11 Ajmaq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal AjmaqAjmaq is the energy of forgiveness, of reconciliation with the Great Father. Number 11 symbolizes learning through experience, it is the challenges that you can transmute to knowledge. This is a day for introspection; remember that self-knowledge can also arise from the difficult moments we face in life. Evaluate your actions, cure the wounds that your past conflicts may have caused and reflect on the motives that move you to act in a certain way.

Living Lineages: Eco-Social-Spiritual Integration

Preparing for a fire ceremony in Cerillos, NM
Preparing for a fire ceremony in Cerillos, NM

Living Lineages are an essential component in catalyzing the opportunities of our individual and collective potential by re-integrating on ecological, social and spiritual levels.  In order to truly engage with these lineages, we must first enable ourselves to be transformed by them, not simply understand them.  It is with much gratitude to Kosmos Journal that we share their publication of my article on the subject.

How do you engage with living lineages?  What are the opportunities and places where you see these lineages transforming modern life?



Communities around the planet are dealing with crises resulting from the complicated and complex web of problems that have emerged out of our modern society.  Whether viewed through the lens of climate change, wealth disparity, food security or any other inter-related issue, we have an opportunity to address the fundamental cause: the disconnect  between our human designs and the wisdom of nature.  The scale, complexity, and global nature of these problems require a transformation at a proportionate level of depth, simplicity, and local-rootedness to create the conditions for appropriate solutions to emerge. Living Lineages are experienced in the translation and application of natural wisdom, providing an essential key so that we may reintegrate, individually and collectively, at ecological, social and spiritual levels.


Living Lineages: Simplicity, Complexity and the Deepening Eco-Social-Spiritual Integration

6 B’atz’ – Today’ Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal B'atz'B’atz’ is the thread of destiny, it is everything that has occurred to us in the past, everything that is happening now and all the things we are creating for our future. Today the energy of B’atz’ converges with that of number 6, which may bring complications and changes. Continue working on your plans and projects, but carefully weigh the opportunities that come your way during this day.

4 Toj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal TojNumber 4 means balance; it represents the four elements, the four cardinal points and the four races. Toj is a special day in which to thank the Creator and Maker with an offering. Thank him for all that you are and everything that you have; thank him for the balance and serenity he has gave you to face the challenges of life, and for all the life that still lies ahead of you. Light a candle to the Great Father as a sign of gratitude.

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies