9 Ajmaq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal AjmaqToday the energy of number 9 envelops you in its warm and loving vibrations; it helps you to get in contact with your emotions and act with compassion. The day Ajmaq connects you to a universal vision that merges with your own reality; it is the day in which the great elders and wise men would share their teachings. Call upon the energy of this day so that the words of the wise elders live within you and allow you to be the guide for others.

5 E – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal EE is the energy and means by which we will travel our roads in life, it represents the Sacred Road; it sets the conditions of our journey and provides us with the power to accomplish the mission for which we are born. Number 5 is elevation to creation; the energy of action. This day possesses a great positive energy. Today the Saq’ Be’ ―the White Road, the Sacred Road― connects you with the energies of the cosmos through spirituality, love and compassion. This is also a good day to start projects that will improve your economy.

Birth Altar of Tikal

Steala at ceremonial altar in TikalAs we celebrate mother’s day in the west, we are pleased to be able to share this video about traditional mothering practices in the Maya lineage- as seem at a birth altar in Tikal. Thanks to the film work and production of Jim Jenner and Brenda Bynum (Oasis Theater Company), we see Maya Ajq’ij Carlos Barrios describing the way a sacred altar was used to make prayers and offerings for pregnant women and to present children once they have been born:



Located in the Tikal National Park of Guatemala, this little known site was the ceremonial center for women going through pregnancy and childbirth. Carlos Barrios speaks to the events that took place is this peaceful, inspiring location.


9 months StelasCarlos describes the deep connection the Maya lineage embodies between the energies of the Cholq’ij (known as the calendar of life) and the development of our human experience as we enter into the world.  This embodiment at the start of life oriented individuals, families and the Maya society towards a deep harmony with the natural order of creation.


2 Toj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal TojThis is a special day to thank the Creator with an offering, thank Him for everything you have, the opportunities you have received throughout your life and for what is still ahead. Today thank Him especially for your relationships, ask for love and understanding with your love partner. Toj represents gratefulness to the Creator; number 2 brings the energy of union and relationships.

1 Q’anil – Today’s Ch’umil & Trecena Prayer

Nawal Q'anilQ’anil represents the seed of life, the energy of creation; number which 1 brings the power of unity, it is the beginning. Scatter many seeds of love during the course of your passage through this day, and without doubt all the good actions you may plant today will bring positive fruits into your life. This is the first day of the Q’anil trecena (thirteen days) ask this Ch’umil that everything you plant during these days will bring you joy and abundance.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Q’anil

In this sacred day Q’anil I ask you to nurture me with all your divine essence, I ask you to grant me your providence of Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth. Nurture me with your creative energy over the face of Mother Earth. Nurture my mind with all your strength so that I am able to reach the light of wisdom. I ask you, Ajaw, to nurture my intelligence so that I am able to gain your fullness and defeat the enemy of your Sacred Spirituality. Nurture my feet, my hands, my eyes, my ears, and all my body before your presence Ajaw of the Sky and of Mother Earth.  Ajaw, provide our daily food in our table, in our home, for my sons and form my daughters. Oh, divine Ajaw, I ask you that the white maize, the yellow maize, the red maize, and the blue maize are abundant. I also ask you that the white and black beans are abundant, as well as all the types of beans and the delicacies that nature from the paradise of Paxil and Kayala’ over Mother Earth, Ajaw of the Sky.

Maya Elder Pedro IxchopI am aware, Ajaw, that you are my spiritual torch, that you never fail me in my path, en the passing of time. You are the torch of my life, the torch that shies away the fogs of my wickedness. You are the light of the women and the men of your spirituality, you, Ajaw of the Sky, are the firm torch before the hurricane of illnesses, of tumors, of sores, and of any plague that attacks the body, you are the one who takes away and dissipates all from the four cardinal points, to heal and save my body from any curse so that I can work for you. I ask you that the spirit of this day will grant us abundance, Ixchajal, Ixtoj, Ixq’anil and Ixkakao. Maltiox, maltiox, maltiox, and four times maltiox.

Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being

Paxil and Kayala’ According to the Popol Wuj this are the places from where the maize was obtained to make this humanity. 

Ixchajal Ixtoj, Ixq’anil, and Ixkakao Maya prophets

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies