All posts by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

6 I’X ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal I'xThis day enables you to be in balance with the female energy, expand your feline power which grants you strength and astuteness, and develop the inner magic that this Nawal / Ch’umil brings with it.
Este día puedes manifestar un balance con la energía femenina, expandir el poder felino que te otorga fuerza y astucia y desarrollar la magia interna que proporciona este Ch’umil / Nawal.

Restructuring Awareness in These Times of Change

During these times in which the crisis leads us to reevaluate our destiny and purpose as human beings, both in the personal and community levels, we must not forget that our path of life is connected to that of Mother Earth. This moment in which we see ourselves forced to make a stop we have the opportunity to reevaluate our life, our purpose, and our projection, we have time to think, to determine and take action. We must realize that we are in a time of change, according to the knowledge of the Maya ancestors on December 21, 2012 we entered the Job’ Ajaw, the current cycle that indicates a period of transformation and ascension in a more subtle spiritual level, the prophecy indicates that this is a moment in which if we are not able to accomplish our evolution, we are condemned to become stagnant. We must be aware of the purpose for which we have this existence, according to the guidelines of Creation this purpose influences both human beings and Mother Earth. This is a moment of a vibrational change in a planetary level, the new awareness is being gestated and it will allow the subtleness to emerge. 

Spirituality and science have finally come together in the awakening of consciousness! 

We need to restructure reality, both the individual and the shared. The ancestral wisdom of the Maya Grandfathers and Grandmothers gives us techniques and tools to change this reality, and we will be transmitting this knowledge. 

Reestructurando la conciencia en estos tiempos de cambio

En estos tiempos en que la crisis nos hace reevaluar nuestro destino y propósito como seres humanos, tanto en lo personal como en lo comunitario, no debemos olvidar que nuestro camino va unido a la evolución de la Madre Tierra. Este momento en que nos hemos visto forzados a hacer un alto es la mejor oportunidad para reevaluar nuestra vida, nuestros propósitos y nuestra proyección, tenemos tiempo para pensar, para determinar y tomar acción. Debemos realizar que estamos en un tiempo de cambios, acorde al conocimiento de los ancestros Mayas el 21 de diciembre de 2012 entramos al Job’ Ajaw, el ciclo actual que nos indica una época de transformación y ascensión a un nivel espiritual más sutil, la profecía nos indica que es una época en la que si no logramos nuestra evolución, estamos condenados a quedarnos estancados. Debemos tomar conciencia del propósito para el cual tenemos esta existencia, acorde a los lineamientos de la Creación este propósito nos influye tanto a los seres humanos, como a la Madre Tierra. Este momento es de un cambio de vibración a nivel planetario, se está gestando esa nueva conciencia, la que aflora lo más sutil. 

¡Espiritualidad y ciencia finalmente se unen en el despertar de la conciencia!

Por esto debemos reestructurar la realidad, tanto la personal como la comunitaria. 

La sabiduría ancestral de los abuelos y abuelas Mayas nos da técnicas y herramientas para cambiar esta realidad, por lo que estaremos transmitiendo este conocimiento.

4 E ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal EIs the path in which the four elements converge; fire, earth, air, and water. Its energy helps us find a relation and a balance with the elements and with ourselves. During these times it is important to be in balance with ourselves and with everything that surrounds us.

Es el camino en que convergen los cuatro elementos; fuego, tierra, aire y agua, con los que tenemos que encontrar relación y balance. En estos momentos es importante encontrarnos en balance con nosotros mismos y lo que nos rodea.

Message for These Corona Times from Carlos Barrios

Each day brings its energy, but there are specific spaces of time to which we can give a positive value, let’s take advantage of this space which was granted to us to recover our being, our essence; you can increase the energy of love which is more powerful than the energy of fear and make it expandable to decrease the negative energy that is surrounding us. This is a good moment to make an inner journey and revise if you are the being what you want to be, you can project the changes that you need to make. The Maya remind us that spirituality of these days has a name and that name is action.

These Times: The Settling of the Job Ajaw

Watching over the fire

At the arrival of the famous date of December 21, 2012, the so-called “End of the World” was spread as if it were a prophecy that was originated in the Maya World. Although we tried to undermine these words which were attributed to us, very few media opened a space for a clarification from the elders and Maya spiritual guides. However much we tried, the spaces were closed. When this supposed widespread catastrophic event did not happen, mockery and discredit were the consequences for the Maya culture. It is worth saying that this was a plot.

These times are marked by the change of a cycle of 5,200 Ab’ years -which are equivalent to 5,184 Gregorian years- and this cycle that ended did not bring with it any type of end of the world, not even an end of humanity.

This new cycle is known as Job Ajaw, or Fifth Sun. It is a period that opens the consciousness of the human being, it is a time of understanding, of faith, balance and harmony between spirituality and the materialistic vision in which we have become immerse. Before we reached this time, we lived four cycles of 5,200 Ab’ years each. The first was of female energy, with Fire as the ruling element. The second was of male energy with Earth as the ruling element. The third cycle was of female energy with Air as the ruling element, the fourth cycle was of male energy with Water as the ruling element, this was the cycle that ended on December 21, 2012. The new cycle, the Job Ajaw, brings a balance between the female and male energies, that is to say that it contains both energies, and the element that rules is Ether, which contains the four primary elements. Ether is what makes up the space of the Universe (now called black matter) and it has a very subtle essence; it is the one that allows the Interstellar connection that will empower our evolutionary development. You may wonder, if we have already reached the cycle of the New Era, why are we living under such turmoil? Why are the drums of war rumbling and why is racism so present? Every day we see outbreaks around the world; demonstrations, non-conformity, and all that this materialistic vision of the human being has brought. One only has to look at the world around us to see the pollution, the extreme weather, the unconsciousness of our governments, etc.; as entering into this new cycle is not like turning on a switch to attain an automatic change, there is a period of transition. According to the knowledge that was bequeathed to us by the Elders, the new cycle began on December 21, 2012, but we have to remember that there are micro-cycles which are related to the growth of a human being. From age 0 to 13 we experience the stage of childhood, a time of vulnerability at the beginning and of energy with the passing of the years, for the Maya world a person stops being considered a child at the age of 13. This is the stage that we are living at this moment, a stage of action, effervescence, of an energy that is somewhat dispersed; we can see this in our politicians, in their actions. Few people have clarity and no one is taking real measures regarding pollution and unbalance. This period will reach its peak between 2025 and 2026, it will be a time of turmoil and unrest amongst humanity, the economical systems may suffer a lot during this short cycle and instability will mark this time during which wars are likely to increase.

The next thirteen years of this development are marked by learning through experience; this cycle is much more complicated for confrontations could heighten. This energy is expanding and searching for its future, which could bring more radical changes. This period is marked by a cycle during which we could experience scarcity, if we do not account for disruptions and plan, as lack of water and drought will begin to manifest.  It is prudent that we are well prepared. We will depend again on Mother Earth to survive, it is urgent that we reforest, that we mitigate the damage that we have inflicted upon Mother Earth. This cycle goes from 2026 to 2039. The calling of the Elders is to become aware, to assume our roll as human beings. It is not possible that we continue the destruction of our own home! There are two aspects to realize; first, that for our life’s purpose, for our development as Cosmic Beings, as an important part of the Universe, and as a part of Creation the achievement of the “awareness of being” is imperative and our actions need to have that sense, in these moments all possibilities are open to us.  The other aspect is that our existence is linked (both as the individuals and as humanity) to Mother Earth, we have an evolutionary development and a cosmic purpose within a larger plan, but we need to be clear that Mother Earth will continue traversing through the cycles with or without us, for if we do not become aware, a new beings generation will be in tune with her purpose.

All Saints Day and Dia de Los Muertos

Maya Dia de Los Muertos
Cemetary on Dia de los Muertos

During these days we celebrate our ancestors, we commemorate the memory of those who left this dimension before us. In the traditional Maya world we pay homage to their memory every Kame, especially on the day 13 Kame. With the coming to the Americas of catholicism, and to protect their spirituality and traditions, the Maya people adopted the celebrations of All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead to celebrate their ancestors (November 1 and 2).

The Maya elders tell us that during these days there is a subtle line in which the realities of this world and of the world of those who have passed touch, in a way we are vibrating in the tradition of celebrating the memory of our ancestors, these beings who existed in the ephemeral existence of life, in which they achieved their projections, their evolution, and left us the legacy of their knowledge. The importance of belonging to a lineage that was inherited to us marks us in life, for this lineage is transmitted to us at every level.

Let’s remember and thank our ancestors in the other dimension for guiding, advising and protecting us, for always watching over us. Especially for interceding for us before the energies of Creation, for inheriting us the lineage that composes our being, for transmitting their life experiences to help us grow.

We are bearers of that long lineage, our own character was outlined by all the ancestors that came before us, it is because of this that reminiscing their memory and recognizing their values and interests brings us closer to our purpose of life, their awareness of being is part of our origin, of our destiny, it serves us to redirect our purposes of life.

Today and tomorrow we can light a fire or some candles to invoke our ancestors and connect to their energy, wisdom, and essence. Let’s not forget them, let’s thank them for their lineage and heritage, let’s say a prayer to honor them, to remember that a great part of who we are, a great part of our being, exists thanks to them.

“Oh Father, Oh Mother; Heart of the Sky, Heart of Mother Earth, Heart of the Air, and Heart of the Water, oh Great Grandfathers and Grandmothers, great ancestors who have preceded us in this reality, in this day in which your presence is stronger we want to honor and remember you, we want to thank your legacy, your guide, and your protection. Our heart calls you so that your heartbeats attune with ours; we are your descendants, the seeds that you planted, the offspring that succeed you in the transit through this reality to carry on with the process of healing and growth of your legacy, for this we give thanks. Your consciousness has influenced the lineage of which we are a part, your achievements and shortcomings have brought us to this moment and for this we ask that together we can move forward to fulfill the destiny that was outlined at the beginning of Creation. We ask your guidance to fulfill our individual life’s purpose and the destiny that we share as a lineage. We give thanks for your existence, your heritage, and your energy in our lives. We honor the life of each and every one of you and for it, we give thanks, four times we give thanks.”  




B’elejeb B’atz’

The energies that affect the Najt/Space -Time come from the Uk’ux Kaj/Heart of the Sky and Uk’ux Ulew/Heart of Mother Earth. The convergence of these creates our existence in this dimension.  It is Ajaw B’atz who initiates the interweaving of reality in the Najt, and one of the most important days is 9 B’atz, the manifestation of the Female energy. It is the guiding thread of that essence that brings the subtleness, kindness, and creativity. It is the magic and the mysterious force that breaks through dimensions and brings us the marvel of life. It is because of this that when they were shaping the Cholq’ij/Sacred Maya Calendar, the wise men designated this the women’s day. It’s great protector has been Grandmother Ixmukane, who, together with her partner (husband) Ixpiyakok, gave advice to the Creators and Makers by making a divination with the Tz’ite seeds to form the new Human Being. This Grandmother, who is one of the greater divinities of the Maya world and whose presence has existed from the beginning of times, is the driving force of the female energy in the times of the Maya matriarchy.  Her power and magic have accompanied the world since its origins, especially for women.

The Ch’umil/Nawal of Ajaw B’atz opens on this day the opportunity to reconnect with our feminine conformation, for we, both men and woman, have lost much of it.  In the pyramidal structures, the female energy is that of the 9th platform, meaning the highest level (it is rare to find a pyramid with more than 9 platforms). The pyramids of 8 platforms are related to the male energy.

Let us remember that the female energy is also the energy of Mother Earth, and its fruits, as with women, give continuity to life, to its expression. It is this energy that opens the space of intuition, of magic, all of this because of the relation of the dimensional spaces of Paxil and Kayala (dimensions that coexist with our dimension). In some way it is the expression of beauty and art.

This day of Ch’umil B’atz is of great importance to connect with Mother Nature, preferably to go to the forest or to a park with lots of trees, if this is not possible go to a botanic garden, to the shore of a lake, look at a volcano, at a mountain. What is important is to communicate with Her, even if it is only by looking at the sky. Light green and blue candles, which represent the natural environment, tie each of them with a thread (of the color that resonates with you) turning it around the candle and asking a wish with each turn. Don’t forget to ask for the recovery of Mother Earth. Sit and meditate about the interweaving of your life and how to project your objectives.

Life is a gift given to us by the Creator and Maker, fulfilling our purpose of life is the opportunity that the awareness of being gives us and which is manifested during this day!

B’elejeb B’atz’ – Tata Pedro Ixchop & Carlos Barrios

Maya Elder Pedro IxchopB’elejeb B’atz’ for 2017 first falls on Monday, January 15.

We are fortunate to have an article from Carlos Barrios, and a video from Maya elder Tata Pedro Ixchop, on the significance of B’elejeb B’atz’

Wajxaqib’(8) B’atz’ is the first day of the count of the Cholq’ij Calendar. There is a great celebration on this day. In Guatemala, thousands of traditional Fire Ceremonies are celebrated, as we begin a new cycle of 260 days. This is an important moment to organize and ask for the fulfilment of the purposes we have set out for ourselves. The energy that rules this date is one of a physical and material realization.

B’elejeb (9) B’atz’ is also an important date within the count of the Sacred Calendar. It is celebrated 40 days after Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’. B’elejeb (9) B’atz’ is also celebrated throughout the country and carries with it an energy of sensitivity for realizing the spiritual purposes we have decided to reach for.

During this important day, lets connect to the energy of B’elejeb (9) B’atz’. Let’s be aware, throughout the day, of its strength and power. If we wish to increase the effects of it’s energy, we can light a candle or a fire to connect to this Ch’umil. Lets ask that this Sacred Fire may increase our sensitivity, the power of our vision, the revelations through dreams, and the power of our mind. Let us focus upon balancing our polarity to open the space to both the masculine, material, and physical energies and the female, emotional, psychic, and spiritual energies. The energy that comes with B’elejeb (9) B’atz’ is a very subtle one and it allows us to develop the asepcts to which we normally don’t pay much attention, but which is highly important and which allows us to have a balance as whole beings.

B’elejeb (9) B’atz’ has many elements of the female energy, for which many people call it the Day of the Maya Woman.

  • Carlos Barrios

In this video, Tata Pedro discusses the significance of B’elejeb (9) B’atz’ from a traditional perspective. This includes its relationship to Waxaq’ib (9) B’atz and the significance it has for both men and women. Don Pedro’s teachings here come from a deep root and ancient lineage, and sometimes differ from the current understanding, even amongst many ajq’ij’ab.  Maya Elder, Don Pedro Ixchop is the head of the Association of Maya Ajq’ij in Guatemala.