for we are connected to her and to the power and wisdom of her rhythms. The autumn equinox brings us a moment of equilibrium, it is a time in which day and night balance their power, granting the same duration to light and darkness, to life and rest. The energy of this equinox opens a space that enables us to find our own equilibrium and that inspires us to remember that we must embrace and honor each part of us, recognizing its essentiality for the balance of our being, accepting and integrating our polarities so that we can become whole and realized beings.

This equinox will happen under the influence of Ajaw Kajib’ (4) Iq’. This number represents the balance, it is our connection to the wisdom of the elements that compose Earth and which sustain our life. Iq’ is the wind that nurtures our being, bringing into the self all the knowledge that emerges from the world that surrounds us and awakening the wisdom we hold within, it is our breath as a giver of power and life.

On this day you can take a moment to sit quietly on the ground, connecting to the power of Earth, sensing all the wisdom that she emanates, attuning yourself to the balance she is experiencing at this moment, breathing through the power of Iq’ the gifts that are carried by the environment, that are connected to your internal universe.

2022 Cholq’ij Day Planner: Q&A w/ Denise Barrios

We recently had a chance to conduct a Q&A session with Denise Barrios, who just released the Maya Count of Days, a daily planner that follows the Cholq’ij Calendar, which is available for purchase in both English and Spanish. The book is a moving tribute to her work with her father, elder Carlos Barrios, who transitioned last year.  This is an incredible resource to help guide and harmonize us in our daily lives, and we were fortunate to have Denise share her insights with us here.

How did you come to this path?  What can you tell us about your journey?

I was born into a family that follows the spirituality of the Maya and its calendar, practices, and wisdom are the way in which I learned to understand and perceive reality. My father, Carlos Barrios, was an Ajq’ij (Mayan spiritual guide). Together with him and my mother I was blessed with the opportunity of traveling around Guatemala, mostly to Sacred Altars in the mountains of the highlands, sharing with elders, Grandmothers and Grandfathers who held a great wisdom.

At the age of 15 I felt that I also had a calling to become an Ajq’ij. My teacher, who was an elder from Totonicapán, thought that I might be a bit too young to begin this path, however, one day as we went to collect Tz’ite seeds (these are the sacred seeds that compose the Pisom Q’aq’al -Sacred Pouch of the Ajq’ij-) I had coincidentally collected the exact number of seeds that forms the Pisom Q’aq’al. At that moment he realized this was a sign for him to walk me on my path as a spiritual guide. Most of my learning in the spiritual path not only came from my teacher, but also from my father, with whom I was lucky enough to have worked with from that moment until his recent transition to another plane of existence. This has been a magical path that has allowed me to learn, to share, and to be able to help others, for which I am most grateful.

What is the Cholq’ij Calendar?  Why does it matter in our everyday lives?

The Cholq’ij, also known as the Sacred Calendar or the Calendar of Life, is the guide and axis around which the life and spirituality of the Mayan people revolves. More than being just a calendar that marks the passage of time, the Cholq’ij opens for us the possibility of understanding the energies that surround and influence us.

Through their wisdom and their way of living, which was one of complete harmony with nature and the universe, the ancient Mayan elders realized that our reality is formed by the confluence of the different energies that emerge from the power of the Cosmos and Mother Earth and that these energies not only shape our reality but they are also connected to us, as we are an integral part of the whole. Based on this wisdom they created a guide that determines the influence that the energies have on each day and the effect they have on people, giving shape to the 260 day Cholq’ij Calendar which is formed by 20 Ch’umilal or energies that vibrate in 13 different manifestations (20 x 13 = 260). The Cholq’ij is then the counting of time in relation to the human being and the cosmic-telluric power that flows in this reality.

Understanding these energies and how they influence us allows us to transit our life in harmony with existence, to make the most out of each day, as we can synchronize with its power. This calendar is a great tool that when we understand how to use it, it can help us in the path of our fulfillment and to accomplish our purpose of being.

What was the inspiration for the planner?

For the past 25 years or so I have been walking my spiritual path alongside my father, during that time I had the blessing of sharing with him and also of learning from him, as he was a powerful and renowned Mayan Elder. When he passed away last year I felt that I wanted to do something both to honor him and to share with others what I had the great luck of learning and experiencing in this path with him. It felt like a planner could be the first step into sharing his wisdom, as this is a great way of understanding and living the Cholq’ij.

How can people utilize the planner?

The planner is formed of two parts. First there are introductory chapters which explain what the Cholq’ij is and the energies that influence it, so that people can understand them and begin to integrate them into their life. Then there is the part of the planner, which combines the Gregorian date and the Mayan date, and for each Mayan day there is a text that was written by my father where he shares his interpretation of the energy. There is also a space where people can write their own feelings, events, dreams, intuitions… so that they can begin to sense how the energies influence and interact with them personally.

You also work to nourish the roots of the tradition that have passed on this knowledge.  Can you say anything about why this is important and the work you do?

One of the greatest blessings of being an Ajq’ij is the opportunity that this path opens to help others and to become keepers and transmitters of the wisdom of the grandmothers and grandfathers.

