All posts by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

Enlightenment, GMO’s & the Calendar of Death

Elder Mariano XutumulElder Mariano Xutumil talks about the new beings, those who have achieved perfection. He also describes that there is not only a Calendar of Life (Cholq’ij), but also a Calendar of Death and how the degeneration of the seeds and the use of GMO’s is driving our nations to live under the influence of the Calendar of Death.

…In oral tradition it is said that the Alej and the Ayew are people who achieve perfection, it is what Hinduism calls nirvana. Obviously to reach the state of Alej and Ayew several things are required, for example the loneliness needed for the person to accomplish self-understanding and which allows that person to understand the Geo-Cosmos. It has its rules; to be able to reach the Ayew and the Alej there is the need to deprive oneself from all the harmful temptations or molecules that come into contact with a person, for example consumerism, the desire for things, materialism…

…Ral Ch’och’ means son or daughter of the earth; it is sort of the first stage. That son or daughter of the earth will live from the earth, from his or her spiritual growth and after the stage of being a son or daughter of the earth the person will become a Ch’ol Winq (Alej or Ayew) who is the new being, the perfect being in this physical and tangible scenario.

…The Maya Calendar or Sacred Calendar is the tracking of time in relation to the conception and development of a human being until the time of birth, which is of nine months. It is obviously telling us that from the time of conception of the fetus up until the birth there was a process of twenty cycles, we already know that there are 20 names (nawales) and 13 numbers, so that child, at the moment of birth will be born with his Ch’umilal which means his star, it is what in Nahuatl is called the Nahual, or star… In this calendar of life, because if we say Sacred Calendar the term will not necessarily be understood, it is not understood academically, I think we have to be a bit more practical in the teachings, because that cycle is actually a tracking of time, but in relation to the life of a human being, of the nine months, therefore, I call it the Calendar of Life…

…The Calendar of Death is a calendar where there is much violence, vices, alterations in the persons order and what I understood is that when a person is born under the Calendar of Life and that person breaks the rules and principals of collective living of a nation, that person automatically stops living under the influence of the Calendar of Life and becomes influenced by the Calendar of Death…

…The genetically modified foods are the work of a minority of wicked people who are degenerating the seeds. The improvement of the seeds is necessary, because it forms part of the evolutionary process of the plants, for example in Rabinal we know about several trees that have mutated, progressed or collapsed, but the ones who have to decide the improvement of genetic quality are the owners of that Maize, in this case the Mayab’ (Mayans), who are working on this; but we need transcendent people from the Ch’ol Winq or who have reached the Nirvana to be able to do this…

…The nations and peoples of Guatemala are being victims of something that doesn’t belong to us, we are being victims of the degeneration of the seeds and we evidently know who the victimizers are. In this case, when we already have genetically modified foods practically the nations are living in a Calendar of Death…

The Legend of Maximon

This article is presented in honor of Maximon’s birthday, which occurs on October 28th.

Ri Laj Mam/Maximon, The Native American Saint

Maximon - Ri Laj Mam Maya SaintThere are different versions of the story about the Native American Saint known as Ri Laj Mam or Maximon. One of them comes from the story of Ri Laj Mam and the Sacred Tz’ite Tree¹. During the Spanish conquest, all Maya rituals had to be disguised behind the Catholic religion. The Elders used the Cofradias (brotherhoods) to protect and preserve their culture, costumes, spirituality and hierarchy. Amongst other sacred images, the Cofradias worshiped the Sacred Tz’ite Tree, which was hidden behind typical cloths, scarves and a mask, emulating catholic saints.  Offerings of incense, candles, tobacco, maize beverages, and cacao – all sacred elements to Maya spirituality – were given to this image.

