Today we are ruled by the energy of Ajaw 2 Ajmaq, which represents the search. It is the force that drives us to find new wisdoms, to go into our being and delve into the depths of what we can find in our inner self, to have that curiosity which allows us to perceive who we are. The energy of this day is a power that impels us to develop ourselves, to achieve high levels of knowledge in each plane of existence, to find balance within our own self. The glyph that represents this Ch’umil symbolizes the mind in a state of forgiveness and enlightenment, for the energy of this sign teaches us about empathy, about the healing that arises through knowing and accepting ourselves. Let’s remember that at times self-knowledge comes from our shadows, from our complicated moments. Let us learn to accept and find the learning that is born from those moments, moments that can be healing, that are medicinal. Let’s give a space to interiorization, to discovering our true being, to balancing our polarities, and growing to flow with life, to accept the perfect teachings that it brings.
Hoy nos rige la energía de Ajaw 2 Ajmaq que representa la búsqueda, es esa fuerza que nos empuja a encontrar nuevas sabidurías, a adentrarnos en nuestro ser para conocer a profundidad todo aquello que hay en nuestro interior, a tener esa curiosidad que nos permite percibir quiénes somos. La energía de este día es un poder que nos impulsa a desarrollarnos, a alcanzar altos niveles de conocimiento en cada uno de los planos de existencia, a encontrar el balance dentro de nosotros mismos. El glifo que simboliza a este Ch’umil representa la mente en estado de perdón e iluminación, pues la energía de este signo nos enseña de empatía, de la sanación que surge a través de conocernos y aceptarnos. Recordemos que el autoconocimiento a veces proviene de nuestras sombras, de nuestros momentos complicados. Aprendamos a aceptar y encontrar el aprendizaje que nace de esos momentos que pueden ser sanadores, que son medicina. Demos un espacio a la interiorización, a descubrir nuestro verdadero ser, a balancear nuestras polaridades y crecer para fluir con la vida y aceptar las enseñanzas perfectas que esta nos trae.
- KAJIB’ KAWOQ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 7, 2025
- OXIB’ TIJAX ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 6, 2025
- KEB’ NO’J ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 5, 2025
I continue to be thankful for these daily postings and the wisdom they provide. I am also very grateful for having had the honor of a reading of my Mayan chart with Carlos Barios. His book “The Mayan Book of Elders” remains a source of knowledge that I use in my studies of the subtle aspects of reality.
If there will be courses offered in the future, specifically around crystals, as was mentioned in my reading, I would be interested in learning more.
Best wishes for the coming year and gratitude for your service,