All posts by Adam Rubel

Adam is a founder of Saq' Be'. Having first met some of the Maya elders in 1998, he has been blessed with the opportunity to spend time with communities and bearers of living lineages in Guatemala as well as other regions of the Americas. Adam is fortunate to be able to commit his life's work to opening opportunities for greater eco-social-spiritual benefit, integration and realization.

9 No’j – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal NojNo’j is the knowledge and the wisdom, the ability to grow the intellect and be guided by the sacred wisdom of the universe.  Number 9 represents the emotional and the intuitive; it is love, compassion, and spirituality. Connect with today’s energy and ask for the knowledge that may guide our development and be of service to those and the world around us, that which is revealed to become known may be activated by the wisdom that is drawn from the mystery that surrounds us.

Maya Ajq’ij Lina Barrios in Santa Fe, NM July 7-17, 2015

3-15 Lina CollageMayan Ajq’ij (spiritual guide) Lina Barrios will be returning to Santa Fe with Denise Barrios in July to present an evening workshop series, give a free public talk, provide personal consultations and share a fire ceremony. Our guests from the highlands of Guatemala will provide a primary level workshop for understanding and working with energies of the Cholq’ij to create balance and harmony. This is a rare opportunity to experience the teachings and practices of an ancient, living lineage directly, in a way that brings benefit for individuals, families and communities. Lina and Denise arrive in a spirit of generosity, grounded in the practicality of a tradition capable of fostering both personal development and deep, integrated alignment.

Contact Saq’ Be’: 505-216-6766, SaqBe1[at]gmail[dot]com


  • July 7-17: Personal Consultations – Mayan Astrology, Divination, Healing, Energy Cleansing. $52/ 50min
  • July 13: Talk – Maya Healing. Free (Suggested Donation $10)/ 6:00-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe
  • July 14 & 15: Workshop – Healing with the Energies of the Cholq’ij Cost: $35/ session; $60/ Series; 5:30-7:30PM.  Includes Fire Ceremony (see below).New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe

Healing with the Energies of the Cholq’ij

An evening workshop series
July 14th & 15th, 5:30-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe, NM Cost: $35/ session; $60/ Series

During this workshop we will begin the process of healing ourselves by using the twenty energies (Ch’umil) of the Cholq’ij Calendar as our tool. The purpose of learning this healing technique is to begin the search that will allow us to find balance in our four planes of manifestation: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, in order to find the stability and inner peace that is necessary to accomplish our purpose of life and to open the path that will lead us to living in harmony with everything that surrounds us and with our own being so that we can find self-fulfillment.

Each participant will work with a problem they are facing at this moment of life. Together we will learn to use the twenty cosmic and telluric energies of the Cholq’ij Calendar to overcome that specific problem. This workshop will teach participants how to use the Maya Calendar to face any future problems that may rise.

Attendees of the workshop are invited to attend a fire ceremony the following day. Details, including location (in Santa Fe), to be shared at the workshop, $10 materials donation suggested.

Public Talk: Maya Healing

Free Talk (Suggested Donation $10)
July 13th, 6:00-7:30PM – New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts, Santa Fe
Maya culture, with 5,200 years of existence in Mesoamerica and with its close connection to Mother Earth, has accomplished different natural techniques of healing the body, mind, heart, and spirit. These techniques range from the use of plants and herbs, to minerals, steam, flowers, and fire, all combined with the energies of the Calendar of Life (Cholq’ij). Each of these healing techniques is practiced by a specialist. For example, the people who work with plants and herbs are called the Ajqayis, the people who work with the minerals are the Ajab’aj, with the steam the Ajtuj, with flowers the Aj Cotz’ij, and with fire the Ajk’at. During the talk we will speak about these techniques and others like healing with the flint knife, healing through sound and using chants and prayers to lift the spirit of a person who died in an accident.

Lina performing a cleansing


Lina is completely booked and we are not able to accommodate any more sessions this time.

July 7-17; Appointment must be scheduled. Cost – $52/ 50 minute session
Lina Barrios will be available for consultations in person (at various Santa Fe locations). Please book an appointment early as openings are likely to fill up completely.

Interpretations of Mayan Sign

The Sacred Maya Calendar has 20 energies which are complemented by 13 different numbers or levels. It is the combination of an energy with a number that gives us our personality. According to the Cholq’ij Calendar, each person, depending on their date of birth, has specific talents, strengths and weaknesses. By getting an interpretation of your Maya sign you will understand your energy and learn how to use it to its full potential. You may wish to bring a recording device or take notes during this session.