Long ago, shortly after the conquest, lived a respectable Elder known as Ri Laj Mam. This Wiseman possessed superior knowledge and power. Upset by the abuses that the Spaniards were committing against his people, Ri Laj Mam decided to encourage them to rise up against their oppressors and put an end to this situation. The Spaniards, worried about the revolution that Ri Laj Mam was starting to provoke, sent a large regiment to capture and imprison him. Ri Laj Mam, however, possessed great magic and every time he was arrested he managed to escape and continue his work. The Spaniards couldn’t believe it! Unable to keep him in custody, the captors brought in some Tlaxcaltec sorcerers. When the sorcerers were asked them to guard him through the night, Ri Laj Mam was unable to escape. The following day they took him to the park, where he was decapitated and his head was displayed to send a message and establish a precedent. But the spirit of Ri Laj Mam appeared in the four corners of the park, strongly encouraging the people to put an end to the abuses of the oppressors. It was at that moment the Elders understood that they should speak to the spirit of Ri Laj Mam and remind him of their Grandfathers’ prophecy. They had to ask Ri Laj Mam to stop because his actions would only lead to the complete annihilation of their tradition.  They knew that for the moment they had to accept the situation and endure this period of darkness. The time would come in which light and wisdom would return. Ri Laj Mam understood and asked the Elders to search for a tree that would take his spirit. When they found it they cut the tree in four pieces and took them to the four corners of the country (Guatemala) so that Ri Laj Mam could continue his mission as protector of his people and the tradition. The Tz’ite was the tree that accepted the honor taking the energy of Ri Laj Mam.

Maximon Ri Laj Mam Maya SaintThe second part of the story is as follows: Over the course of time the image of Maximon or San Simon has arisen, originating from Ri Laj Mam, which serves as its Western representation.

Long after Ri Laj Mam, by the end of the 19th century, Don Francisco Zojbel (who was also known as Ximon) dedicated his efforts to protect the people, who were suffering abuses by the hand of the governor. Don Francisco was the son of an influential Spanish father and a Maya mother. He was appointed to serve as judge. At the moment he assumed this important position he immediately began setting things right, including revoking the privileges that the governor’s friends had been given and reducing their excesses. He also returned the land back to those who had been stripped of it and protected the Maya tradition. All of his actions, of course, enraged the rich and powerful people, who tried to have Don Francisco assassinated several times, with no success. Word of these events spread and there were rumors circulating about Don Francisco Zojbel being the Ri Laj Mam who had returned to protect his people once again. After he died, effigies of him where made. It was known that during his life Don Francisco was a renowned ladies man who liked to smoke cigars and stay out late drinking. This makes him a very human saint, who understands our nature, our weaknesses and our needs. Offerings of cigars and liquor are still given to Maximon.

The story of Don Francisco (Ximon) and Ri Laj Mam were linked, since people thought that they were both the same being.

Soon this Native American Saint was known as Maximon, a combination of Mam and Ximon.

¹The Sacred Tz’ite or Coral tree gives the seeds used for divination by the Maya Ajq’ijab’ or Spiritual guides.

Opportunity of a Red Moon: Lunar Eclipse

Maya Fire Ceremony in New Mexico at Dusk
Mayan Fire Ceremony

A Red Moon with a total lunar eclipse is a celestial event that rarely happens; the red moon was seen by ancient cultures, especially the Maya, as a moon that brought with it a very especial power. It is said that it is a light of war, that it can bring confrontation between countries and different social groups, however it is up to us to make something positive with the power brought by it. This event foretells that we are approaching times of change. The Red Moon brings the energy of action and it is time to take this action with responsibility, firmness and determination, for this is the moment in which we can change our destiny.  This is a special opportunity because our planet will project its shadow over the Moon, opening an energetic gate in which Mother Earth will receive all of its light. We should make this gate one of clear action.

We can take the opportunity that comes with this unique moment to elevate our prayer and ask for what we need for ourselves and our communities, but remembering that the most important thing is to ask for Light, for harmony between us and Mother Earth, for peace and especially for the spiritual growth that will bring the NEW HUMAN BEING!

The importance of this magical day is the opportunity that we will have to connect with the thousands of people across the globe that will be making their rituals and celebrating their ceremonies for the opening of this gate; this is the perfect moment to harmonize ourselves with this flow, which is the cosmic prelude to the so awaited Time of Spiritual Awareness. Regardless of your beliefs, we ask you to take action, which is the energy that is needed for the spirituality of these times. We are all called upon to make a ritual… celebrate a ceremony, elevate a prayer, light a candle to ask that we return to be in harmony with nature, that people will again search for their spiritual growth so that they can become the NEW HUMAN BEINGS.

EQUINOX: 8 Imox, Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal ImoxFor most of the ancient people the cosmic events represented a very important moment and were a time of great celebration. Nowadays these events are no longer relevant, even though they influence our lives. For the Maya people both the Equinoxes and the Solstices mark the beginning of a new cosmic-telluric cycle. This September 23 the Equinox indicates that there is a balance in the energies, which affects us up until December 20.
The energy of this Equinox is influenced by 8 Imox; Imox is the essence of our consciousness and of our mind, number 8 represents the physical and material energies. This day opens up a space to activate our internal power, to develop our vision and intuition; it is the moment to prepare our awareness to find balance between the material and the spiritual. Use the power of this day to materialize your dreams. Remember that those who have allowed themselves to dream about something different are the ones who have transformed the world.

Modern Technology to Keep Maya Living Lineages Vital

Congress Indigenous people of america - Quetzaltenango 1What role can filmed documentation play in ensuring the living lineages of the Maya tradition remain vital? The tradition of the Maya has persevered for millennia through lineages of transmission that have endured conquest, colonization, war, globalization, evangelization and countless other, continued threats. We are in a moment in which Elders and Cofrades (traditional community leadership group) are open to share their wisdom and their vision with the world, willing to leave a filmed record to spread and preserve their culture.

We have the great opportunity of beginning this preservation project with the Elders Don Mariano, who is an expert calendarist and knowledgable of Maya epigraphy, Don Tomás who is a wise elder and part of the Indigenous mayorship of Chichicastenango, Don Manuel who a Cofrade member from the Cofradía of Chichicastenango and Don Juan Manuel from the Cofradía of the Ri Laj Mam (Maximon) of Santa Cruz in Santiago Atitlan. They are all willing to share about the tradition and their wisdom of their Maya cosmovision. Some of the knowledge they will be sharing with us includes Wach (Maya Writing) and the Cofradías.

Wach…Maya Writing of the New Dawn

For centuries after western civilization came to know the Maya civilization there was no idea about the meaning of Maya writing. It was not until the middle of the last century that Knorosov, a Russian scholar, made the first attempt and discovered that the Mayan glyphs were ideograms.

Stellae in Copan, HondurasMaya grandfathers and grandmothers say that Maya writing is a living writing which they call Wach – this could be translated as “the eye in which a vision is found.” When you are in contact with this vision, it sees you and transmits ideas. For this reason, Maya writing is difficult to understand.

There have been many advances in understanding Maya mathematics and astronomy, mostly through the codices. However, there has not been much progress regarding the interpretation of the so-called glyphs. Two elders, Don Tomás, who inherited the knowledge of understanding the glyphs and who has an interpreter, Don Manuel, who can help him share this knowledge in Spanish. Don Tomás is an old man who is willing to leave his knowledge on record, it is therefore important to film him.  Then there is a wise Maya scholar, Don Mariano, who is also an Ajq’ij (Maya spiritual guide), and may be one of the few calendarists who has deeply maintained the tradition. He is an heir and scholar of Maya writing, also willing to share his vision, which just like Don Tomás’, differs from the western academic understanding. The valuable vision and objective of Don Mariano is to make Wach understandable for any person.

The problem that both Don Mariano and Don Tomás see is that Western culture is trying to understand Maya writing based on the grammar taught at school. None of the scholars has learned a traditional Maya language. They have mainly adjusted to the contemporary understanding, without taking into account that today’s Maya language is different from pre-Columbian Maya language.

The Cofradia (Brotherhood), Shelter of Maya Spirituality

After the invasion and persecution from the Spaniards, especially from the inquisitor priests that came with the conquerors, there was a persecution and extermination of the spiritual guides of the Maya tradition.

Catholic priests brought the structure of the church through the Cofradias, which they had inherited from Arabia.

Cofradia of Chichicastenango
Cofradia of Chichicastenango

This structure came to Maya spiritual guides as the perfect way out of the persecution. The Cofradias allowed them to take the image of a saint to a member’s house, which served as the domicile through which their organization revolved. This was accepted by the priests, who thought the Mayas were being converted to Catholicism. It was also a source of income to the church, since the Cofradias had to pay donations and collect charity. The Confradias are composed of the Mayor or Council Ruler, scribes, principals and assistant Cofrades. They were the perfect shelter that kept the hierarchical order of what was left of the Maya royalty and the spiritual guides, or Ajq’ij.

