Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil

The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.

Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.

6 Aj

AjNumber 6 brings many tests that result in learning. Aj represents the columns of inner strength; the spiritual law and divine authority. Disagreements and changes tend to occur under these energies, don’t become discouraged or lose sight of your final destination; these tests will strengthen your inner pillars.

5 E

ENawal E is the energy and means by which we will travel our roads in life, it represents the Sacred Road; it sets the conditions of our journey and provides us with the power to accomplish the mission for which we are born.  Number 5 is elevation to creation; the energy of action. This day possesses a great positive energy. Today the Saq’ Be’ ―the White Road, the Sacred Road― connects you with the energies of the cosmos through spirituality, love and compassion. This is also a good day to start projects that will improve your economy.

2 Toj

19._Toj_YamaniK_PabloThis is a special day to thank the Creator with an offering, thank Him for everything you have, the opportunities you have received throughout your life and for what is still ahead. Today thank Him especially for your relationships, ask for love and understanding with your love partner. Toj represents gratefulness to the Creator; number 2 brings the energy of union and relationships.

1 Q’anil

18._Q'anil_YamaniK_PabloNawal Q’anil represents the seed of life, the energy of creation; number 1 brings the power of unity, it is the beginning.  Scatter many seeds of love during the course of your passage through this day, and without doubt all the good actions you may plant today will bring positive fruits into your life

13 Kej

17._Kiej_YamaniK_Pablo 001Number 13 marks the end of a cycle that is balanced by the power of Kej, which represents solidity and stability. Kej is the deer that has one foot in each of the cardinal points, gather the energy the deer will bring you from each of the four corners of the world.

12 Kame

14._KEME_YamaniK_PabloKame is the energy of our spiritual family and our lineage; it has the power of our ancestors, who protect us and guide us throughout our life. Number 12 represents the consciousness of being. This is a good day to ask the Creator that these Grandfathers and Grandmothers can transmit their ancestral wisdom and point you in the direction you need to take in your search for spiritual enlightenment.

11 Kan

14._KAN_YamaniK_PabloKan represents energy and movement and today it converges with number 11, which brings tests of a spiritual and mental order. Focus the energy of Kan into transmuting the challenges into knowledge and wisdom. Take a moment tonight to meditate on what experience has taught you.