10 Ajpu represents the energy of Father Sun that brings clarity, certainty and strength that we possess to achieve our life purpose. It is renewal, the new that comes with each sunrise and it is also the old, the experiences we have lived which are represented by the sunset. This Ch’umil brings the energy of the spiritual warrior, that warrior of light who brings change by radiating the transforming power of his inner light, of the higher consciousness he has developed. Today we can light a yellow or red candle and connect through its flame with ou inner light, let us ask that the strength and light of the Spiritual Warrior be ignited in us.
10 Ajpu representa la energía del Padre Sol que trae la claridad, certeza y fuerza que poseemos para lograr los propósitos de vida. Es la renovación, lo nuevo que viene con cada amanecer y es, asimismo, lo viejo, las experiencias que hemos vivido, que son representadas por el atardecer. Este Ch’umil trae la energía del guerrero espiritual, ese guerrero de luz que provoca cambios a través de irradiar el poder transformador de su luz interna, de la conciencia superior que ha desarrollado. Hoy podemos encender una vela amarilla o roja y conectar a través de la llama con nuestra luz interior, pidamos que se encienda en nosotros la fortaleza y luz del Guerrero Espiritual.
- WUQUB’ AJMAQ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 12, 2025
- WAQIB’ TZ’IKIN ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 11, 2025
- JOB’ I’X ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 10, 2025