TZ’IKIN is the intermediary between the Heart of the Sky (the Sun) and Mother Earth. It is the space that opens communication between the Igneous Heart of Mother Earth, Q’aq’ Alom (magma) and the face of the Earth, entering to our heart. Tz’ikin is the vision. It is the one that communicates the essence of our being with the essence of reality, which is the image of this Creation. From it comes the vision of the future, which is the result of the structures of the Najt (Space-Time). It is the power of traveling between the circles which configure the Najt. The purpose of this energy for this moment is to have control of our mind, of focusing and directing our thoughts to be connected, to be aware. It is intuition, revelations through dreams, precognition of the dormant senses that we all possess. This is a moment to take away the constraints, this is what we should focus upon. Remember that spirituality of these times has a name, and that name is action. The same happens with economic well-being and with love, which are under the auspices of Tz’ikin. These are a determination of the creativity that we delineate. This is a moment to return to the reason of being Humans in the concatenation of the thread of Creation.
Wajxaqib’ (8) B’at’z – The Cholq’ij New Year
According to the Maya, the world was created in one Mayan month (twenty days). The process of creation begins on Jun (1) B’atz and ends on the day Wuqub’ (7) Tz’i’, completing the first twenty days of the Cholq’ij (Calendar of Life). After this final day of creation, the day Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’ arrives, which is considered the Cholq’ij New Year. When Maya people celebrate the Cholq’ij new year, they are celebrating that the creation of the world has been fulfilled, and the beginning of a new cycle of 260 days.
We are living in the time of the Job’ Ajaw, or Fifth Sun which we entered on December 21, 2012. This epoch is related to the element Ether and to the fifth dimension. We have entered a time of greater awareness, in which we are witnessing socio-economic changes – but these changes don’t happen overnight. We are only now beginning to see them. The energy of the Ch’umilal, or signs of the Maya Cholq’ij Calendar, have the same meaning we have been sharing, but now their energy resonates more with the spiritual power that comes with them. The concatenation of the energies that each of the Ch’umilal represents is the guide of the Creation. It influences us throughout the cycle of our life and the cycle of Mother Earth. By working with each of the days we will connect to the spiritual energy of the twenty Ch’umilal to be in harmony with each of them.
You can follow Carlos’s guide to more deeply understanding and connecting with the energies of the twenty days leading up to the Cholq’ij New Year in the Daily Ch’umil section of the website, or by subscribing to the newsletter or following Saq’ Be’ on social media.