TOJ is the Sacred Fire, it is the ceremonial fire that is lit to give thanks for our life and for everything that we have received throughout our existence, for what we consider good or bad. Everything is part of the actions and choices we have made, these have taken us to this moment of our evolution, to this magical experience of life! In the sequence of the conformation of Creation of this “reality”, Toj is purification. It is the seed of Q’anil which becomes the Sun, the new fire, the fire that transmutes, burns, regenerates and leaves the essence. The Toj is an act of consciousness,of rejoicement, of gratefulness. We don’t have to look at this day as the day of payment for the negative things we have done, whether consciously or not. Toj is the action of the ceremony, the candle we light, the prayer we pray. It’s energy is guided by gratefulness, to the encounter of our Spirit with the divine flame that connects us with the WHOLE. Toj is manifested in Tojil, Awilix, Jaqawitz, and Niq’aj Taq’aj, because it is the energy of the four B’alam’eb (Jaguar Semi-Gods). Each of the B’alam’eb made its Sacred Fire and each fire was different, later the fires were united, after each made his own fire. Tojil is the fire of B’alam K’itze’ and it represents Father Sun over the face of the Earth. Awilix is the fire of B’alam Aq’ab’, it is the fire of the earth and it is related to Q’aq’ Alom (magma), which is connected to the pure energy of Mother Earth. Jaqawitz is the fire of Majukutaj, this fire is connected to the air, to the space between the earth and the Sky, to everything that exists there. Niq’aj Taq’aj is the fire of Ik’i’ B’alam, which is the water that brings us rain. The fire forms shapes in the ceremony, it gives us signals, it is the one that shows us the path. It is through the Sacred Fire that the knowledge of the Wise Elders is revealed. Toj is the purifier of our existence, the one we must turn to to be prepared for this special moment we are living, these “Times of change, the arrival to a New Era of the Cycles of Creation.”
Wajxaqib’ (8) B’at’z – The Cholq’ij New Year
According to the Maya, the world was created in one Mayan month (twenty days). The process of creation begins on Jun (1) B’atz and ends on the day Wuqub’ (7) Tz’i’, completing the first twenty days of the Cholq’ij (Calendar of Life). After this final day of creation, the day Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’ arrives, which is considered the Cholq’ij New Year. When Maya people celebrate the Cholq’ij new year, they are celebrating that the creation of the world has been fulfilled, and the beginning of a new cycle of 260 days.
We are living in the time of the Job’ Ajaw, or Fifth Sun which we entered on December 21, 2012. This epoch is related to the element Ether and to the fifth dimension. We have entered a time of greater awareness, in which we are witnessing socio-economic changes – but these changes don’t happen overnight. We are only now beginning to see them. The energy of the Ch’umilal, or signs of the Maya Cholq’ij Calendar, have the same meaning we have been sharing, but now their energy resonates more with the spiritual power that comes with them. The concatenation of the energies that each of the Ch’umilal represents is the guide of the Creation. It influences us throughout the cycle of our life and the cycle of Mother Earth. By working with each of the days we will connect to the spiritual energy of the twenty Ch’umilal to be in harmony with each of them.
You can follow Carlos’s guide to more deeply understanding and connecting with the energies of the twenty days leading up to the Cholq’ij New Year in the Daily Ch’umil section of the website, or by subscribing to the newsletter or following Saq’ Be’ on social media.
- 6 Kan ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 27, 2020
- 5 K’at ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 26, 2020
- 3 Iq’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 24, 2020