All posts by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

6 KEJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal KiejNature is our Mother, who always gives to us. We must preserve her, being in harmony with her means giving her the respect and care we owe her.
La naturaleza es nuestra Madre que siempre nos da, nosotros tenemos obligación de preservarla, armonizarnos con ella significa el respeto y el cuidado que le debemos.

5 KAME ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal KemeThe energy of the ancestors manifested in Kame is found in the parallel dimensions, from there they guide us and transmit their knowledge. The purpose today is to be aligned with them, invoke your own ancestors.
La energía de los ancestros manifiesta en Kame está en las dimensiones paralelas, desde allí nos guían y nos transmiten su conocimiento. El propósito es alinearse con ellos, invoca a tus propios ancestros.

4 KAN ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal KanToday the four prime elements converge and activate Kukulkan, the Feathered Serpent, which transmutes and catalizes the sublime action that can elevate your spirit to your true consciousness. Search for the wise energy of Kan.
Hoy se activan y convergen los cuatro elementos primigenios que accionan a Kukulkan, la Serpiente Emplumada, transmutadora y catalizadora de la acción sublime que puede elevar tu espíritu a tu verdadera conciencia. Busca la energía de la sabiduría del Kan.

3 K’AT ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal K'atThis is a day to exercise clarity and the power to untangle all things that are trapping you. K’at opens the space to find and catch your inner powers. Be careful not to fall into obsessions and become a victim of the excesses. If you put your intention, you will be able to free yourself.
Día para ejercer la claridad y el poder para desatar lo que te enreda. K’at te da el espacio para encontrar y atrapar tus poderes internos. Cuidado con caer en obsesiones y ser víctima de los excesos. Si pones intención te podrás liberar.

2 AQ’AB’AL ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Aq'ab'alThere is always an opportunity, a new sunrise, the spirituality of this day asks you for compromise with your partner or your spiritual guide to outline your path, the advice of the elders gives you guidance. Search for the light that is within yourself.
Siempre hay una oportunidad, un nuevo amanecer, la polaridad de este día te pide consenso con tu pareja o con tu guía espiritual para delinear tu camino, el consejo de los mayores te orienta. Busca la luz que está en tu ser interno.

1 IQ’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Iq'The power of thought is the energy that rules this day. The results we obtain will depend on how we outline and direct our thoughts. Let’s remember that Iq’ is an auspicious energy for creativity and the creation of reality, especially our personal reality.
El poder del pensamiento es la energía que rige este día. Acorde a cómo delineemos nuestros pensamientos y los direccionemos así será la respuesta que tendremos. Recordemos que Iq’ propicia la creatividad y la creación de la realidad, en especial la personal.

13 IMOX ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal ImoxThe strength of this sign is favorable to activate our dormant senses, especially our intuition, premonition, and revelations in dreams. Be open to receive these gifts and find the spiritual techniques that help you develop them. Do not allow your mind to be closed and confuse you.
La fuerza de este signo propicia activar nuestros sentidos dormidos, en especial la intuición, la premonición y las revelaciones en sueños. Hay que recibir estos dones y buscar las técnicas espirituales que y ayudarán a desarrollarlos. No permitas que tu mente se cierre y te confunda.

12 AJPU ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjpuClarity, security, and certainty rule this day. 12 Ajpu brings kindness. The union of these energies gives us the strength to reach our purpose of life. This is the sign of the energy of the Sun, which will light your path if you invoke it.
La claridad, seguridad y certeza rigen éste día. 12 Ajpu da nobleza. La unión de estas energías nos da fortaleza para alcanzar nuestro propósito en la vida. Este es el signo del Sol que alumbra tu camino si tu lo convocas.