For centuries the essence of Maya tradition and spirituality was preserved in the Cofradias. Until recently, Maya spirituality was persecuted and treated as sorcery. It was only in the mid 90’s that there was more receptiveness to the living Maya culture. It was then that the Great Circle of Elders started to spread the knowledge and make public Maya ceremonies that attracted the interest of the western world. During that time the President of Guatemala, Ramiro De León Carpio participated in a traditional Maya fire Ceremony, which was broadcast by the media. This brought respect and the freedom to publicly practice our tradition.

The Cofradia was the shelter that helped protect Maya spirituality for several centuries, but when the persecution was over and we could publicly practice our spirituality, the Cofradias attracted less people. For this reason it will most likely be lost. However, the Cofradía of the native saint of America, Ri Laj Mam (also known as Maximon), might be the only one to be persevere as it does not follow the church. Both its origins and essence form part of the spiritual organization of Maya Elders.

We believe it is important to make a filmed record of this institution, to preserve the secrets that were kept there up until today, and to understand the way in which a connection was made between Maya deities and the Catholic saints. It is also important to leave a record about the Cofradia of the Ri Laj Mam, its importance and value for Maya people. This is the first time that we will have the opportunity to have the Cofrades talk directly to us, without any intermediaries, about their vision.

Saq’ Be’ works to keep the living lineages of the Maya vital. To this end, we have raised funding to support the first of a series of filmed documentation efforts. An edit of this filming will be made available publicly, while a more complete version will be made available as an archive to Maya communities. This work is only possible through the financial support of readers like you. Please consider making a tax-exempt donation to Saq’ Be’, either online or contact us to discuss other means. Thank you for helping us to support the continued vibrancy of these rich and important traditions!

The Origin of Maya Prophecies

Fire of Maya PropheciesMaking a prophecy is about seeing an event that will happen in the future. It is the action of believing in something divine or inexplicable. It is an act of believing in someone that can see what we cannot see – the future. In essence, the act of prophesying is the capacity to access a memory of the future, of being able to move through space and time.

The ability to project an event yet to happen comes from studying the science of the occult. One of the main sources of prediction is astrology, which is an age-old discipline practiced by the great civilizations. Each of these civilizations had different techniques, according to their tradition, and most of them were centered in the cosmic-human relationship. In the Maya world it is a relation between the cosmic and telluric energies, as they speak about repetitive cycles. This means that every time the constellations and stars return to the same position, the astrological and energetic conditions influence and affect human beings and our planet in a similar way.

During the ancestral Maya Classic Period all the visionaries (those who received their visions through fire, cauldrons, quartz stones, water, the sacred Tz’ite’ and fortune tellers) and interpreters of the Sacred Cholq’ij (Maya Calendar) would gather every 52 years to visualize and decide the path their people would take. They determined if the cosmic and telluric energies were favorable in the ceremonial centers and cities where they were established. In other words, prophecy and divination are inherent parts of the Maya tradition.

For the Maya there are several ways of accessing the memories of the future; there are those who are born with the gift of vision. They channel their sensations and premonitions based on a hunch or a dream that tells them something is going to happen and then turn to the Sacred Calendar to make a prediction.

Utilizing the Tz’ite’ seeds, perhaps the most ancient form of divination used by human beings, is another technique for predicting the future. The Pisom Q’aq’al or Sacred Pouch, which contains the Tz’ite’ seedsTz'ite' beans used for divination, prophecies, healing and other sacred objects used for the divination, is the symbol of power of an Ajq’ij (spiritual guide). In this form of divination the Tz’ite’ is combined with the energies of the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar enabling the Ajq’ij to clearly see how, why, when and where an event is going to happen. The Tz’ite is incredibly precise.

Predictions are also made by using water, quartz and obsidian stones, were the visions and images appear, narrating the story that has been consulted.

Finally there is the Sacred Cholq’ij Calendar, which provides answers on its own. The Cholq’ij is used to analyze events that have happened in the past and to correlate them with events in the future. Since the universe is a macrospiral, the same energy returns every 21 days; therefore, we can know precisely what the energy was twenty or fifty two years ago, since the cycles are marked in the turns of the spiral. The greatest manifestations of energy are every 13, 20, 63, 260, and 575 years. These great cycles bring a powerful force. The Sacred Book of the Chilam B’alam, for example, uses the cycles of the Ajaw. They begin on Ajpu or Ajaw days and keep a record of the events. In the Chilam B’alam we see cycles of twenty years, or K’atunes, which indicate what is going to happen. There are also great cycles of thousands of years such as the Baktunes of 5,200 years, and even greater cycles. These cycles have a cyclic and mathematical correlation with which events can be compared, the energy variations can be analyzed, and predictive projections can be made.

