Category Archives: Cholq’ij – Maya Day Sign

1 Imox – Today’s Ch’umil & Trecena Prayer

Nawal ImoxImox is the energy that governs change, because of its influence on our unconscious mind it relates to everything that is subtle, insightful and eccentric; today it converges with the energy of number 1, which brings with it the force of creation. This is a good day to explore your creativity, dare to come up with different ideas that can bring change. This is the first day of the Imox trecena (thirteen days)connect to the energy of this Ch’umil and ask it to grant you its intuition, dreams, and sensitivity.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop

I thank you Ajaw in this sacred day Imox for the balance that you grant me. Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth I thank you for the balance you have brought to my thoughts, my heart, my work, my path, and my destiny. I thank you for the balance in my feet and my hands, the balance in my ability to understand and in my feelings. I ask that I will remain judicious, that the wisdom will always be present in my mind, in my family, in my home, in the steps I take, in my future, and in all the activities that I perform daily. I ask you to grant me strength in my thoughts, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth. I ask that no insanity will harm or disturb my thoughts, that there will only be calminside me. I ask that your divine will, Ajaw, will keep my thoughts tolerant, so that I won’t rush the decisions I have to take in my life. I ask that during my life I will always remain tolerant in my path and in my destiny, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Maltiox, maltiox, maltiox, and four times maltiox.Maya Elder Pedro Ixchop

Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being


13 Ajpu – Today’s maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal AjpuAjpu is the day of the Great Father, of the spiritual warrior who is represented by the Sun. The energy of number 13 helps you put your gifts to use; it is a number of fulfillment and magic. Your thoughts, feelings and actions, like the power of father Sun, provide you with the necessary energy for every activity you undertake, allow the rays of the Sun to bring light to your heart. This is the last day of the Q’anil trecena (thirteen days), thank this Ch’umil for the seeds of love and abundance that flourished during these days.

12 Kawoq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal KawoqNumber 12 has the energy of the group, the family, and the association; Kawoq also presides over matters that concern the family, the community, and society overall. Every one of us has a purpose to fulfill in this life, which is determinant to the evolution of all humanity. Use your knowledge, abilities and experience, no matter what your work or mission is, always know that you are an important part of evolution; that your life and actions are valuable to everyone else.

10 No’j – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal NojNo’j is the energy that governs the mind; it symbolizes the intellect, knowledge, wisdom and spiritual learning, it transforms our knowledge into wisdom. Number 10 is the energy of creativity, of flowing. Today is a good day to share your ideas, no person possesses all knowledge, but working together under the guidance of the Creator we can share our knowledge with others and together turn it into wisdom.

9 Ajmaq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Ch’umil)

Nawal AjmaqToday the energy of number 9 envelops you in its warm and loving vibrations; it helps you to get in contact with your emotions and act with compassion. The day Ajmaq connects you to a universal vision that merges with your own reality; it is the day in which the great elders and wise men would share their teachings. Call upon the energy of this day so that the words of the wise elders live within you and allow you to be the guide for others.