Kame is birth and death; it is the protective energy of those who die. Number 4 symbolizes the perfect measure, it is balance and stability. This day protects those who ask for its protection; connect to the energy of 4 Kame and light a white candle to elevate your prayers and ask for protection from accidents and bad death.
3 Kan – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Kan, the plumed serpent, represents the inner fire and vitality. Number 3 symbolizes the rhythm of life. This day is filled with energy and creativity; put this passion and creative energy into every activity you perform. Connect to the energy of 3 Kan… dance, leave aside your fears and enjoy life to its fullest making every moment count.
Tzu’tujil Hip Hop Promotes Maya Lineage & Language
The Maya Calendar, Cosmology and Tzu’tujil language are being transmitted to young people through a Guatemalan Hip Hop Group
The intersection of ancient lineages and modern culture and technology often exists as a combative arena, where – far more often than not – modern perspectives and tools dominate and eliminate the living heritage of peoples. Is this, however, always necessarily the case? In almost every corner of this world, the presence of our modern infatuation with “newness”, consumption and homogeneic culture lure younger generations away from their ancestral roots. Very few have successfully rejected all aspects of the modern world, and those that have to greater or lesser extents have often isolated themselves and become subject to ongoing threats of exploitation.
At this intersection, however, lies a dynamic tension that holds the potential to unleash a creative force that, at its best, can connect deeply with and nurture the roots of tradition while transforming the outer face of living lineages and adopting and transforming the modern culture and technology engaged with in the process. This is an important space that Saq’ Be’ is mindful of, in order to integrate the power of these living lineages to transform our modern lives while nourishing their roots. If done correctly, lineage cultures can adopt the tools and cultural elements of the “modern” in service of their ancestral cosmology, knowledge and wisdom. When young people are engaged, a pathway is created to ensure the future vitality of a lineage, rooted in its homeland.
2 K’at – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
K’at symbolizes the net, it is the entanglements or traps that we face in life, and the energy that allows us to put an end to problems. Number 2 represents duality; it is both the positive and the negative. This is a good day to cut the knots of those things we are holding to, but which are harming us. Let go of everything that’s not good for you, leave space for the positive things that will be coming to your life.
1 Aq’ab’al – Today’s Nawal and Trecena Prayer
Number 1 is the force and power of the beginning; it is unity. Aq’ab’al symbolizes the sunrise, the first ray of sunshine in the darkness; it is letting go and heading to a new direction. With every new day comes a new opportunity, you just need to be observant to see where the new ray of light is shining. Remember that evolving means being in constant transformation.
Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Aq’ab’al
In this sacred day I ask you, Ajaw, that your clarity lights my path. I ask that dawn comes to my destiny, that its clarity will always light my path and that its light will be my guide when I confuse my purpose, Ajaw. I ask that the star of the dawn will illuminate my path at all times and that the divinity of your heart, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth, will illuminate over me and over all the creatures in the face of Mother Earth. I ask that the light of the dawn comes to enlighten my wisdom; that this light comes to my home. I ask that you grant me your divine light, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you, Ajaw, that the Sun will rise in my home, that it will rise in the minds of my daughters and my sons, in the minds of my grandchildren. I ask that there is clarity in all the activities that I undertake, Ajaw of the Sky and the Earth. I pray that all fog is removed from my path through your divine power, Ajaw, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask that no darkness will leak into the corners or into the center of my house, that any darkness will be removed and vanished by your divine power and your divine light, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.
Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Maltiox Thank you
13 Iq’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Iq’ represents life and renewal; it is the wind that has the power of renovating our energy. Number 13 has the magic of being able to change and create. Lift your prayers to the Creator and Maker with the force of the wind, represented by Iq’, invite the wind to enter your being, to purify and renew your energy and to lift your spirits. This is the last day of the Tz’i’ trecena (thirteen days), light a candel to thank Tz’i’ for the justice it brought to your life.
12 Imox – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Imox is the energy of water, it is spiritual strength and intuition; it is the power to understand the messages of nature. Number 12 represents the consciousness of being; it is a strong energy that ignites. This is a good day to purify the water in your body, and to connect through your intuition to the messages that it carries.
11 Ajpu – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Ajpu represents the hunter who brings certainty and acuity. Number 11 brings the energy of spiritual tests and payments. Today the clarity in your actions will bring you the certainty and strength to continue on the right path, Ajpu allows you to reach your goals if you know how to manage delicate situations.
10 Kawoq- Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Kawoq represents abundance, both spiritual and material; it is a day to attract the energy of abundance to our life, our business, and our crops. Number 10 connects us to the cosmic and telluric energies. This is a good day to attract prosperity and abundance, send the energy of prosperity to the cosmos, act prosperous by buying something special for yourself, donating money to a cause you believe in, or doing something that expresses abundance, the Universe will send this energy back to you.
9 Tijax – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)
Tijax symbolizes the double-bladed obsidian knife which allows us to open new paths. Number 9 represents the circle of life; it is love and spirituality. Embrace those things that bring blessings to your life, and use the knife of Tijax to cut and leave behind the things that are harming you. Be honest with your choices and be joyful by your decision, it is up to you to select the things that will bring the outcome that you want for your life.