Well, here is my second update with assorted musings from our time spent here in the heart of the Maya lands. I’ve been reflecting upon the importance of the work we are doing with Saq’ Be’, and its particular relevancy in this moment in time. We’ve always worked to open pathways for individuals to develop themselves more fully in accordance with their life purpose by integrating living, ancient wisdom. We’ve also been long committed to supporting the vitality of these living lineages in their homelands where it is essential they continue to flourish. I think there has also been a desire to be a resource to transforming the collective, at community and global levels. This seems like the kind of moment where this is critical.
We are seeing increasing recognition of a void created by the collapse of colonial civilization. I believe there is a space opening in the collective consciousness for the need to develop cosmological alternatives that lead us down a path of restoring the ability of our human and ecological systems to more deeply integrate and grow their evolutionary potential. In essence, by appropriately connecting to and drawing forth from the living wisdom rooted in our past, we can collectively unleash our shared potential to fulfill humanity’s deeper purpose upon this earth, in restoring increasing levels of order and balance.
We are truly fortunate to have the opportunity to be here, where the lineage of the Maya lives in such a way that it can be felt permeating through the very fabric of the people and in this place. Hopefully we are able to convey some of that felt sense back to you here.
OK, back to the experiential part, here’s a bit of what’s been happening the last few days:
– Yesterday we went to spend time and make offerings to Maximon in Santiago Attitlan. It was an honor to spend time with the Tilenal and Cofradia, and to share in this sacred space. As we were making offerings and generally hanging out, I had a few further reflections: We may be facing a time where we have to stand for our communities, in the same way as Ri Laj Mam. For many of us, it is becoming a time to defend the people, to stand for a deeper justice for all, and to overcome the problems of a time of transition. We are fortunate to be able to offer prayers to Maximon, asking draw upon this wisdom, guidance, protection and strength.
– 8 Tijax – Another ceremony – Horay! This time, we were joined by Carlos, Denise, Roberto (from Colombia) and Domingo (a traditional storyteller we’ll be interviewing) for a special ceremony at a Maya altar upon the shores of lake Attitlan. Maltiox!
– We opened the Kat trecena yesterday with a greeting in our kitchen from a spider that trapped a scorpion in its web. Perhaps this represents the trapping of a potential problem so that we could deal with it (don’t worry, both spider and scorpion were relocated).
Coming up: Lina will be joining us this weekend, and Denise will be here as well. Next week we will spend time filming and discussing with Miguel and Juan from Chichi – twin brothers, artists and ajq’ij’ab. Tuesday we’ll be traveling with the crew to celebrate Waxaq’ib B’atz’ in Paclom. And, we’ll see what else arises along the way!
- WAJXAQIB’ K’AT ~ Today’s Ch’umil - January 31, 2025
- KAB’LAJUJ TZ’I’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - November 18, 2024
- Please Consider Supporting Saq’ Be’ this Giving Tuesday - November 28, 2023
Thank You Adam For You And Your Family’s Effort Of Balance And Integrity Enjoy Your Important Journey!
Thank you for creating this bridge between the Maya and our Western world. I have such deep gratitude for the Barrios, and there entire extended family for befriending my son while he studied and traveled in Guaremala last fall. All of our lives have been enriched by their kindness, and your purposeful efforts. And thank you for the 20 days of creation posts! Happy Equinox!
Namaste, Jeraldine, Paul and Leland Mark