The vibration of this day connects us with the female energy that resides within us, it creates the space for us to discover its power, sensitivity, and creativity. Learning to appreciate the beauty of our sacred female and thus release and heal the burden that has been placed on its force. These times compel us, men and women alike, to be open to know ourselves, to integrate each part that shapes us in order to become those whole beings that we are, aware of our complementarities in which we find balance and learn to be free, with no fear of embracing life in all of its manifestations. Today, Wuqub’ (7) I’x allows us to find this harmony and inner integration, and the Q’anil trecena gifts us with the opportunity to blossom.
La vibración de este día nos conecta con la energía femenina que habita en nuestro interior. Nos abre el espacio a descubrir su poder, sensibilidad y creatividad, a soltar y sanar la carga que se ha impuesto sobre la fuerza femenina, a aprender a apreciar la belleza de nuestra sagrada feminidad. Estos tiempos nos impulsan a que tanto hombres como mujeres nos abramos a conocernos, a integrar cada parte que nos compone y volvernos esos seres completos que son conscientes de sus complementareidades, que encuentran el balance y aprenden a ser libres, sin miedo abrazar la vida en cada una de sus manifestaciones. Hoy Wuqub’ (7) I’x nos permite encontrar esta armonía e integración interior y la trecena de Q’anil nos regala la oportunidad de florecer.
- JULAJUJ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 1, 2025
- LAJUJ E ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 28, 2025
- B’ELEJEB’ B’ATZ ~ An energy of integration and a day to celebrate our Sacred Female~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 27, 2025