Twenty years ago my father together with Adam Rubel & Zoraida Palacios Rubel planted the seed of Saq’ Be’ with the purpose of spreading the true teachings and wisdom of the Mayan people, as the elders saw an importance in creating a space for sharing the authentic tradition and helping raise awareness in humanity. This platform soon became a space to share with and to support traditional communities. Although I had been collaborating with Saq’ Be’, especially when groups came to Guatemala, it was around ten years ago that I became an active member. This has given me the chance of working closely together with Tatas and Nanas, with Grandmothers and Grandfathers, in creating bridges of communication to make the wisdom of the wise sages more available to people, providing valuable tools to transit these relevant times we are living as a humanity, and at the same time to do projects that bring value to the communities and help nourish the roots of the Maya tradition, to heighten the value that it has not only for the Maya people but for all of us.

Some of the work we have been doing is filming audiovisual material of the elders who share their wisdom with us with the purpose of eventually creating a space of study for the communities. We are also currently collaborating with the building of medicinal gardens where the communities can find a space of healing, where the wisemen can share their knowledge, and the children and everyone can learn from the sacred plants.

We have many dreams and plans to accomplish to make the wisdom available, doing it in a way in which we respect the elders, and we will continue to nourish the seed of Saq’ Be’ so that all these dreams can flourish. I believe in my heart that learning from, nurturing and spreading the knowledge of the traditions that understand the importance of living in harmony with nature, with the cycles of the earth and universe is a step forward in our evolution.

I want to take this opportunity also to thank each of the members of Saq’ Be’ for the support they have given me in the creation of this planner, three times thank you!

Is there anything else you would like people to know about the importance of living in harmony with the energies of the Cholq’ij and how the planner can help them to do this?

My personal experience is that when you vibrate in harmony with the energies that surround you, when you come to understand the influence they have in you personally or even the influence they might have on others, why a day might feel stuck, why you feel sensible or are particularly intuitive, you find a new magic in the way you perceive life. To me the calendar is a perfect tool that allows you to flow through life with much less resistance and much more understanding, to create the reality you want to experience and to impel your growth as a being, not only in the spiritual plane, but in a holistic sense, in each plane of manifestation. This planner is aimed to be an instrument that enables people to do this in a simple way and to integrate this wisdom into their daily life.

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Healing on B’atz’ with Juan & Miguel León Cortez

We are pleased to be able to share the following videos of twin brothers Juan and Miguel León Cortez doing a healing for B’atz’, along with a video of them playing sacred marimba music.  We are grateful for their partnership with Saq’ Be’.  The brothers recently constructed, planted and harvested a healing medicinal garden in Chichicastenango.  We will share an update on the tremendous progress of the project soon.



Autumnal Equinox

The great ancestral grandfathers and grandmothers contemplated and studied the cosmos, they were able to decipher its secrets and wisdom, for they had an awareness of the connection that Mother Nature and us have to the cosmic energies. Today we will experience the autumn equinox (spring in the Southern Hemisphere), an event that the wise elders call Sukul Upam Ri Q’ij, which means “the stomach of the Sun is in the center.” This is a moment in which the duration of light and darkness is the same; balance arises and no confrontation exists between the polarities, everything is in the center.

This Sukul Upam Ri Q’ij falls on a day Oxib’ (3) No’j, which indicates a balance between the material and the spiritual realities, between our logical thoughts, our intellectual mind, and the magical knowledge that enables the development of our inner power and the handling of the energies to create our reality. At dawn or dusk we can light a red and a black candle to open the portal of connection to the energy of this moment, you can sit between both candles and make a concentration. Take advantage of this time of balance to seek your inner balance, to open space for your purposes in the material and spiritual, mental and emotional planes.

Los grandes abuelos y abuelas ancestrales contemplaron y estudiaron el cosmos, lograron descifrar sus secretos y sabiduría, pues tenían la conciencia de la conexión que la Madre Naturaleza y nosotros tenemos con las energías cósmicas. Hoy estaremos ante el equinoccio de otoño (primavera en el hemisferio sur), un evento que los sabios abuelos y abuelas conocen como Sukul Upam Ri Q’ij, que significa “el estómago del Sol está en el centro”. Este es un momento en el que la duración de la luz y la oscuridad es la misma; surge el equilibrio y no existe confrontación entre las polaridades, todo está en el centro.

Este Sukul Upam Ri Q’ij cae en un día Oxib’ (3) No’j que nos indica un balance entre la realidad material y la realidad espiritual, entre nuestros pensamientos lógicos, nuestra mente intelectual, y el saber mágico que posibilita el desarrollo de nuestro poder interior, el manejo de las energías para crear nuestra realidad. Al amanecer o atardecer podemos encender una vela roja y una negra para abrir el portal de conexión con la energía de este momento, sentémonos entre ambas velas y hagamos una concentración,  aprovechemos este tiempo de equilibrio para buscar nuestro balance interior, para abrir espacio a nuestros propósitos en el mundo material y espiritual, mental y emocional.