To summarize, the prophecies are intuited, then they go through a process of corroboration in which dates and the energies of the Sacred Calendar are analyzed. Finally the elders are consulted to determine the veracity of the predictions. When the prophecies will affect all of humanity, this process is given particular care.

Najt Portal – Ab’ Maya New Year

Lords of TimeThe Maya civilization is one of the most extraordinary that has existed. They are know as THE LORDS OF TIME with their high technology, deep knowledge of time, mathematics, astronomy, architecture and the advances they made on medicine and all the fields of human knowledge – which still amaze us. For the Maya world the NAJT is the convergence of Space and Time in one unique place, which, when you add movement and speed, gives us the configuration and perception of REALITY.

We are facing transcendent times. On December 21, 2010, two cosmic events converged: the Winter Solstice and a Full Moon Eclipse. This day opened a Cosmic-Telluric portal, which is the preamble for the famous change of Cycle, the end of the 5,200 years and the coming of the JOB AJAW on December 21, 2012.

This event is called “The Opening of the NAJT PORTAL” and it has a greater effect during the cycle between December 21 and February 22, 2010. The energies of the NAJT (space-time) are in constant movement and everything we plan or decide will generate an energy that will make it become real; for which is very important to be clear about the purposes and thoughts we create during this time. This is the perfect moment to give space to the NEW HUMAN BEING and to be in harmony with KAK ALOM, the spirit of MOTHER EARTH.

The WAYEB, a cycle of the Maya Ab’ Calendar, began on Thursday, February 17. The Ab’ Calendar has 18 months of 20 days each and an extra month of 5 days: the WAYEB. This last month, to the traditional world of the Mayan Elders, is a time of introspection and encounter with one’s self, during which you must make an analysis of your life, reviewing your purposes and how you have accomplished them. This is a time for meditation, renovation and to project your real purpose in life. It is the opportunity to create the balance between the material and the spiritual world.

We invite you to do an inner job taking advantage of the energies that rule during this moment… find your inner self… meditate… analyze your life… write everything you think is important… project those things you want to accomplish; remember that this is a personal goal between the GREAT SPIRIT AND YOURSELF.

To culminate this cycle and open the space for the NAJT PORTAL, we will have a traditional Maya Fire Ceremony to celebrate the end of the WAYEB and the beginning of the AB’ MAYA NEW YEAR, on Tuesday, February 22, 2011. 19:20 is the best time of the day to connect with these energies. If you are not near a sacred place, light 20 candles to invoke the energy of the 20 Nawales. You can also light incense and connect with the fire of the candles, while you focus your thoughts and prayers to JUN AB KU heart of the heavens and KAK ALOM heart of Mother Earth.
Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq’ij, who originates from Guatemala. Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. Carlos is also the author of “The Book of Destiny – Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012”, a book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

Denise Barrios is Carlos’ daughter and author of The Energies of the Day, a day planner based on the count of days of the Sacred Mayan Calendar. Her website is MysticMaya.Net

Saq’ Be’: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq’ Be’ works to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share their teachings with the rest of the world. More information can be found, or by email at:

Message for Winter Solstice 2010

The following message was delivered by Carlos Barrios and translated by his daughter Denise Barrios. 

winter_solstice_candlesThe Winter Solstice is the day in which the night is longer than the day. To many of the ancient civilizations this date marked the beginning of the year. The Maya Elders say that during this moment, the Sun is young and it is the perfect time to plan our purposes for this New Year. We must take this opportunity to ask for our personal and common wishes, bearing in mind that what’s most important is to ask for light and harmony, specially for Mother Earth; to pray for peace and spiritual growth.

The importance of this date is the opportunity we will have to connect with thousands of people throughout the planet that will be making their rituals and ceremonies to absorb this energy.

