11 K’at – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal K'atK’at represents the net; it is both the problems that entrap us and the net with which we can bring together the elements, people and knowledge that can be used to achieve self-realization. Number 11 symbolizes learning through experience. Use the energy of this day to disentangle the knots that stop you from reaching your goals, remember that the web that tangles you is mostly of your own making and nothing prevents you from freeing yourself from it.

10 Aq’ab’al

Nawal Aq'ab'alAq’ab’al is the renewing force, it represents the cycles of our life that transform our destiny. Number 10 brings with it the energy of flowing. The gift of renewal granted by Aq’ab’al allows you to be the creator of your own destiny, of making the choices that lead you toward your right path. Ask the energies of this day to be the light that guides you.

Yamanik Pablo – Maya Lineage, Next Generation

Yamanik Pablo has developed the gift of Kab’Tzij, to speak with such kindness that her words heal and comfort the spirit.  She is a young person who has become an Ajq’ij (spiritual guide) in the Maya tradition.  In this video, Yamanik shares the profound sense of purpose, meaning and impact of the Maya tradition on her life.


Video Text
My name is Yamanik Pablo.  Some time ago I made the commitment of becoming an Ajq’ij (Maya Spiritual Guide), of taking this path.  It gives me a great pride and satisfaction to be able to talk about our Maya culture and our Maya spirituality.  I think it is very important for us that we understand that we owe great respect to this because it is part of our life but I also do it with the objective that if a person looks forward to learning about Maya culture they can do so, because it is something that helps us in our life. Maya culture is one of the greatest cultures the world has had and it is a culture that had great achievements in many aspects, one of these aspects has survived to this day; there are people who live Maya culture every day, that we live Maya culture and we practice Maya spirituality and it is a living culture, with its necessary changes, but with the same foundation of being Mayas and I think this is very important. Well, in my case taking the path of becoming an Ajq’ij has been something very important I completely feel the difference, the before and after of when I did it, I took my path at some point as a teenager, I had just gone through my teenage years; that moment in life in which you are Searching for a purpose and a meaning in life I understood that many aspects of Maya spirituality helped my life have a purpose, a path And I felt different, I felt complete and I believe this is very important, I also understood, as many scholars mention, both Mayan and outside people who have a different vision, that Maya culture based its spiritual practice and their spiritual manifestation of the individuals and of the whole culture in science So Maya spirituality has its basis in science and because of this, Maya spirituality is something that makes us feel complete, it is something that we can apply to our life, in specific moments in which we engage in an activity in which we manifest our spirituality, either if it is for a moment or for a day, it is also something that helps us in each instant of our existence, both in that moment in which we are dedicated to our spiritual activity when we celebrate a Ceremony or something we want to do to dedicate to spiritual time and also helps us in every instant of our life when we eat, when we go out for a walk, when we work, when we study; it is something that we can apply to every instant of our life and that is something very important. I believe that Maya spirituality is a guide, a path; it does not make us become perfect beings because we are human beings, but it is a very good guide to be able to live a complete life, in harmony and in balance, especially because it gives us specific days to perform certain activities; one understands and comprehends that one can plan one’s life in relation to these days, and initiate projects on a certain day or get married on a certain day or do certain activities that have their own day so one wakes up every day and understands that that day has a purpose, an energy and one is in harmony with that energy, one feels the fullness with that energy and by being in communication and in tune with the energy of that day one can accomplish each of the objectives one wants to achieve in the best way and to feel that satisfaction in every plane; spiritual, physical, mental and emotional and to feel that completeness and that balance that immerses us and makes us live this spiritual life within Maya culture. To me, it is also very important to understand that within Maya culture there is a gender equity and balance, where both men and women can live within Maya spirituality at the same level, so there is a balance in gender equity and it is also very important for me to understand that we are given the opportunity as young people of making this commitment from an early age in the moment in which one feels ready and prepared, because one can feel that of making this commitment, always being respectful to the Elders and those that are older because theirs is the experience it belongs to them, they have lived much more time than us, and all the time and all the experiences give them the wisdom that we as young people sometimes lack but it does invite us from our early age to understand and comprehend and live within Maya spirituality, so that we can learn day by day and understand day by day, it is amazing that every human being realizes at a certain point Yamanik Pablo, Young Maya Ajq'ijthat every day and at every instant we are learning something sometimes experiences don’t appear to be good, but it is also something that make us have the understanding that the challenges and inconveniences we face throughout our life can support us and strengthen us in our activities and in our spiritual understanding and our spiritual  awareness, so it is also very important, the opportunity that we are given as young people to make this commitment. It is also important to understand that Maya culture brings us in harmony with all nature, it makes us have respect towards nature, towards Mother Earth, towards each of the elements; fire, earth, air and water, and each of the animals and plants, and that is how we feel in harmony at every instant of our life because we give it a purpose, a meaning, an understanding; we are in communication, in tune. We are in harmony and we live in balance. It is a very good guide for any person who wants to find a way to give purpose and meaning to their life. It is an invitation, in my case it was a complete change, I feel much more content and happy, one does make a commitment, but it is also something beautiful to be able to have this opportunity to look at life in such a beautiful way; it is an invitation to all the people who would like to get closer to Maya spirituality because you will find a spiritual strength, harmony and balance for your life and your existence, especially in our modern times.
Sib’laj Maltiox (Many Thanks)



EQUINOX: 8 Imox, Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal ImoxFor most of the ancient people the cosmic events represented a very important moment and were a time of great celebration. Nowadays these events are no longer relevant, even though they influence our lives. For the Maya people both the Equinoxes and the Solstices mark the beginning of a new cosmic-telluric cycle. This September 23 the Equinox indicates that there is a balance in the energies, which affects us up until December 20.
The energy of this Equinox is influenced by 8 Imox; Imox is the essence of our consciousness and of our mind, number 8 represents the physical and material energies. This day opens up a space to activate our internal power, to develop our vision and intuition; it is the moment to prepare our awareness to find balance between the material and the spiritual. Use the power of this day to materialize your dreams. Remember that those who have allowed themselves to dream about something different are the ones who have transformed the world.

Archaeology and Restoring the Continuum

Temple in Copan, HondurasSo, this Monday morning rant features an article that leads me to think about the need to restore the continuum in our stories of human experience.

Often, archaeology, as a result of the modern cosmologies within which it operates, creates a narrative that disconnects the current human experience from the richness of our collective history.  Ancestral people, like the Maya, are said to have “disappeared” and to have had little to no connection to civilizations of the past, let alone hold the keys for recognizing the developments they have brought to the planet that remain unseen.  Disconnecting a people from their own history helps to create the conditions that enable their exploitation.

There is great value in understanding the narratives of our human history, even as told through archaeological or anthropological lenses.  This shifting context of discovery can change the way we think about how we have arrived in the present moment, as well as the potential that we can realize in the future.

Our history is continuous, and the more we can realize this the greater our sense of purpose can be heading into the future.  This article is a great example of the transformation that is possible, even within archaeological perspectives, that begin to recognize the unbroken connection between peoples and their ancestors.  Although this example is specific to Indigenous people of the Americas, there are stories of our ancestral experience upon this planet being told around the world, and we can each recognize our place on a deeper continuum of life in this universe.

New Discovery Confirms Native American Views on Their Ancestry

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies