Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil

The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.

Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.

1 Tz’i’ – Nawal & Prayer for Trecena

Nawal Tz'i'Tz’i’ represents authority and justice; it is the energy of the material and spiritual law, of the righteous path. Number 1 is the beginning; it contains a great power, but it lacks the experience. During this trecena (thirteen days) connect to the energy of Tz’i’ and ask for its power and intervention to solve any problems and injustices that may appear on your path.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Tz’i’

In this sacred day Cholq’ij Tz’i’ Ajaw, I ask that in your presence Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth there is no rumor, slander, or defamation from false accusers that can involve me; that all blasphemy from my enemies is discarded by your divine force. I ask that all falsehood in the words is abhorred by the people, so that we can live at peace, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you to purify my ears from the gossip and the false testimony, I ask you to purify my mind, my hands, my feet, and my soul Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth.

I ask you Ajaw that all lies are soon completely elucidated so that they cause no harm in me and in my sons and daughters. I’m grateful, Ajaw, for not being involved in any rumors from people who are unfaithful to your sacred word, so that there is no threat or intimidation to me or to the creatures that follow you, Ajaw. For this reason I kneel  in your presence, I talk with you, and I worship you with all my heart and devotion , because I trust you Ajaw, because I have had faith in you from the beginning until the end of my existence, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you to save me and free me from all wicked gossips throughout my life. Free me from all temptation of lust, arrogance, and lie; let all those desires be vanished with your divine force, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox. 

Maya Elder Pedro IxchopAjaw Great Father or Supreme Being

Maltiox Thank you

13 Toj – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal TojToj symbolizes the Sacred Ceremonial Fire; it is the sign of payment and the energy that repays us for all the good and bad we have done in our lives. Number 13 contains strength, wisdom, and experience, it is the magic of being able to change and create. This is a special day for making offerings to the Ajaw thorough the Sacred Fire, thank him for everything you have and will receive, for all you are, and for what you have accomplished. This is the last day of the No’j trecena (thirteen days) thank the Creator and Maker for all the knowledge and wisdom you have received.

10 Kame – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal KemeNumber 10 symbolizes the communication with the Cosmic and Telluric energies. Kame is the energy of our ancestors, of our spiritual and family lineage. The energies of this day open a channel that connects us with other dimensions and allows our ancestors to guide us and advise us. Light a purple candle to honor the memory of those who have parted and to thank them for their help and guidance.

8 K’at – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal K'atK’at represents the net that helps us group and bring together the elements we need to accomplish our life’s purpose; but it is also the energy that can tangle us in a web, mostly of our own making. Number 8 is a strong power that symbolizes the complete energies of the physical world. Today the results will depend on your actions, they may help you acquire whatever you wish, or they can trap you and complicate your efforts.

6 Iq’ – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal Iq'Iq’ represents the wind that nourishes our mind. Number 6 symbolizes learning and responsibility; it is an energy that may bring conflicts and imbalances. Your mind can play tricks with your throughout this day, bringing out your fears and creating confusion; be patient and reflect before taking any decisions. Light a stick of incense and connect to the energy of the wind, ask it to take away any confusion and unbalance.