Whatever your faith, we ask you to take ACTION, which should be the spirituality of nowadays. We ask you to participate in a ritual or ceremony, on a prayer, or even just to light a candle and ask for humanity to be again in harmony with Mother Nature, to ask for people to have a communitary purpose instead of selfishness, to ask that the energy opens a channel for people to connect with spirituality.

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq’ij, who originates from Guatemala. Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. Carlos is also the author of “The Book of Destiny – Unlocking the Secrets of the Ancient Mayans and the Prophecy of 2012”, a book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

Denise Barrios is Carlos Barrios’ daughter and author of The Energies of the Day, a day planner based on the count of days of the Sacred Mayan Calendar. Her website is MysticMaya.Net

Saq’ Be’: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq’ Be’ works to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share their teachings with the rest of the world. More information can be found, or by email at:


Message From the Mayan Elders – February 2006

by Carlos Barrios

fireA lot has been said about this time, about the prophecies given by ancient wise visionary men. Some of the prophecies have been kept on secret books, some have been transmitted in a verbal way, others have risen in a series of books, documentaries, articles in magazines, newspapers and especially on the Internet. Some are extremely alarming, others have no basis and many are based on the Prophecies of the Great Traditions. All of them point out the prophetical times, as the Wise Chi Mam Maya, Don Pascual liked to call them.

All this information has wakened the interest of millions of people, but it has also created a lot of confusion and fear, since the date of December 21 of 2012 has been used as the date of the end of the World. However, this date points out the beginning of a new cycle, which is marked in the tradition of the Mayan Elders as a time of harmony and spiritual growing, this cycle is called the FIFTH SUN and each of the previous ones lasted 5,200 years.

The first cycle was of a feminine energy and fire was the element that ruled it.

The second cycle was of a masculine energy and earth was the element that ruled it.

The third cycle was of a feminine energy and air was the element that ruled it.

The fourth cycle was of a masculine energy and water was the element that ruled it.

The fifth cycle is of harmony between the masculine and feminine energy and the element that will rule it will be ether.


Each of these cycles last 5,200 years and they have been affected by the polarity of the masculine or feminine energy and of course they have also been affected by the elements. Today we are at the door of the end of the fourth cycle, which ends on December 20th of 2012, six years from now. During these six years we will be witnesses to the confrontation of the Negative and Positive forces, the eternal fight amongst polarity, the fight between the Eternal Fire and the Eternal Ice, as the Great Masters have named it, rough and magical times, prophetic times, as the Master, Don Pascual, would have said.


We do not have to close our eyes to be able to see who is dominating at this time, unlike of the Beings of Light, on the other side there is no doubt of who the boss is and no one argues about the grades of power, they work with an effectiveness, so effective that some of them even manage to appear as Warriors of Light.


The opposite happens with the Warriors of Light, because unfortunately most of them are spellbound with their Ego, convinced that they are the best and the carriers of the Truth, but they are only interested on their fight for power, fame and their excessive fondness for economical wealth.


Someone has to raise the Torch of Light and create consciousness; these leaders have to come back to their path. They have to find their path once again and assume the responsibility that was given to them at the time they received their grade of guide and the magical power that accompanies them, this is the calling of the Ancient Mayan Elders, of which the doors to build up our destiny are open… The Wise Elders are tired of waiting, they have sent this message previously and today, knowing the delicacy of this year, the violence, insanity, the tiredness of our Mother Earth, that regardless of the advise she has sent us (hurricanes, floods, droughts, The Tsunami, etc.) we are still impassive, destroying 10,000 acres of forest each day, letting 100,000 people, most of them children, die of starvation, and to us, this is just another news which does not affect us directly. A year ago the Tsunami stunned us, fear and panic grew, today this is just a vague memory. However, we have to be blind not to see we have to give a stop to this destruction, today we are alarmed with the cruel winter, with the torrential rains that are coming out of season, we also witnessed a tropical storm that was almost to become a hurricane, this without even speaking of the earthquakes in all the continents.


This was already predicted by the Prophets and visionary Mayans, as well as the attack to Iraq (with a precise date, two years before it happened), and the Terrorist Attacks (the one of the Twin Towers, the ones of France and Spain, and the ones to come).
The Mayan Elders are expecting that in the laps of the next two years there will be a great explosion of magma in the Yellowstone Park, this explosion would have the effect equivalent to the destruction that several atomic bombs would cause, giving as a result a great matter of contamination and pollution.


