The wisdom of ancient, living traditions – kept alive through stories, ceremonies and other practices – can foster our personal and collective development. These lineages of wisdom provide guidance for discovering our deepest purpose and developing a more balanced relationship to each other, our environment and our universe – moving us towards unleashing our collective potential. By reading, listening, and participating we are helping these traditions to grow and evolve as they move beyond the people and places from which they originate. It is with much gratitude and respect that Saq’ Be’ is pleased to present the stories, teachings and wisdom from those that have stepped forward to share them with the world.
We also maintain an archive of stories that featured time-bound content, but still hold timeless wisdom.
In the Maya tradition rites and ceremonies are inextricably linked to the forces of the Universe and Mother Earth, to sacred numbers and energies, to the solar and lunar cycles, to mythology and cosmogony. Everything is configured in such a way that it flows in perfect harmony with the Geo-Cosmic energies. Thus, for the Maya people and for those of us who follow this millenary way of living, astronomic events such as equinoxes and solstices are of great transcendence, for they not only mark the change of a season, but they also open a portal of connection to the powers of the Cosmos and Earth. They create the energetic conditions that allow us to raise our vibration to higher levels so that we can connect to our own divinity. If we are conscious of these events and their energy, we are able to vibrate at the same rhythm of Mother Earth and the Cosmos.
Now that spring is about to emerge, that life will begin to sprout again, we will be vibrating with the energy of the Spring Equinox (autumn for those who live South). Equinoxes are moments of equilibrium, Mother Earth finds a balance between giving life and taking a resting period after bearing her fruit. Day and night balance their power, giving the same duration to light and darkness, to life and rest. The energy of the equinox opens a space that enables us to find our own equilibrium. It is a moment that teaches us that our inner being is a universe of inseparable and complementary opposites. Let us not forget that we are the receptacles of the energies of the Universe and Mother Earth, that our configuration is the result of a cosmic-telluric convergence. That we must honor each part of us, recognizing its essentiality for the balance of our being, accepting and integrating our polarities so that we can become integral beings.
Under the energy of the Equinox a portal is open for us to connect to the supreme energies, to activate our dormant powers and awaken our consciousness, to become harmonized with the wholeness of our being and vibrate in resonance with life. We can use its energy to come closer to a state of conscious evolution, to find balance between the right and left hemispheres of our brain, between our spiritual and material planes, our mental and emotional manifestations, our female and male powers… With this purpose in mind we can light an offering of candles and incense to the East where Father Sun rises, to the West where he sets, and to the Center where we are united to the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth. Through these offerings we will open spaces of connection and elevate our invocations, focusing our energy on the path walked by Father Sun.
This is a picture of the vessels of ker (an armadillo). Credit to vessel 3040 of Justin Keer
Our spirit, our hearts, our body and our intelligence is reflected when we go out into the mountains, a river, a lake, the sea, in the forest. In the Maya towns, exists the homes of the cofradias. These places of energy are constantly being cleansed with incense, colognes/scented oils and prayer. Anyone can go to these places to pray for a while, to meditate, to converse with the energies of the place and tell them their problems. Nowadays these energies have the names of some catholics saints, but these places are places of peace and tranquility.
Going out into nature nowadays may not be as easy as it once was and in other countries there are no homes of cofradias. However, we can use these principles to make our own homes a place to gather energy.
To create this space of energy, we will choose a place where we can lay down, far away from noises and a place where no one passes through. Avoid places like a hallway or corridor or even the living room, because even if you live alone, these are places where we spend time to either watch tv or to have visits with others and so it ends up not being a place to gather energy. This space we are creating will be for one purpose, for relaxation and to gather energy. It may not be used for anything else.
Once we’ve chosen a spot, we will ask permission to use it for a place of energy and further telling it that we will cleanse the space and consecrate it. Next we will mark it off energetically, placing objects in all four corners and asking that we may be remembered and that we will not use this space for any other activities. We can use, for example, four stones or four flower pots and if there are pets or children in the house, you can set up a type of canopy to keep the space from being entered. It can be as simple as using some pvc pipes to create this with some fabric over it. Make sure that the textures and colors are satisfactory and to your liking. Preferred colors are soft or pastels.
Now that we have our space marked off, we can cleanse it, physically and energetically.
Cleansing it physically means sweeping. While we’re sweeping we will say out loud, I leave this place clear of any bad energies, free of any arguments, free of exhaustion, frustration and of any sickness both visible and invisible. Next we will mop. And lastly disinfect the space with an aromatic disinfectant of preference. For the energetic cleanse, we will burn incense in the space, decreeing that this space may have a positive energy and thinking of a place that has filled you with energy previously, for example the lagoon of chiq’ab’al, and saying may this space have the energy of this lagoon, calling that place in. It can be a forest,a river, any place that truly brings you peace.
Next we will think of ourselves as builders and with our hands we’re going to place bricks and imaginary mortar to make the walls of our space to help separate this space from the energy of the rest of the house. First we build the wall facing the sunrise, next the wall facing the north, then the west and finally the south. Now we can place our fabric.
Now that we have our imaginary little house, we’re going to furnish it. Placing cushions down that have previously been cleaned, we can put essential oils on them or any other perfume of preference. Again decreeing on each cushion that this place may be of peace, on the next one that this place may be of tranquility and like this we can mention love, harmony, relaxation, good health…etc on each of the cushions. If you don’t like cushions then place a small mattress or futon or anything that will be comfortable to lie on. Every object that enters our little house can not be used for anything else and you must apply some form of essential oil or perfume and hold a decree with every object that this will now be for the place of peace.
Finally when our little house is all built and furnished we can proclaim, “this is a sacred place inside my home and it will serve for relaxation and fill me up with energy”.
To enter our house of energy, we must make sure that any children or pets are taken care of by asking someone to look after them or placing pets in another room. This will allow for no interruptions. Prior to entering also make sure to shower, have on comfortable loose clothes, no cell phones or pets allowed inside. Now lie down and close your eyes and think about that one place that you enjoy so much because of its energy. The example given earlier was of the lagoon of chiq’ab’al, so I would think about this place, visualize it and see myself walking around it, admiring nature, breathing it in. We feel how the energy of this place helps us to relax and we fully enjoy these sensations in our body.
Then with every breath, we visualize entering into our body, pure oxygen that fills us up with positive energy, we take four deep breaths. Now we’re going to bring in energy into all 13 major articulations. These articulations or joints have an internal and external part to them. We start with the internal part, breathing into each articulation, this is the order we move in; begin with the inside of the left ankle, breath in, move up to the inside of the left knee, breath, next is the inside of left hip, now we move to the inside of left wrist, inside let elbow, under the armpit of left arm, the neck, now move under armpit of right arm, inside right elbow, inside right wrist, inside right hip, inside right knee, inside right ankle, now moving to the outside or external part of the right ankle breath into this articulation, moving up to the outside of right knee, outside of right hip, outside of right wrist, outside right elbow, outside right shoulder, the back part of the neck, now moving to left shoulder, outer left elbow, outer left wrist, left hip, outer knee and the outer left ankle. Finally feeling relaxed and full of energy.
This is not the best place to light candles because of all the fabric and cushions. We light candles at an altar. On the next discussion or exercise we will explain how to dedicate a place in your home for an altar.
This is a picture of the vessels of ker (an armadillo). Credit to vessel 3040 of Justin Keer
Un lugar para tomar energía. Nuestro espíritu, nuestro corazón, nuestro cuerpo y nuestra inteligencia se relajan cuando salimos a pasear a una montaña, a un río, a un lago, al mar, al bosque. En los pueblos mayas existen las casas de las cofradías, que son lugares energéticos donde se limpia constantemente con incienso, lociones y rezos. Cualquier persona puede ir a ellos a rezar un rato, a meditar, a platicar con las energías del lugar a contarle sus problemas, solo que ahora estas energías tienen nombre de santos de la iglesia católica. Pero son lugares de paz y tranquilidad.
Salir a pasear a lugares de la naturaleza ya no es tan factible como antes y en otros países no existen las casas de la cofradía. Pero se pueden tomar esos principios y hacer un lugar para tomar energía en nuestra propia casa.
Para hacer este espacio de energía, debemos escoger un área para estar acostados en ella, que no esté cerca del ruido y que no sea un lugar donde pasen personas, como un corredor, tampoco el sillón de la sala, pues aunque vivamos solos, a veces nos sentamos a ver televisión o llegan visitas y entonces deja de ser un lugar para tomar energía.
Este espacio tendrá como único fin, relajarnos y tomar energía, no se puede usar para otras cosas. Ya que escogimos el lugar, le pedimos permiso para usarlo como un lugar de energía y le decimos que lo vamos a limpiar y a consagrar. Luego se delimita energéticamente, colocando objetos en las cuatro esquinas que nos recuerden que no lo debemos usarlo para otras actividades. Por ejemplo poner cuadro piedras, cuatro macetas. Si hay niños o mascotas en la casa, hacer un dosel para que no entren a ese espacio, se puede hacer con tubo de pvc y colocarle tela y la tela debe ser de nuestro completo agrado, de preferencia colores suaves como blanco, celeste, amarillo canario o colores pastel.
Ya que tenemos delimitado el espacio, se limpia físicamente y energéticamente.
La limpia físicamente es barrer, mientras barremos decimos en voz alta Dejo este lugar limpio de mala energía, de pleitos, de cansancio, de frustraciones, de enfermedades visibles e invisibles. Luego trapeamos el lugar, y por último trapeamos con desinfectante con aroma que nos guste.
La limpia energética es pasar incienso en el lugar, y decir decreto que este espacio tenga energía positiva, previamente he pensado un lugar donde yo he estado y me llena de energía por ejemplo la laguna de chiq’ab’al, y decreto este espacio tendrá la energía de la laguna de chiq’ab’al. Puede ser un bosque, un río, lo que más les trae paz a usted.
Seguidamente pensamos que somos albañiles y con nuestras manos vamos a colocar ladrillos y mezcla imaginaria para hacer las paredes de nuestro espacio y separar este espacio del resto de la energía de la casa. Primero hacemos la pared que ve a la salida del sol, luego la que ve al norte, luego la del poniente y por último la del sur. Finalmente ponemos las láminas de nuestro espacio,
Ya que tenemos nuestra casita imaginaria vamos a amueblarla, colocamos cojines, que previamente han sido lavados, se le echa perfume o loción que más nos guste y decretamos en
cada cojín este será un espacio de paz, en el otro este será un espacio de tranquilidad, y así nos vamos mencionando, amor, armonía, relajación, salud, etc. en cada cojín. Si no desea cojines, pues un colchóncito cómodo, o unas frasadas dobladas para acostarnos encima de ellas. Cada objeto que entra a nuestra casita ya no se puede usar para otra cosa y debe echársele perfume o loción y decir decreto en cada objeto, esto será para el espacio de paz.
Finalmente cuando nuestra casita está construida y amueblada decretamos “este es un lugar sagrado dentro de mi casa, servirá para relajarme y para llenarme de energía”.
Para entrar a la casita de energía, debemos de pedirle a otra persona que se encargue de los niños, llevar a las mascotas a otro cuarto, no nos pueden interrumpir. Inicialmente debemos bañarnos, colocarnos ropa cómoda y liviana, no entrar con celular, ni con mascotas. Nos acostamos y cerramos los ojos, pensamos en ese lugar que nos encanta por su energía, en el ejemplo se dijo la laguna de chiq’ab’al. Así que la visualizó, pienso que estoy allí caminando, admirando la naturaleza, respirando. Sentimos como la energía del lugar nos relaja y lo disfrutamos esa sensación en nuestro cuerpo.
Luego pensamos que en cada respiración va entrando a nuestro cuerpo ese oxigeno puro que nos llena de energía positiva, hacemos cuatro respiraciones profundas. Después vamos a entrar energía por nuestras trece articulaciones mayores. Las articulaciones tienen parte interna y externa, iniciamos con la parte interna de nuestras articulaciones. Vamos a respirar una vez por cada articulación y el orden es el siguiente. Iniciamos con la articulación interna del tobillo izquierdo, articulación interna de la rodilla izquierda, articulación interna de la cadera izquierda, articulación interna de la muñeca izquierda, articulación interna del codo izquierdo, articulación interna del hombro izquierdo, articulación interna de la nuca. Luego vamos bajando por todas las articulaciones internas del lado derecho. Luego vamos a dar una respiración por cada articulación externa en el siguiente orden, por articulación externa del tobillo izquierdo, articulación externa de la rodilla izquierda, articulación externa de la cadera izquierda, articulación externa de la muñeca izquierda, articulación externa del codo izquierdo, articulación externa del hombro izquierdo, articulación externa de la nuca. Luego vamos bajando por todas las articulaciones externas del lado derecho. Finalmente quedamos relajados y llenos de energía.
En este espacio no es oportuno encender velas, por los cojines y frazadas, las velas se encienden en un altar, en el próximo consejo vamos a explicar como dedicar un espacio en nuestra casa para un altar.
Please consider supporting Saq’ Be’, a nonprofit organization, as we finalize plans for many new programs in this, our 20th year.
As we move deeply into this age of visible consequence, the turbulence of our time provides incredible challenges for maintaining one’s internal equilibrium and balance within the world. To help us navigate these rough seas with more grace, Armadillo Rojo has generously shared a four part process for clearing obstacles and reinvigorating our being. We will publish the series in four parts, featuring a new body (mental, spiritual, emotional, material) each week. We encourage you to participate in the exercises as described, and hope that it may help you to find balance and well being in this time when our collective strength is being called forth. We also express our deepest gratitude for the sharing of these timely teachings with us all.
This is a picture of the vessels of ker (an armadillo). Credit to vessel 3040 of Justin Keer
Gratitude and forgiveness. We’re going to give thanks for our physical bodies, because we have a complete body, with hands, feet, we are able to hear, able to see, able to breathe, eat, touch etc. And we ask forgiveness because we haven’t cleansed this in a long time.
Air element
Taking some aromatic dry plant of your preference, begin to pass the herb all around your body in order starting with the head, then the arms, the torso, legs, feet, while saying, may tiredness be removed, may stress be removed, may fatigue be removed, sickness, traumas, etc..
Fire element
Now we will burn these herbs/dry plant matter so that sickness, stress, aches and pain are disintegrated from our bodies.
Earth element
Find yourself in a garden, place your feet on the earth, we’re going to ask the earth to provide energy to our masculine extremities, because they help to carry us all day long and we’re going to visualize how the energy travels up from the feet, ankles, legs, hips, reaching our navel. Now we place our hands on the ground touching the earth and ask to please give much energy to our feminine extremities to be able to do the work that we do; operate machinery such as cars, computers, etc, feeling how the energy rises through our arms and disperses in our body reaching our navel.
Water element
After bathing and being clean, we will allow the water to fall on all of our 13 articulations(joints), 13 times on each joint, both on the interior part as well as the exterior (or outer part). Starting with the inner part of the left ankle, moving up to the inner part of the left knee, the left hip, inner part of left wrist, inner part of left elbow, now move to under the left armpit, under the neck, now move to under the right armpit, now begin to move down on the inside of the joints all the way to the right ankle, now begin to move up on the outside of the joints starting with the right ankle, up and around, getting the back of the neck this time, until reaching the outside of the left ankle.
Please consider supporting Saq’ Be’, a nonprofit organization, as we finalize plans for many new programs in this, our 20th year.
As we move deeply into this age of visible consequence, the turbulence of our time provides incredible challenges for maintaining one’s internal equilibrium and balance within the world. To help us navigate these rough seas with more grace, Armadillo Rojo has generously shared a four part process for clearing obstacles and reinvigorating our being. We will publish the series in four parts, featuring a new body (mental, spiritual, emotional, material) each week. We encourage you to participate in the exercises as described, and hope that it may help you to find balance and well being in this time when our collective strength is being called forth. We also express our deepest gratitude for the sharing of these timely teachings with us all.
Gratitude and forgiveness; we will give thanks to our emotional bodies for all the feelings we may have had throughout the course of our lives. Especially the ones that have given us joy such as love, empathy, friendship, as well as those feelings that have caused us sadness; the death of a friend, a family member, separations etc… We ask forgiveness because we haven’t cleansed this in a long time.
Air element
We are going to draw a heart on a piece of paper, thinking that this is our own heart. Place the piece of paper in front of your mouth and with a strong loud voice you will say the following phrase; “my heart is cleansed by the pain that caused me to abandon the work”, now blow on the piece of paper with the heart. Say another phrase and blow again, say something for sadness, for the loss of a friend, of a love, for the times that you didn’t cry, for the times you swallowed your tears.
Fire element
taking an unlit candle, begin to pass it over your heart, asking that the candle pick up all sadness, pain, sorrow, leftover weeping, etc. Then light the candle so that the fire can consume that energy.
Earth element
Taking 13 flowers of your most favorite color, we’ll individually pass them saying a proclamation that our hearts may be filled with love with the first one, with friendship with the second one, with solidarity with the third, and this way until we complete all 13 with positive feelings.
Water element
We’re going to place 13 drops of essential oil or some aromatic water on our hearts and visualize how the water seeps into the heart, leaving the heart fortified and full of fragrant water.
Please consider supporting Saq’ Be’, a nonprofit organization, as we finalize plans for many new programs in this, our 20th year.
As we move deeply into this age of visible consequence, the turbulence of our time provides incredible challenges for maintaining one’s internal equilibrium and balance within the world. To help us navigate these rough seas with more grace, Armadillo Rojo has generously shared a four part process for clearing obstacles and reinvigorating our being. We will publish the series in four parts, featuring a new body (mental, spiritual, emotional, material) each week. We encourage you to participate in the exercises as described, and hope that it may help you to find balance and well being in this time when our collective strength is being called forth. We also express our deepest gratitude for the sharing of these timely teachings with us all.
Please consider supporting Saq’ Be’, a nonprofit organization, as we finalize plans for many new programs in this, our 20th year.
We thank our spirit which is our essence for its existence, we ask it for forgiveness for the many times we do not pay attention to it, for the times we have not cleansed it, nurtured it with meditations, music, scents, etc.
Element air
We will wash our hands and then we will speak to them, tell them that they will release the negative energy from our spirit. We will begin at our head, as if we were dusting with our hands, then we will shake them towards the floor to release the energy. We will clean our nape, arms, torso, legs and feet.
Element fire
Taking an unlit candle, begin to pass it all around your body, asking the candle to pick up any spiritual sickness or traumas etc. Then light the candle so that the fire can consume all the negative energies.
Earth element
Purchase an incense and light it, allowing the aroma of the earth to enter into our spirit, we visualize how the spirals of the incense penetrate our bodies, filling it up with positive energy, the aroma of the earth.
Water element
With a perfume or essential oil, place one drop on each of the 13 articulations of our body, internally as well as externally, feeling the aroma penetrate all of our body .
As we move deeply into this age of visible consequence, the turbulence of our time provides incredible challenges for maintaining one’s internal equilibrium and balance within the world. To help us navigate these rough seas with more grace, Armadillo Rojo has generously shared a four part process for clearing obstacles and reinvigorating our being. We will publish the series in four parts, featuring a new body (mental, spiritual, emotional, material) each week. We encourage you to participate in the exercises as described, and hope that it may help you to find balance and well being in this time when our collective strength is being called forth. We also express our deepest gratitude for the sharing of these timely teachings with us all.
Grandmother Red Armadillo begins her guidance to a balanced and stronger life, so that we can cleanse our energy from negativity, fear and anxiety caused by the pandemic or by any other problem we might be facing and which brings weakness.
These small rituals have been created based on the principles of the Maya Cosmovision; the gratefulness, the forgiveness, the cleansing and the saturation to find a balance in our life. The rituals in Maya Culture are done for different causes, illnesses, yearly cleansings, cleansing of a great problem, etc. They take place in steam baths, crystalline and calm rivers, fast-flowing rivers, the sea shore, at the foot of a mountain, in caves, at Sacred Places, etc. In this case I have adapted the rituals to the modern life in the cities so that at these times that all humanity is going through a crisis, these can be used to improve the energy of the person, family, community, work, city, etc. so that we gradually acquire the energy to live in balance.
In the Maya world there are 4 bodies, we will cleanse each of through four rituals and elements in nature. We have to choose a space and time in which we will not be interrupted while doing these healing rituals. The first two are for cleansing and the last two to capture energy and become strong.
The solstices and equinoxes are cosmic events of great importance. They are the moment that marks the change of season. If we are connected and conscious of the changes that nature undergoes, if we vibrate in harmony with them, we will be able to synchronize ourselves with the energies of the cosmos and the energies of Mother Earth.
Today we celebrate the energy of the Equinox, of that phenomenon in which the day and the night balance their forces, in which the light and the darkness have the same duration. This is a moment of spiritual balance, of balance between the polarities, a moment in which there is no confrontation. The equinox of this day is influenced by Ajaw 2 E, the Ch’umil that protects our steps, opens paths, connects us, and allows us to transit the Saq’ B’e, the white and spiritual path, and which also brings, through number 2, an energy that manifests the polarity and the balance. We have entered a field of balance, let’s use it to seek for our internal balance. This is also the perfect moment to activate our inner fire, that fire that resides in our coccyx and which flows through our spine. We can connect to it through Kukulkan, the feathered serpent that today has descended to Mother Earth in order to create the energy that will allow a strong connection between the earthly and the cosmic. Let’s open the space to this connection that will activate our energy, awaken our awareness, allow us to find harmony with all that surrounds us, and align our frequency with the frequency of the cosmos and the earth.
Today we can absorb the energy of the equinox to advance in our path towards a higher state of awareness and evolution, to find the balance between the two hemispheres of our body, between the material and spiritual world, between the mental and the emotional, between our female and male energies. Light a red and black candle or a small ceremonial fire. Take a moment to enter into a state of meditation, to connect to the cosmic-telluric powers, to open the white paths that lead to your development, and to find a state of balance and harmony in each of the planes of existence; physical/material, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
The 2020 solstice arrives on Tuesday, September 22nd.
Los equinoccios y solsticios son eventos cósmicos de gran importancia, es el momento en el que se marca el cambio de estación; si nosotros estamos conectados, conscientes de los cambios que atraviesa la naturaleza, si vibramos en armonía con ellos, vamos a lograr sintonizarnos con las energías del cosmos y las energías de la Madre Tierra.
Hoy celebramos la energía del Equinoccio, de ese fenómeno en el que el día y la noche equilibran sus fuerzas, en el que la luz y la oscuridad tienen la misma duración. Este es un momento de balance espiritual, de balance entre las polaridades, un momento en el que no existe confrontación. El equinoccio de hoy está influenciado por Ajaw 2 E, el Ch’umil que protege nuestros pasos, que nos abre caminos, que nos conecta, que nos permite transitar el Saq’ B’e, el camino blanco y espiritual, y que trae también, a través del número 2, una energía que manifiesta la polaridad y el balance. Debemos aprovechar que entramos en esta zona de equilibrio para buscar alcanzar nuestro balance interno. Este es el momento ideal para activar nuestro fuego interior, ese que reside en nuestro coxis y que fluye a través de la columna vertebral. Podemos conectarnos a través de Kukulkan, la serpiente emplumada que hoy desciende a la Madre Tierra para provocar la energía que permite una fuerte conexión entre lo terrenal y lo cósmico. Abramos el espacio a esta conexión que activa nuestra energía, que despierta nuestra consciencia y que nos permite armonizarnos con todo lo que nos rodea y alinear nuestra frecuencia con la frecuencia cósmico-telúrica.
Hoy podemos absorber la energía del equinoccio para avanzar en nuestro camino hacia un estado de consciencia y evolución, para encontrar el balance entre los dos hemisferios de nuestro cuerpo, entre el mundo material y espiritual, mental y emocional, entre nuestra energía femenina y masculina. Enciende una vela roja y una negra, o un pequeño fuego ceremonial, toma un momento para hacer una meditación, para conectarte a los poderes cósmicos y telúricos, para abrir los caminos blancos que conducen hacia tu desarrollo, para encontrar un estado de balance y armonía en cada uno de los cuatro planos de existencia; físico/material, mental, emocional y espiritual.
As we move deeply into this age of visible consequence, the turbulence of our time provides incredible challenges for maintaining one’s internal equilibrium and balance within the world. To help us navigate these rough seas with more grace, Armadillo Rojo has generously shared a four part process for clearing obstacles and reinvigorating our being. We will publish the series in four parts, featuring a new body (mental, spiritual, emotional, material) each week. We encourage you to participate in the exercises as described, and hope that it may help you to find balance and well being in this time when our collective strength is being called forth. We also express our deepest gratitude for the sharing of these timely teachings with us all.
Grandmother Red Armadillo begins her guidance to a balanced and stronger life, so that we can cleanse our energy from negativity, fear and anxiety caused by the pandemic or by any other problem we might be facing and which brings weakness.
These small rituals have been created based on the principles of the Maya Cosmovision; the gratefulness, the forgiveness, the cleansing and the saturation to find a balance in our life. The rituals in Maya Culture are done for different causes, illnesses, yearly cleansings, cleansing of a great problem, etc. They take place in steam baths, crystalline and calm rivers, fast-flowing rivers, the sea shore, at the foot of a mountain, in caves, at Sacred Places, etc. In this case I have adapted the rituals to the modern life in the cities so that at these times that all humanity is going through a crisis, these can be used to improve the energy of the person, family, community, work, city, etc. so that we gradually acquire the energy to live in balance.
In the Maya world there are 4 bodies, we will cleanse each of through four rituals and elements in nature. We have to choose a space and time in which we will not be interrupted while doing these healing rituals. The first two are for cleansing and the last two to capture energy and become strong.
Mental body
Gratefulness and forgiveness; we will thank our mind because we have the ability to think, analyze, generate ideas, etc. We ask for forgiveness because we have not cleansed it in a long time.
Element air
In a piece of paper we will write all negative ideas, no one will read this paper, so we can write all that we think about the pandemic, fear of becoming infected, of breathing through a ventilator, fear that a family member or a friend could die, etc.
Element fire
With a pair of scissors we will cut this paper in little pieces and we will burn it.
Element earth
We will go to a garden, take a kneeling posture, placing our head on the earth. We will imagine that roots come out of our head toward Mother Earth and that we are fed by the positive energy, peace, calmness, love, balance, etc. of Mother Earth.
Element water
We will take a shower at night, once we are clean we will let water fall in our head, we will close our eyes and think that through our scalp the refreshing energy of water penetrates every corner of our brain, bringing cleanliness, clarity, vitality, etc. and these permeate every corner of our brain.
During these times in which the crisis leads us to reevaluate our destiny and purpose as human beings, both in the personal and community levels, we must not forget that our path of life is connected to that of Mother Earth. This moment in which we see ourselves forced to make a stop we have the opportunity to reevaluate our life, our purpose, and our projection, we have time to think, to determine and take action. We must realize that we are in a time of change, according to the knowledge of the Maya ancestors on December 21, 2012 we entered the Job’ Ajaw, the current cycle that indicates a period of transformation and ascension in a more subtle spiritual level, the prophecy indicates that this is a moment in which if we are not able to accomplish our evolution, we are condemned to become stagnant. We must be aware of the purpose for which we have this existence, according to the guidelines of Creation this purpose influences both human beings and Mother Earth. This is a moment of a vibrational change in a planetary level, the new awareness is being gestated and it will allow the subtleness to emerge.
Spirituality and science have finally come together in the awakening of consciousness!
We need to restructure reality, both the individual and the shared. The ancestral wisdom of the Maya Grandfathers and Grandmothers gives us techniques and tools to change this reality, and we will be transmitting this knowledge.
Reestructurando la conciencia en estos tiempos de cambio
En estos tiempos en que la crisis nos hace reevaluar nuestro destino y propósito como seres humanos, tanto en lo personal como en lo comunitario, no debemos olvidar que nuestro camino va unido a la evolución de la Madre Tierra. Este momento en que nos hemos visto forzados a hacer un alto es la mejor oportunidad para reevaluar nuestra vida, nuestros propósitos y nuestra proyección, tenemos tiempo para pensar, para determinar y tomar acción. Debemos realizar que estamos en un tiempo de cambios, acorde al conocimiento de los ancestros Mayas el 21 de diciembre de 2012 entramos al Job’ Ajaw, el ciclo actual que nos indica una época de transformación y ascensión a un nivel espiritual más sutil, la profecía nos indica que es una época en la que si no logramos nuestra evolución, estamos condenados a quedarnos estancados. Debemos tomar conciencia del propósito para el cual tenemos esta existencia, acorde a los lineamientos de la Creación este propósito nos influye tanto a los seres humanos, como a la Madre Tierra. Este momento es de un cambio de vibración a nivel planetario, se está gestando esa nueva conciencia, la que aflora lo más sutil.
¡Espiritualidad y ciencia finalmente se unen en el despertar de la conciencia!
Por esto debemos reestructurar la realidad, tanto la personal como la comunitaria.
La sabiduría ancestral de los abuelos y abuelas Mayas nos da técnicas y herramientas para cambiar esta realidad, por lo que estaremos transmitiendo este conocimiento.
Each day brings its energy, but there are specific spaces of time to which we can give a positive value, let’s take advantage of this space which was granted to us to recover our being, our essence; you can increase the energy of love which is more powerful than the energy of fear and make it expandable to decrease the negative energy that is surrounding us. This is a good moment to make an inner journey and revise if you are the being what you want to be, you can project the changes that you need to make. The Maya remind us that spirituality of these days has a name and that name is action.
At the arrival of the famous date of December 21, 2012, the so-called “End of the World” was spread as if it were a prophecy that was originated in the Maya World. Although we tried to undermine these words which were attributed to us, very few media opened a space for a clarification from the elders and Maya spiritual guides. However much we tried, the spaces were closed. When this supposed widespread catastrophic event did not happen, mockery and discredit were the consequences for the Maya culture. It is worth saying that this was a plot.
These times are marked by the change of a cycle of 5,200 Ab’ years -which are equivalent to 5,184 Gregorian years- and this cycle that ended did not bring with it any type of end of the world, not even an end of humanity.
This new cycle is known as Job Ajaw, or Fifth Sun. It is a period that opens the consciousness of the human being, it is a time of understanding, of faith, balance and harmony between spirituality and the materialistic vision in which we have become immerse. Before we reached this time, we lived four cycles of 5,200 Ab’ years each. The first was of female energy, with Fire as the ruling element. The second was of male energy with Earth as the ruling element. The third cycle was of female energy with Air as the ruling element, the fourth cycle was of male energy with Water as the ruling element, this was the cycle that ended on December 21, 2012. The new cycle, the Job Ajaw, brings a balance between the female and male energies, that is to say that it contains both energies, and the element that rules is Ether, which contains the four primary elements. Ether is what makes up the space of the Universe (now called black matter) and it has a very subtle essence; it is the one that allows the Interstellar connection that will empower our evolutionary development. You may wonder, if we have already reached the cycle of the New Era, why are we living under such turmoil? Why are the drums of war rumbling and why is racism so present? Every day we see outbreaks around the world; demonstrations, non-conformity, and all that this materialistic vision of the human being has brought. One only has to look at the world around us to see the pollution, the extreme weather, the unconsciousness of our governments, etc.; as entering into this new cycle is not like turning on a switch to attain an automatic change, there is a period of transition. According to the knowledge that was bequeathed to us by the Elders, the new cycle began on December 21, 2012, but we have to remember that there are micro-cycles which are related to the growth of a human being. From age 0 to 13 we experience the stage of childhood, a time of vulnerability at the beginning and of energy with the passing of the years, for the Maya world a person stops being considered a child at the age of 13. This is the stage that we are living at this moment, a stage of action, effervescence, of an energy that is somewhat dispersed; we can see this in our politicians, in their actions. Few people have clarity and no one is taking real measures regarding pollution and unbalance. This period will reach its peak between 2025 and 2026, it will be a time of turmoil and unrest amongst humanity, the economical systems may suffer a lot during this short cycle and instability will mark this time during which wars are likely to increase.
The next thirteen years of this development are marked by learning through experience; this cycle is much more complicated for confrontations could heighten. This energy is expanding and searching for its future, which could bring more radical changes. This period is marked by a cycle during which we could experience scarcity, if we do not account for disruptions and plan, as lack of water and drought will begin to manifest. It is prudent that we are well prepared. We will depend again on Mother Earth to survive, it is urgent that we reforest, that we mitigate the damage that we have inflicted upon Mother Earth. This cycle goes from 2026 to 2039. The calling of the Elders is to become aware, to assume our roll as human beings. It is not possible that we continue the destruction of our own home! There are two aspects to realize; first, that for our life’s purpose, for our development as Cosmic Beings, as an important part of the Universe, and as a part of Creation the achievement of the “awareness of being” is imperative and our actions need to have that sense, in these moments all possibilities are open to us. The other aspect is that our existence is linked (both as the individuals and as humanity) to Mother Earth, we have an evolutionary development and a cosmic purpose within a larger plan, but we need to be clear that Mother Earth will continue traversing through the cycles with or without us, for if we do not become aware, a new beings generation will be in tune with her purpose.
Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies