Number 2 represents polarity, the positive and the negative energies. Ajmaq is forgiveness and reconciliation. Today you have the spiritual strength to ask for forgiveness and to forgive the offenses you may have received from others. Make a conscientious decision to leave behind resentment, this will help you turn the negative into positive and bring you spiritual peace.
Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil
The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.
Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.
1 Tz’ikin – Today’s Ch’umil & Prayer for New Trecena
Number 1 represents the beginning; it gives you the impulse to start new projects. Tz’ikin attracts material fortune, luck and love. The energy projected by this day is charged with possibilities. This is the first day of the Tz’ikin trecena (thirteen days), ask this Ch’umil to grant you its power of vision and to bring you luck and love.
Trecena Prayer from Pedro Ixchop
“In this sacred day I thank you, Ajaw, for all the wealth that I have in my life, I thank you for being the richness of my path and my heart. I thank you for the richness in my destiny, in my hands, in my ears, and in my intelligence; for the richness in my existence and in my spirit. I am grateful because if I have any richness it is because of you presences, because you live inside me Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol; only you can bring joy to my home, to my family. I pray that my work will become green in your work, that it will become spiritual gold that will flourish inside me. I pray that the green gold and silver will be abundant in your presence through all the good things, Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol, because it is your charity, your favor, that I am grateful for Uk’u’x Kaj Uk’u’x Ulew. I thank you for your infinitude, for everything I have, for the abundance. I ask you that there is no sadness or bitterness in my life, that the happiness and joy will always be abundant in my heart, Ajaw. I am your son, I am your flower here in Earth and I ask you to help me with my needs, Ajaw. I don’t want to live in poverty and I thank you for helping me prosper in all the activities I undertake, I thank you for your divine miracle, Ajaw. I know that I receive your blessings because I trust in you, because you gave me the qualities I need, you gave me the gifts I have, and these will bring me richness, and for this I thank you and I honor you by offering these candles in your name, Ajaw of the Sky and the Earth. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.”
Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Tz’aqol and B’itol Creator and Maker
Uk’u’x Kaj Uk’u’x Ulew Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth
Maltiox Thank you
13 I’x – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
Both I’x and number 13 represent the energy of magic. This is a very good day to develop your sense of perception. Connect with the wisdom of the four B’alam’eb ―guardians of the four corners of the Universe― to cultivate your intuition and to receive visions. This is the last day of the Iq’ Trecena (thirteen days) Light a candle to thank Iq’ for renewing and cleansing your energy and bringing you good ideas.
12 Aj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
11 E – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
E gives you the possibility of undertaking new journeys and by using the energy of number 11 you will be able to gather knowledge through these new experiences. Ask the energy of the day to guide you to the roads that will bring you closer to your life’s purpose and for all your paths to be free of obstacles.
10 B’atz’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
9 T’zi’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
T’zi’ is the law, the sacred universal law, that can not be bought and can not be sold. Number 9 represents the emotional and the intuitive; it is love, compassion, and spirituality. Bring awareness today towards deepening your personal alignment to be in greater harmony with the spiritual law, that true justice may be realized in our communities and that those that write and enforce the laws of the land may be guided by the spiritual law. This is also a good day to ask for changes for those that are unjustly imprisoned and to conduct legal matters.
8 Toj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
Toj represents the law of cause and effect, it is the payments that are made for all that has been received. Number 8 represents the energies of the physical and material world. Light a red candle today for all that has been received into your life, for all that has and will support you in this material world. Give thanks and make payments for all that has been given from our mother earth, and balance may be restored for all that has been taken from her without being properly paid for.
7 Q’anil – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
Q’anil represents the seed to be planted, the regeneration of life and creation. Number 7 signifies equilibrium and is a harmonizing force. Take advantage of today’s energy to cultivate an awareness within yourself of how to develop a harmonious energy that will radiate through your being. Listen for the signs that cross your path on this day that carry new ideas and teachings to help bring your life and your relationship with the world into greater balance.
6 Kej – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)
Kej is the energy of the deer, it is balance and harmony. Number 6 symbolizes learning and responsibility; it is an energy that may bring conflicts and imbalances, and it stands for life’s trials and personal development. The convergence of these two energies may bring unbalance and confusion, do not allow them to cloud your judgment, instead, use them as rungs to help you reach your goals in life.