We are also expecting the imminent attack to Syria and the possibility of an attack to Iran, as well as the trying of overthrowing and putting a stop to the Socialist Democratic Movements that are rising in Latin America, specially the one of President Chavez in Venezuela. The last predictions, we can still put a stop to, but we have to use our powerful weapons, the inner magic in each of us, our fire ceremonies, meditations and any other techniques. It is URGENT to stop the madness of war.


The transcendence of the ending of this fourth cycle lies in the fact that we are once again in the doors of building up our destiny, the history of the actual humanity (the fourth).


The other humanities did not succeed with the purpose of taking our Mother Earth to the age of gold, the age of nobility, love, equality, peace, conscience, the Kingdom of Great Spirituality, in which every being has its space and value and where we can all grow in a simple word HARMONY, which is the premise of the Mayan World.


This marvelous opportunity is linked to Mother Earth, who as a living entity, has once again the chance of acceding to the Fifth Sky, this means to vibrate on a more subtle energy ruled by the element ETHER. This opportunity was wasted by the three previous humanities and it took Mother Earth millions of years to redo the proper conditions again.


The actual humanity, like the previous, has reached an extraordinary technological development, but it has forgotten the spiritual balance and the responsible relationship with Nature, which we are destroying and polluting more and more each time.


This was predicted by the visionary and wise Mayan Aj’Kijab (shamans), every event that is occurring, the plagues, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, thaws, weather changes, wars, uncontrollable viruses, the contamination and damage we are causing Nature, our own Mother, however, we remain passive as spectators, not doing or saying anything, we are accomplices who rather follow the routine that is imposed to us, the fake illusions that make us believe that we are people of success, of that success that is only the vision of a consumer materialist society and we sell our life in order to have this distractions and not confront reality, since we do not have the courage to go into our inner selves and get to know and accept us, the most important thing is to keep an image and the sterile competence of an uncontrollable urge to run, that rush to get nowhere…


We have the responsibility and possibility to change the destiny, we have our weapons, and what is most important WE ARE MORE… And we are not talking violence; our weapons are meditation, sacred ceremonies, the thought of millions of people, the amazing power of mind, creating the harmony of love, respect and spreading conscience. We can create conscience in others, we can speak, write and demonstrate that it is necessary to stop the destruction, the contamination, that we have to stop being accomplices and that our voice should be heard, that we should write to the media, to the people that run the governments, for we should remember that they are public servants and not owners of the countries, and if they receive millions of letters and e-mails, they will have to give us their attention, but lets just remember that violence is not the answer, do not look for the answer on the intellect and the strength, the answer is in the power of your heart…


We think we own the earth… Will you own it 200 years form now? Elders say the earth owns us, as a mother that nurtures us. Lets be consequent to her, lets not let the shadows fall again on her…

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq’ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. Carlos is also the author of “Ch’umalil Wuj: El Libro del Destino”, a book on the astrology and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.


Saq’ Be’: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq’ Be’ works to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share their teachings with the rest of the world. More information can be found at:, or by email at: saqbe[at]sacredroad[dot]org.

A Call from the Mayan Elders To the Human Race – 2005

Mayan Elders 2005“The light is within us; let us work for our destiny-our destiny to better the human race. Let us become more aware of our actions; let us be more compassionate to our fellow human begins and to ourselves.” This is a call for us to listen to our Mayan Elders.

Don Pascual (a Mayan elder) would tell me “we are living in the time of the Prophecy, a difficult time.” Don Pascual was a member of the Clan de Aguila (The Eagle Clan) my mentor, and my spiritual guide and was one of the greatest wise men. Don Pascual belonged to one of the oldest organizations in the Mayan World, believed be over thousand years old. Not only did they preserve the pure magic and mystic of the ancestral world back then, but the same tradition has been preserved and is still being followed to this day. Don Pascual was a Chimam (Aj’qij), a wise Shaman, belonging to the nation of the MAM (the oldest people) located in Huehuetenengo, Guatemala.