In the Maya world divination is done with the seeds and stones of the Sacred Pouch. This form of divination is used to give us a guide and a specific answer to questions on situations that are affecting the person in order to help them make a better decision. This type of divination is probably the most ancient one that is still being used.

Energy Cleansing

By using the healing power of the obsidian stone one can heal illnesses or eliminate the negative burdens from our body, heart, spirit and soul in order to become lighter beings and to obtain a better quality of life. When using the obsidian stone together with tobacco smoke ―a plant that is considered sacred to many indigenous peoples from the Americas ― the energy of the person can be lifted and strengthened, developing a protective shield for when a person’s energy is weak so they become less energetically vulnerable to illnesses.


In the Mayan world healings are often done with tobacco, sacred stones and/or oils with the intention of either healing the person completely or helping them feel relief, this depends on the strength of the illness.


The Mayan Fire Ceremony has been practiced for thousands of years; according to the Mayan tradition the first Fire Ceremony was offered by the four B’alaneb’ (semi-god, jaguars) who suggested that every time that we needed to be in contact with god, we could make a Ceremony and he would listen and help us. $10 materials fee, donations welcome.


8 Aq’ab’al – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umilal)

Nawal Aq'ab'alNumber 8 represents the physical and material world. Aq’ab’al represents the polarity in this world of duality, it is also the first ray of light in the sunrise.  Today is an opportunity to rise above the physical challenges we face by deepening our realization of the unity that connects us together.  Let today’s energy bring a new light to transcend feelings of separation and move us towards our deeper purpose in this physical plane.

Tzu’tujil Hip Hop Promotes Maya Lineage & Language

The Maya Calendar, Cosmology and Tzu’tujil language are being transmitted to young people through a Guatemalan Hip Hop Group

Lake AttitlanThe intersection of ancient lineages and modern culture and technology often exists as a combative arena, where – far more often than not – modern perspectives and tools dominate and eliminate the living heritage of peoples.  Is this, however, always necessarily the case?  In almost every corner of this world, the presence of our modern infatuation with “newness”, consumption and homogeneic culture lure younger generations away from their ancestral roots.  Very few have successfully rejected all aspects of the modern world, and those that have to greater or lesser extents have often isolated themselves and become subject to ongoing threats of exploitation.

At this intersection, however, lies a dynamic tension that holds the potential to unleash a creative force that, at its best, can connect deeply with and nurture the roots of tradition while transforming the outer face of living lineages and adopting and transforming the modern culture and technology engaged with in the process.  This is an important space that Saq’ Be’ is mindful of, in order to integrate the power of these living lineages to transform our modern lives while nourishing their roots.  If done correctly, lineage cultures can adopt the tools and cultural elements of the “modern” in service of their ancestral cosmology, knowledge and wisdom.  When young people are engaged, a pathway is created to ensure the future vitality of a lineage, rooted in its homeland.

Guatemalan rappers promote Mayan language, stories to youth

Sarayaku: Living Well and Resisting Oil

Ecuador 2004 136Deep in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the community of Sarayaku has sustained their way of “Living Well” by keeping extractive oil industries out of their territories.  Saq’ Be’ has a long time connection with the community.  In 2004, my wife and I travelled to Sarayaku where we got to know the people of the community and recognize a way of life that embodies the potential that humans have when in balance with each other and our place. We had the privelage of being welcomed by the children of Sabino Gualinga, a powerful medicine man, with deep roots in a profound healing lineage.  It was also a time when the petrol companies were deploying numerous strategies to remove the community from the territory – modern day versions of the same tactics used to extract people and resources throughout history.  You can read more about that experience here: Cry in the Jungle: Defending Life, Resisting Devastation

The struggles Sarayaku has faced is indicative of both the challenges and the hope that Indigenous communities around the world hold.  These communities have much to to teach the world about how we live our lives and relate to our home:

Sarayaku residents describe sumac kawsay as “choosing our responsibility to the seventh generation over quarterly earnings, regeneration over economic growth, and the pursuit of well-being and harmony over wealth and financial success.”

Through our board member, Karen Marrero, we hope to continue to provide much needed support to the community in their successful efforts to turn back extractive industries, live in right relationship, and to bring that wisdom forward into the world.  Please contact us if you are interested in contributing to support these developing efforts to help Sarayaku.

Please read this timely, and eloquent article that appears in Yes! Magazine:

Deep in the Amazon, a Tiny Tribe Is Beating Big Oil

Filming Lineages

Modern technology is opening new ways for us to learn from and nourish living lineages.  A couple of years ago, Jim Jenner and Brenda Bynum joined us in Santa Fe for a consultation with Maya Ajq’ij Lina Barrios.  Their immediate connection with the tradition brought Brenda back here from her home in New York to participate in sessions, workshops and a ceremony in July of last year.  This quick connection suddenly found Jim and Brenda on a journey to Guatemala this past January, applying their film making skills while traveling with Denise, Lina, Carlos and others, filming elders, ceremonies and sacred locations.  This footage is being compiled to make use of the medium to further tell the stories of the living Maya lineage, so that we may learn, transform, and return to nourish the roots of the tradition.  They are hard at work compiling these videos in their spare time, putting forth a tremendous volunteer effort to make this content available.  We are excited about the potential that is being unleashed by filming lineages in an appropriate manner.

While this is being compiled, we are able to share some images of their journey in the gallery below.  More to come soon…

Today’s Headline: Future Drought

Watching over the fire
Watching over the fire

I had to put up a quick blog post, as the US news headlines features NASA scientists declaring that the SW US is set for unprecedented drought that will last decades.  Perhaps the only thing new in this view is that it is being confirmed by scientists, as I imagine many people expect this to be the norm within the context of climate disruption.  Personally, we live in an area often affected by drought (New Mexico), and see its impact on our drinking water, agriculture and fires. Of course, this is not only the case in the US, but in other parts of the world as well, including the Americas.

There are two things that come to mind in reading through this:

1) Our relationship to water.  Within our modern context, we treat water as though it were a fixed commodity.  We extract it, exploit it, pollute it, bottle it and worry that we won’t have enough of it.  What if we were to shift our frame, to see water as something that is alive, connected, that can grow, heal, sustain and regenerate? Would we open new realms of possibility in the way that we manage, allocate and perhaps even grow this elemental foundation to all life?  This brings me to point #2:

2) We have recently (and some of the Saq’ Be’ team have ongoingly) had conversations with a Latin American representative for UNESCO.  The group is highly aware of an impending water crisis throughout the Americas (from North to South) and sees a solution in turning towards the knowledge and wisdom of the continent’s Indigenous peoples.  This is because humanity has learned much over time through our interconnected relationship with that which sustains us, and we are fortunate to have peoples that have not lost that connected lineage.  They are able to teach us in the modern world, but it requires a fundamental transformation of the way we view that which gives us life – from a commodity towards a relationship.  UNESCO is very serious about collecting, applying, and integrating this knowledge and wisdom while protecting the territories of first peoples.

Clearly this will be a delicate process, but it points towards the opportunity we have.  My new friend here in New Mexico, Larry Littlebird, brought forth the question: what is the opportunity of climate change?  This story highlights one for me, what are the other opportunities that you see?
Study: Unprecedented ‘Megadroughts’ Expected For U.S. After 2050

Ashes over Antigua

April 5-Antigua-VolcanoYou may have noticed that I’ve stepped in over the last few days to provide the daily Nawal. That is because Denise has been offline from her home in Antigua, where Volcan del Fuego erupted on Saturday. The city is covered with ask and communications were knocked down for a bit.  Thankfully, everybody is doing just fine.  Fortunately for everybody else, Denise is back to writing the Daily Nawal to share with everybody!  We are extremely grateful for all her hard work and dedication!

We’re thinking about expanding the content on the Daily Nawal.  Let us know if there is something that you would like to see on a daily basis that would support your connecting with the energies of the Cholq’ij Calendar.


Here’s a little news video on the eruption:

4 Ajpu – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal AjpuAjpu represents the spiritual warrior and the hunter.  It brings certainty, directness and decisiveness.  The number 4 projects stability and security.  Focus your energy on your spiritual path and that which brings stability into the world across the four planes of existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  This is the day to overcome all doubts and find certainty in the deeper truths that are present before us.

3 Kawoq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal KawoqKawoq means the strength of unity; it represents the family, the community, the society, and the group. It is the energy of abundance, in both the material and the spiritual sense. The number 3 represents communication and creativity, the fruits of our efforts.  Connect with today’s energy to clarify the communications within your family and amongst your community.  Give thanks for the results of our collective efforts, and seek the shared creative force that will bear fruits in the future.