Category Archives: Daily Ch’umil

The Cholq’ij Calendar is a powerful tool for revealing natural cycles that relate to humans. By understanding the Nawal and number (energy) of each day, we are able to harmonize our lives and activities with the natural rhythm and order, advancing our personal and collective development. This tool requires more than an intellectual understanding; we realize it’s potential in our lives as we work with the energies on a daily basis.

Thanks to Denise Barrios, we are able to make this information more accessible by publishing the Nawal and number for each day, as well as an explanation for it’s meaning. This information is also being pushed out via social media.

6 Kej – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal KiejKej is the energy of the deer, it is balance and harmony. Number 6 symbolizes learning and responsibility; it is an energy that may bring conflicts and imbalances, and it stands for life’s trials and personal development. The convergence of these two energies may bring unbalance and confusion, do not allow them to cloud your judgment, instead, use them as rungs to help you reach your goals in life.

3 K’at – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal K'atK’at represents both the net that entraps us and that has the power to unite the people and elements required to accomplish our development in life. Number 3 symbolizes the rhythm of life, it is communication and creativity.  The energy of 3 K’at allows us to see the connection between all human beings, connect to the energies of this day to find the similarities and the things that bring you together with the people that around you instead of worrying about the differences; by working together we can accomplish much more.

1 Iq’ – Today’s Ch’umilal and Trecena Prayer

Nawal Iq'Iq’, the wind, is the element that governs ideas and change; it activates and renews our energy. Number 1 contains the strength and power of the beginning. Let the wind of 1 Iq’ remove the things that are holding you back, ask its energy to push you forward and to allow you to flow. This is the first day of the Iq’ trecena (thirteen days), during these days connect to the energy of Iq’ to dissipate through its fresh air all the negative energy that lies in your mind, ask it for its renewing energy that brings new ideas.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Iq’

On this sacred Cholq’ij day of Iq’ I ask you Ajaw to grant me the breath of life, for you are the giver of the breath of life to all the creatures over the face of the Earth. You are the breath of the body and the soul, the breath of my hands and my ears, the breath of my wisdom, my senses and my calmness. You are the one who refreshens and calms the violence of my enemies, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth, I ask you that all the bad in me will be vanished by your divine power, that all the pain that lies inside me will be dispelled, calmed, removed, or cut off. I ask that I won’t drown in the problems I have, that you will grant me the power of your divine breathing, Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol. Maltiox, maltiox, maltiox, and four times maltiox.

Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Tz’aqol and B’itol Creator and Maker
Maltiox Thank youMaya Elder Pedro Ixchop

13 Imox – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal ImoxImox connects us to our intuition; it represents the unusual and the eccentric. Number 13 symbolizes realization and magic, it is the energy that allows us to change and create. Connect to the energies of this day by lighting a white candle to develop your intuition and your dreams. This is the last day of the of the Toj trecena (thirteen days) give thanks to this Ch’umil for everything you have received during these days.

12 Ajpu – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal AjpuAjpu is the energy of the spiritual warrior, it symbolizes vitality and strength and it gives us the power to transform and the certainty and acuity we need to reach our goals. Number 12 represents creativity and dreams; it grants us the energy to materialize our dreams. During this day put your creative mind to work, 12 Ajpu will grant you the ingenuity and the certainty to achieve your goals.

11 Kawoq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal KawoqKawoq is the energy of abundance, both material and spiritual; it represents the family, the community, the society, and anything that can be grouped.  Number 11 expresses experience and spiritual learning, it is a day to learn through experiences and transmute experiences into knowledge. This is a good day to ask for the common good, to share your abundance with your family, your community, and with the world; to look around you and see the abundance that the universe is sharing with you and to connect to this energy.

10 Tijax – Today’s’ Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal TijaxTijax is the double-edged obsidian knife which has the energy of healing, harmonizing and cutting the illnesses. Number 10 symbolizes self-exploration and the manifestation of one’s self; it is the energy that connects us to the cosmic and the telluric. This is a good day to analyze and define which things bring blessings to your life, and to cut off those things that are no longer good for you. Let go of all that is halting your development so that you can flow and dance through life.