Don Pascual would tell me the following message: “the convergence of the Great Cycle has come back to the visionaries, not only in our traditions but also, other traditional tribes. In this Epic time that we are living, we will be seeing and experiencing destruction, confrontations, intolerance, irrationality, religious radicals, wars. There will be diseases that we have not seen or known, plagues, floods, earthquakes, droughts, hurricanes, and Mother Earth will grow hotter. And the saddest thing is that we see all of what is happening around us and we will be passive, doing nothing, because we are so involved with our daily lives and our material needs that we will take things for granted. If we would stop and listen to Mother Earth, we would recognize that she is protesting and telling us to pay attention to her needs that we, as the human race, have taken for granted. She is saying that we have also been irresponsible, causing contamination and not stopping the destruction. How you ask? We are accomplices for letting a few unscrupulous humans destroy hundreds hectares of forest everyday, factories that contaminate the atmosphere and for what? To consume those products that in reality we do not need nor want. But it is offered to us to make our lives easier and happier. With this we only show the unconscious actions and our passive attitude we have because we are programmed to live our lives in the most comfortable way without thinking what we are doing to our Mother Earth. If we do not stop what we are doing and change our attitude and be more conscious we can only wait and see what our Mother Earth will unleash, as she will started correcting all the error that we have done to her. And that is how the end of the cycle will commence, and that is how part of humanity will disappear. But we still have time. We do not see the disposition, the consciousness, the unity. We only see the madness, consumerism, illegal drugs, alienation and big egos. Not caring what we are doing to our Mother Earth. We must be more conscious before it is to late.”
My teacher Don Pascual told these wise and prophet words to me in 1997. (Ref. KAM WUJ El Libro del Destino, Carlos Barrios. L. Squirru Ed. Sudamericana, 1999).

I could only remember his look, gazing to the distance and looking into the future. I remembered the fog around us and the Cuchumatanes Mountains in the horizon.
I want to believe that we are still in time!

Several days ago, I received a call from the Elders, the heirs of Don Pascual, from the Eagle Clan. They are always courteous when they call, but this time I noticed a serious tone at the other end of the line. “We have been trying to get in touch with you, since December. We are concerned with what is happening to our Mother Earth.” Since they have always been direct to the point, they started telling me that the Mother Earth is in despair, unleashing her furor at us, sending us Hurricanes, Droughts, and just recently the Earthquake followed by the Tsunami that provoked floods, and killing our fellow brothers and sisters in Asia and Africa. But according to the Elders this is only the beginning of what is to come. In the five Continents there will be floods and earthquakes. In our country we have already three volcanoes erupt. In Mexico, the Popocapetel is also active. In the Western Coast of the United States, as well in parts of Europe, it has been raining non-stop and causing floods. We must remember that Guatemala is the Torch of Light and our call and our message to all of our Brothers and Sisters is that we need your help. We have already begun performing ceremonies since December.

But that is not enough. We need the help of our Brothers and Sisters in order to continue our mission. We need to perform at least a Thousand ceremonies, but the ideal would be Two Thousand Six Hundred. We would appreciated it if everyone would donate ten dollars in order to buy material to keep on doing our ceremonies and to give thanks to our Mother Earth for what we have. That is why I am coming to you to give you the message of what the Elders told me the other day. And tomorrow the 18 January, which is an important day in the Mayan Calendar (Chol’qij) 9 Keme, which means the change in cycle and to give away to the bad energy, we will be doing a ceremony tomorrow along with the Shaman’s of the Amazon and the Andes. The Elders are asking all of you to please light a fire, light a candle, to meditate, anything that comes with in you and this must be done before sunset or during sunset. And not during the night, for we are trying to eliminate the dark. On this day we will commence our ceremonies and meditations and will be focusing on our Mother Earth to ask her for her forgiveness and for her to guide us with her light so we can unite our energies and transmit love and positive force to our friends and invite everyone to join our cause to change our destiny. From this day forward until July 18 (8Kiej which is the day that the Mother Earth opens her heart to us and connects with the hand of God). So, it is important that everyday before sunset we make our fire ceremonies, light candle, meditation, etc.

The most important days for the celebration are: January 18; February12, which is the Mayan New Year; And the 18th of July. The Elders are also inviting anyone who is interested to come to Guatemala before the 12th of February. That day (8 Baatz) is the New Year in the Cholq’ij Calendar and we will be celebrating our New Year with ceremonies. And also on the 18th of July we would like to invite everyone to come and join us for the last ceremony which will be in the sacred ceremonial center of Tikal.