Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil

The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.

Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.

9 No’j – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal NojNo’j is the knowledge and the wisdom, the ability to grow the intellect and be guided by the sacred wisdom of the universe.  Number 9 represents the emotional and the intuitive; it is love, compassion, and spirituality. Connect with today’s energy and ask for the knowledge that may guide our development and be of service to those and the world around us, that which is revealed to become known may be activated by the wisdom that is drawn from the mystery that surrounds us.

7 Tz’ikin – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal Tz'ikinTz’ikin is the bird which it is the intermediary between the Sky and the Earth, between the Creator and Maker and human beings; it represents the sacred vision. Number 7 symbolizes spirituality; it is the manifestation of the Supreme Being, Ajaw, and our connection to Him. This is the perfect day to elevate your prayers to the Creator and Maker, to ask the energy of 7 Tz’ikin to transmit your words to the Ajaw.

6 I’x – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal I'xI’x symbolizes the feminine and feline energy; it possesses the power to expand our mind and it allows us to develop higher powers. Number 6 represents learning and responsibility; it is an energy that may bring conflicts and imbalances.  During this day sensitivity is at its peak, it is up to you to use it to solve situations and to find harmony, or to create conflicts. Try to be gentle with your words and actions.

5 Aj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal AjAj represents the pillars of inner strength, it is the columns that sustain the family home, and it rules over everything related to the home and the family. Number 5 stands for the love that comes into your life and which flows from you.  This is a good day to be grateful for your body, which is the home and the altar of your spirit. Accept your body as it is, for it is the beautiful home that your soul has chosen; respect it and take good care of it.

4 E – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal EE symbolizes the path of destiny; it is the road of life and our journey through existence. Number 4 represents the perfect measure; it is balance, stability, and security. We are all born with the opportunity of choosing our own path and E opens the roads for you to travel the paths that will lead you to your destination, if the wish of getting there comes from your heart. Ask number 4 to grant you stability and security.

3 B’atz’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal B'atz'B’atz’ is the start of life, it is the thread of time that unfolds before us and weaves our histories, and it is evolution and human life. Number 3 represents our children. Light a white candle to ask for the protection of your children, ask that their life and existence will be filled with love and spirituality and that they will be able to evolve and accomplish their purpose in life.

2 Tz’i’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umilal)

Nawal Tz'i'Tz’i’ is the guardian of the material and spiritual law, it is justice and it is the day that brings the truth to light. Number 2 represents both polarity and balance; it is the positive and the negative. If you are facing any negative problems light a purple candle to ask the Creator and Maker to help you solve them through the energies of this day, trust him and the blessings he has planned for your life.

1Toj – Today’s Ch’umilal and Prayer for Trecena

Nawal TojToj is the law of cause and effect; it is the payment, the atonement to Mother Earth, to all the elements, and to the Creator and Maker. Number 1 contains strength and experience; it is realization and magic. Everything you do generates a reaction, and this reaction is based on the real intention, the essence, of your actions. Let your actions be driven by passion, justice, love, and consciousness, remember that each step you take is part of a larger process that leads you to your own self-realization. This is the first day of the Toj trecena (thirteen days); this is a good period to be grateful for all we have received during life and to ask that we will find no obstacles along the way.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Toj

In this sacred day Toj I am grateful for your sacred blessing in my home and my family, Ajaw of the Sky. I ask you to vanish all penance that may exist in the hearts and thoughts of people. I ask that no penance can harm me during the course of my lifetime, that you will vanish all desperation, that there are no unforeseen accidents in my life, Ajaw B’itol and Tz’aqol. I ask that your blessings will come to my path, my destiny, and my whole life; that my existence will be joyous before your presence, Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol. I give thanks to you, Ajaw, for blessing us with the rain, a blessing that the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth gives us. I ask that your holy water will transform the energy in our veins and the veins of all the creatures that live over the face of Mother Earth. I am grateful for the water that assuages our thirst and I ask you to vitalize my life every day, Ajaw. Maltiox, maltiox, maltiox, and four times maltiox.Maya Elder Pedro Ixchop

Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Tz’aqol and B’itol 
Creator and Maker
Thank you

13 Q’anil – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umilal)

Nawal Q'anilQ’anil represents the seed of life, the energy of creation and constant regeneration; it is the symbol of sharing. Number 13 contains strength and experience; it is realization and it has the magic of being able to change and create. Plant inside you the seeds of awareness, wisdom and self realization, so that you can then share the fruits with those around you. Work on your own development and self-realization, but always remember that you are also an important part of a greater being called humanity.