Kej is the deer who is the guardian of forests, of nature; it represents tranquility and harmony. It is the harmonic tune of creation which is manifested from a spark coming out of a bonfire, a grain of sand, a gentle breeze, a drop of dew in the morning, to the cosmic dance of the universe. When we understand how the cosmic-telluric energies influence us, we can see that Kej is the one that transmutes all these to the creation of nature, it is to see again with other eyes, with another perception. If we have sharpened our senses, then we recover our ability to see with another vision; this is when we can hear the trees, when we understand what the other living beings are saying, everything takes another perception, we are integrated to everything that surrounds us, we become an integral part of the creation.
In the change of cycle to Job’ Ajaw (Fifth Sun), the new K’atun that began on December 21, 2012, the vision of the human being is related to the Fifth Dimension and this is commanded by the ether element, everything has a more subtle charge. According to this new era, we must reach this vision and become those complete human beings who have managed to return to the consciousness of nature, return to the Rax Kaqulja’, the Green Ray of Creation.
Rax Kaqulja’ is a wholeness and we are part of it. Kej is to return to the simple, the elemental, but doing it with another vision, without any judgment, fully open and conscious, that is the purpose.
~Carlos Barrios
Today ends the trecena of Ajaw Tz’ikin, in which I wanted to remember and honor my dad, to share his wisdom and connect with the messages that the bird, who represented him in this reality, brings from the parallel dimensions. Maltyox Ajaw Tz’ikin, maltyox Tata Carlos, and maltyox to each of you who share and remember him with me. ~Denise
Kej es el venado quien es el guardián de los bosques, de la naturaleza; representa la calma, la armonía. Es la sintonía armónica de la creación, manifestada desde una chispa de fuego que sale de una hoguera, un grano de arena, una suave brisa, una gota del rocío en la mañana, hasta la danza cósmica del universo. Al comprender cómo nos influyen las energías cósmico-telúricas, vemos que Kej es la transmutación de todo lo anterior a la creación de la naturaleza, es como retornar a verla con otros ojos, con otra percepción. Si hemos afinado los sentidos, entonces retomamos el ver con otra visión; es cuando los árboles nos hablan, entendemos lo que dicen los otros seres vivos, todo toma otra percepción, estamos integrados a todo lo que nos rodea, nos volvemos parte integral de la creación.
En el cambio de ciclo al Job’ Ajaw (Quinto Sol) el nuevo K’atun que inició el 21 diciembre 2012, la visión del ser humano está en relación a la Quinta Dimensión y esta está comandada por el elemento éter, todo tiene una carga más sutil. Acorde a esta nueva era, debemos alcanzar esta visión y ser esos seres humanos completos que han logrado regresar a la consciencia de la naturaleza, regresar al Rax Kaqulja’, el Rayo Verde de la Creación.
Rax Kaqulja’ es un todo y nosotros somos parte de ese todo. Kej es regresar a lo simple, lo sencillo, pero con otra visión, ya sin juicios, sino que totalmente abiertos, conscientes, este es el propósito.
~Carlos Barrios
Hoy finaliza la trecena de Ajaw Tz’ikin, en la que quise recordar y honrar a mi papá, volver a compartir su sabiduría y conectar con los mensajes que ahora el ave que lo representó en esta realidad trae desde las dimensiones paralelas. Maltyox Ajaw Tz’ikin, maltyox Tata Carlos y maltyox a cada uno de ustedes que comparten y lo recuerdan conmigo. ~Denise
- JULAJUJ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 1, 2025
- LAJUJ E ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 28, 2025
- B’ELEJEB’ B’ATZ ~ An energy of integration and a day to celebrate our Sacred Female~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 27, 2025
Thank you, Denise, for sharing your father’s words during the Tz’ikin Trecena, as well as your memories and honor of him. I remember your father fondly, as I had the great blessing of a reading from him (virtually; and thank you for participating in that reading, and for translating his beautiful message) years ago. I also think of you and all of your family frequently, and have sent many prayers and blessings your way, in deep gratitude for all that you ARE and DO. Such an amazing time we live in; such an unprecedented time for humanity in this new era . . . .
Maltiox X 4, and more! for your commitment to sharing Saq’ Be’ with all of us.