This day comes with a strong energy, but one that is characterized by kindness. This allows us to transform and catalyze the knowledge into wisdom, the purposes into action and thus elevate your conscious being to a spiritual state.
El día se presenta con energia fuerte, pero está caracterizada por la nobleza. Esto permite transformar y catalizar el conocimiento hacia la sabiduría, los propositos en acción y elevar tu ser conciente a un estado espiritual.
Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO.He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.