A trecena of great power begins on this day, this trecena is symbolized by the bird, who is the Nawal (spirit animal) that contains the magic to transmute the energy, that activates the inner powers, and that is our protector in the face of difficulties, the bird brings us luck and opportunities in the moments in which we face adversity.
This trecena opens the paths of good fortune, it gives power to every prayer we elevate to the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth and it brings new possibilities to our path, it all depends on us to take action so that they materialize.
The energy of this day is a true gift to develop for us to understand existence and project our cosmic being.
-Based on the texts of Elder Carlos Barrios
Hoy inicia una trecena de mucho poder, una trecena simbolizada por el ave, que es el Nahual que posee la magia para transmutar la energía, que activa los poderes internos y que es nuestro protector ante las dificultades, que nos trae suerte y oportunidades en los momentos en que nos enfrentamos a la adversidad.
Esta trecena abre los caminos de la buena fortuna, da poder a cada oración que elevamos al Corazón del Cielo y al Corazón de la Madre Tierra y pone a nuestro paso nuevas posibilidades, todo está en que tomemos acción para que estas se materialicen.
La energía de este día es un verdadero regalo a desarrollar para entender la existencia y proyectar nuestro ser cósmico.
-Basado en los textos del Abuelo Carlos Barrios
- KAJIB’ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 9, 2025
- OXIB’ E ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 8, 2025
- KEB’ B’ATZ’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 7, 2025
Hi –thank you for continuing these daily Chumils . I wondered if. In the section of numbers the Mayan spelling of the numbers can be added. That would help my memory to see the name with the number in that section.
I am grateful for this Mayan calender of days and the energies!!
♾️️….13 Toj