Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil

The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.

Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.

7 Tz’i’ – Today’s Nawal before Cholq’ij New Year

Nawal Tz'i'Tz’i’ represents the spiritual law and the law of man, it is justice and authority. It relates to the written word, especially to sacred writings. Number 7 symbolizes a final step before the summit; it is equilibrium and harmony.Today is Wuqub’ (7) Tz’i’, the last day of the 260 day Cholq’ij Calendar. Tomorrow we will celebrate the Jab’nal (New Year). The counting of the days begins on a day 1 B’atz’ and after one veintena (20 days) it is 8 B’atz’, the first day of the Cholq’ij year. Thank the Father and Mother of the Universe for all the blessings you have received during the past year and ask that this new cycle of 260 days will bring balance and harmony to your mind, your heart, your body and your spirit so that you can continue developing on your path of life.

During the Creation of the Universe the day 7 Tz’i’ brought the words.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

6 Toj – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal TojToj is the law of cause and effect; it is a day to make offerings and the energy that repays us for all the good or bad we have done in our life. It is the Sacred Ceremonial Fire, the fire of the Spirit of the Ajaw, Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth. Number 6 entails learning and responsibilities; it is a day in which to thank the Creator and Maker for everything we have received. Connect to the energies of this day and light a candle to thank the Great Father for all that life has given you.

During the Creation of the Universe 6 Toj filled up the valleys with soil; it did it when the earth had not awakened.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

5 Q’anil – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Q'anilQ’anil means seed and life. It is the day to ask for the germination of sacred corn and everything else that Mother Nature produces; it is fertility in humans, plants and animals. Everything that begins on this day has a positive future. Number 5 is the energy of action which allows you to achieve anything you set your mind into.  This day blooms with possibilities. Ask for the fruition of your projects so that they will bring you personal satisfaction and financial wellbeing.

During the Creation of the Universe 5 Q’anil created the great sewer of the great lagoon of the sea.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

4 Kej – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal KiejKej represents the deer that has one leg in each of the four cardinal points; it is balance and harmony, it is the energy that protects the natural world and which is called to maintain balance between humans and Mother Earth. Number 4 projects stability, firmness and security. Today the convergence of these two energies brings stability, any project that you start or work in today will enjoy the protection and steadiness of 4 Kej.

During the Creation of the Universe 4 Kej was the day in which the spirit came.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

3 Kame – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal KemeKame is birth and death, and all the cycles that manifest during this period; it also represents the invisible guardians, the power and strength of our ancestors who advise us and protect us. Number 3 symbolizes our creative energy; it is our connection to the three levels; underworld, earth, and cosmos. Today you have a special connection to your ancestors, 3 Kame opens the channels to reveal their ancestral wisdom.

During the Creation of the Universe 3 Kame created death.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

2 Kan – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal KanKan is the serpent of fire whose energy resides at the base of the spinal column. It is the force of life, the movement, and the sexual energy. Number 2 represents duality and union, it is a favorable energy for relationships.  Use the energies of this day to remember the good times you have shared with your love partner; leave behind any sadness or pain you may have suffered in the past. This is a day for connection and passion.

During the Creation of the Universe on a day 2 Kan bad things rose and they could be seen in the eyes of people.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

1 K’at – Nawal, Maya Creation and Trecena Prayer

Nawal K'atK’at represents the net that is used to store those things that will nurture us in the future, not only physical things, but also what is invisible, such as our memories and experiences; it has the power to unite the people and elements required to do what we need to do. Number 1 is a creative and innovative energy. Throughout the course of this trecena (thirteen days) use the power provided by 1 K’at to consolidate those ideas that have come to mind and to catch the people and elements that can help you develop them.

During the Creation of the Universe 1 K’at had low spirits for the bad things it had created.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for K’at

Great Spirit of the Ajaw of the Day K’at grant me the development and expansion of my thoughts. I ask you that nothing can disturb my heart and my thoughts; that no one can damage my life and my destiny, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you that my feet, my hands, my thoughts and my intelligence are not tangled before your presence. That my enemies are not aimed to lock me with their pretexts, that they won’t be able to lock me or my family’s intelligence, words, feet, hands, body, or eyes, Ajaw. Give me the freedom to pray outside of the prisons of the enemies of your Sacred Spirituality, Ajaw of the Sky and the Earth. I ask you that all the physical and mental prisons are vanished and destroyed by your power, Father Ajaw. I ask you to grant freedom to any enemy intending to cast their nets to lock and to lie to your creatures, Ajaw, so that they can serve you every day. You know that I offer my faith through my prayers and my offerings in the ceremonies that I celebrate, Father. Do not allow my enemies to bother or torment me in my mission to follow you Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth.
Maya Elder Pedro IxchopI ask you to untie any illness, whether physical, emotional, or mental. Relieve me from all pain in my veins, my arteries, my body, my mind, and my heart. Relieve me from all pain in my internal and external organs. Take away all swelling and excessive temperament in my body, my mind, and my heart. I ask you that any excessive pain will be untied, discarded, and eliminated by your power, Ajaw. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.

Ajaw – Great Father or Supreme Being

13 Aq’ab’al – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Aq'ab'alAq’ab’al represents the dusk and dawn; it is the first ray of light in the darkness, a renewing force. Number 13 symbolizes the magic of being able to change and create. The revitalizing strength of the energies of this day offer you the opportunity to break from your routine and breath new airs. This is the last day of the B’atz’ trecena (thirteen days), light a candle to thank B’atz’ for all the stories you have woven with its threads during this thirteen days.

During the Creation of the Universe 13 Aq’ab’al drank water, moistened the soil and modeled the body of the man.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

12 Iq’ – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal Iq'Iq’ is the wind, the energy that governs ideas and change; it symbolizes renewal and purity, it is the purifier of the body, the mind, and the spirit. It is the divine breath that sustains existence and the energy of words and communication. Number 12 projects creativity and dreams; it represents the consciousness of being. The energies of this day bring creativity and life to your projects.

During the Creation of the Universe 12 Iq’ created the wind. This is the reason why it is called spirit, because there is no death within it.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.

11 Imox – Today’s Nawal and Maya Creation

Nawal ImoxImox is the subtle part of human beings; it is the unusual and the eccentric, the essence of our consciousness, the strength of our mind. It represents the Water element, thus, it is an auspicious day to ask for rain, for water, and for the fertility of nature. Number 11 symbolizes the act of dividing, sorting and sharing. During this day ask 11 Imox to help you focus on your positive thoughts and to develop your intuition.

During the Creation of the Universe the stones and the trees where created on a day 11 Imox, this was done within the Sun.

The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.