3 Q’anil – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal Q'anilQ’anil symbolizes the seeds, the germ, the semen; it is a day of life and creation, of sharing harmony, love and understanding. Number 3 represents the children, our sons and daughters. This is a day to help those who reach you looking for guidance and protection; those who are your spiritual children, a day to receive them and plant in them the seeds that will help them grow and develop.

1 Kame – Today’s Nawal & Elder Prayer for Tricena

Nawal KemeKame represents the cycles that manifest during our life. Number 1 is the beginning, it is an auspicious day to begin new projects or make significant life changes. It is not always easy to end the cycles of our past, but it is a necessary step to be able to move forward and receive the blessings that come with new opportunities. This trecena (thirteen days), that begins today, gives you the opportunity of evaluating the changes you need to make; connect to the energy of 1 Kame to get the strength to change and open yourself to new energies.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Kame

In this sacred day Kame I am grateful, Ajaw, for you are my Divine Judge, you liberate me from any difficulty, form the injustice of the invader, of the enemy. You help me solve all the precarious problems; you help me bring justice in your presence Ajaw.  Allow me to be the light of the judges through your divine justice. I ask you, Ajaw, to bring balance to my feet, to my hands, to my path, to my destiny, to bring balance to my future, to bring balance to my life, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Ajaw you are the healer of my body, you rejuvenate my body and my soul. You are my Divine Doctor, I ask you to grant me the Divine Operation Father Ajaw of the Sky and of the Earth. Heal my body from any disease. Heal my wounds, heal my vices, heal my pain, heal my internal organs Ajaw, because you are the only one who can heal me, for you, Ajaw, are the doctor of doctors. I ask you Ajaw to be the guide that guides the knowledge and science in the doctors, in the hospitals. Your supernatural force enters my whole body, the bodies of my daughters and my sons, Ajaw, because I kneel in your presence. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox and four times Maltiox.Maya Elder Pedro Ixchop

Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being

Maltiox Thank you

13 Kan – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

This day is filled with energy. Kan represents the serpentine fire; it is the energy of the inner fire that activates us. Number 13 containNawal Kans strength and wisdom, it is fulfillment and magic. These energies help you transform your knowledge in to wisdom and convert your thoughts into actions. Today is the last day of the Aj trecena (thirteen days) which has brought you the opportunity of renewing your energy. Light a white candle to thank Nawal Aj.

Maya Day of the Dead – Dia de los Muertos

Maya Dia de los MuertosAccording to Catholic tradition, November 1 is All Saints Day and November 2 is the Day of the Dead. After the conquest and to protect their spirituality and customs, the Maya world adopted these dates to celebrate the dead, who were originally celebrated on the day 13 Kame.

On November 1, taking advantage of the Catholic tradition of celebrating All Saints Day, Maya people from the different communities celebrated both the ruling divinity of their area and other divinities to which they felt connected.
On November 2 the celebration of 13 Kame was adapted to the Catholic celebration of the Day of the Dead. This was a day to remember the ancestors that had transcended, a day in which there was a communication between the dead and the living. To prepare for this occasion the graves were adorned and painted in bright colors to connect with the happiness and joy of this celebration, of the families sharing with their deceased.

Nowadays, in Guatemala, the celebration of the divinities and the dead has merged, and the connection to the ancestors is celebrated on both days, especially on November 1.
During these days families go to the cemeteries to render homage to their ancestors, they decorate the graves with native fruits, pine leaves, flowers and candles, they play the marimba and bring food for the dead and for themselves to share a meal with them.  In some communities they still have the tradition of celebrating Sacred Fire Ceremonies to invoke the spirit of their family and the Maya divinities. Another tradition is creating and flying colorful kites in the cemeteries. This activity has a profound spiritual meaning for the indigenous Maya, as it stages the link that eternally endures between the living and the dead. In this way, the brightly-colored, giant kites take to the sky in search of ancestral spirits to honor them and to let them know that they have not been forgotten.

This is also the day in which the elders tell the family the story of their ancestors.

8 Ajpu – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal AjpuAjpu represents the spiritual warrior; it is a day of greatness and the strength of life. Number 8 is a number filled with physical energy and is auspicious for men. Today’s masculine energy connects us to the material world and its strength, connect to this energy and vibrate with it; use its power to strengthen your spirit and to overcome challenges with the force and self-confidence of a spiritual warrior

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies