13 Aq’ab’al – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Aq'ab'alAq’ab’al represents the dusk and dawn; it is the first ray of light in the darkness, a renewing force. Number 13 symbolizes the magic of being able to change and create. The revitalizing strength of the energies of this day offer you the opportunity to break from your routine and breath new airs. This is the last day of the B’atz’ trecena (thirteen days), light a candle to thank B’atz’ for all the stories you have woven with its threads during this thirteen days.

During the Creation of the Universe 13 Aq’ab’al drank water, moistened the soil and modeled the body of the man.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

12 Iq’ – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Iq'Iq’ is the wind, the energy that governs ideas and change; it symbolizes renewal and purity, it is the purifier of the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is the divine breath that sustains existence and the energy of words and communication. Number 12 projects creativity and dreams; it represents the consciousness of being. The energies of this day bring creativity and life to your projects.

During the Creation of the Universe 12 Iq’ created the wind. This is the reason why it is called spirit, because there is no death within it.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

11 Imox – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal ImoxImox is the subtle part of human beings; it is the unusual and the eccentric, the essence of our consciousness, the strength of our mind. It represents the Water element, thus, it is an auspicious day to ask for rain, for water, and for the fertility of nature. Number 11 symbolizes the act of dividing, sorting and sharing. During this day ask 11 Imox to help you focus on your positive thoughts and to develop your intuition.

During the Creation of the Universe the stones and the trees where created on a day 11 Imox, this was done within the Sun.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

Mindfulness, Truthiness and Living Lineages

Congress Indigenous people of america - Quetzaltenango 1I often think about living lineages as adapting and changing form as they move across time and space.  What is essential, however, is that as these traditions bud into forming new – and sometimes flourishing branches, they must always remain connected to and nourish (and be nourished by) the roots.  The modern day mindfulness movement, particularly in the US, provides an interesting example of various lineages moving across time and space, seeking to integrate into modern life in a meaningful way.  What appears to be happening is that an aspect of different traditions (mindfulness) has been extracted from the context within which it developed, as secularization efforts aim to make the practice more accessible into a modern culture that strongly favors safety and knowing over the mystery (and potential) of the unknown.

My hunch is that without connecting and feeding its roots, mindfulness will wither on the vine within this society.  When I think about our work here with Saq’ Be’, both our challenge and opportunity lies in finding ways to integrate powerful living lineages into our modern life in ways that feed and nourish the roots of those traditions.  This is why we are working simultaneously to bring the stories and experiences of these lineages into contact with a modern-focused world while also working towards supporting the vitality of those traditions in their homelands through various rescue and preservation efforts.  This reflects a natural law of reciprocity and will ultimately help to bring the transformative potential of these lineages to bear more fully on both the modern and traditional worlds.

This article in Salon.com presents an interesting reflection on modern mythology creating a condition that has led to a reduction and sterilization of rich traditions into functional components that wind up reinforcing that existing mythology.
Mindfulness’ “truthiness” problem: Sam Harris, science and the truth about Buddhist tradition

10 Ajpu – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal AjpuAjpu represents the spiritual warrior and the hunter. It is the energy of Grandfather Sun. This day brings material and spiritual certainty; it helps us overcome the negative energies and gives us the certainty and acuity of the hunter. Number 10 represents creativity and flowing. Pay attention to the events that happen during this day, so you can recognize the right moment in which to make a move toward materializing your dreams.

During the Creation of the Universe on a day 10 Ajpu the bad men went to the Underworld.  

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

9 Kawoq – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal KawoqKawoq means the strength of unity; it represents the family, the community, the society, and the group. It is the energy of abundance, in both the material and the spiritual sense. Number 9 represents the emotional, the intuitive, and the creative. Light a candle to ask the Creator for His protection and blessings on your home, your family and your community.

During the Creation of the Universe on a day 9 Kawoq the Underworld was tested for the first time.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

8 Tijax – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal TijaxTijax is the power of the thunder and the lightning represented by the obsidian stone which is black and transparent, sharp but fragile. It is also the obsidian double-edged knife which represents the negative in the positive and the positive in the negative; it is the strength and power of the warrior. Number 8 symbolizes the complete energies of the material world. The energies of this day provide you with the power to cut away any material blockages and negative energies.

During the Creation of the Universe 8 Tijax planted its hands and feet firmly and nailed them to the ground.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

7 No’j – Today’s Nawal & Maya Creation

Nawal NojNo’j is the connection between the Universal Cosmic Mind and the human mind; it represents intellect, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual learning. Number 7 brings balance, it is a force that can harmonize and it possesses the power to impel. Open up to receive the gifts of wisdom and the knowledge that the Ajaw (Supreme Being) is granting you today.

During the Creation of the Universe on a day 7 No’j the first Earth was born where there was no Earth for us.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

6 Ajmaq – Maya Day Sign (Nawal) & Creation

Nawal AjmaqAjmaq is a favorable day to ask for and receive forgiveness for our mistakes. Number 6 entails learning, it represents the tests we need to overcome in order to develop and find balance. Guilt is one of the main obstacles in our spiritual path, use the energy of 6 Ajmaq to transform any hard feelings into inner peace, accept your past mistakes, forgive yourself and others, this spiritual act is the first step to accomplish spiritual growth.

During the Creation of the Universe 6 Ajmaq created the first light were there was no Sun or Moon. 

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

5 Tz’ikin – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Tz'ikinTz’ikin is the bird, it is the intermediary between the Great Father and human beings, it represents the sacred vision, the acute and panoramic vision of a bird; its energy provides freedom, magnetism and luck. Number 5 is the action energy, the elevation of creation. This day attracts opportunities, use its energy to have positive outcomes in your activities.

During the Creation of the Universe everything started to work on a day 5 Tz’ikin.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies