1 Ajpu – New Trecena and Special Prayer

Nawal AjpuThis trecena (thirteen days) brings the fortitude and spiritual strength of Nawal Ajpu, the hunter and spiritual warrior. Connect to its energy and ask for its protection and power to overcome any negative situations and to have the accuracy of the hunter to achieve your intentions during this cycle. Today number 1 gives you great force and power.


Ancestors of ours, with your whitened spirits you stand before the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you not to leave me, not to forsake me, not to abandon me, and not to forget me; to watch over my path, over my acts and over my work. Grant me fortitude; grant me strength, so that I am not weakened in my mission, in my Chak Patan. I will always serve you and honor you with candles, so that you will rejoice with their scent in the Heart of the Sky. Pure spirit, I ask you to guide my path so that I am not mistaken in my journey over the face of this Earth; through the four cardinal points. You elders; parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great-great grandparents of my genealogy, of the lineage of my ancestors, receive this offering that I give you. I know that where you are there is no hunger or thirst, because you are with the Ajaw, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Rejoice with the scent of this estoraque, rejoice with the perfume of these flowers, with the scent of this ceremony. Watch over me, hear my prayers, and do not leave me. Watch over my path, because you are the spirits of light, guide my hands and my feet, so that I am not confused, so that I won’t stumble with any obstacles in my path. Guide my steps, so that my feet are protected and guided to your presence Ajaw of the Sky. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.

Maya Elder Pedro IxchopChak Patan spiritual and social work.
Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Estorque a type of incense
Maltiox Thank you

13 Kawoq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal Kawoq13 Kawoq makes us aware of our personal mission in life and how it contributes to the collective mission that humanity shares.  Keep in mind that every action you take affects the world and that it can help bring consciousness to all. Today is the last day of the Kej trecena (thirteen days), which has brought you lessons and knowledge. Express your gratitude to Kej by lighting a green candle and asking for the well being of Mother Earth and for balance and awareness for humanity.

12 Tijax – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal TijaxTijax, through its double-edged obsidian knife, has the power of healing and harmonizing any of the four bodies ―mental, spiritual, emotional and physical―; it is the Nawal of the healers. Number 12 brings with it a good energy to gain knowledge and to help others. Today you can pray for the healers, ask the Creator and Maker that through their healing powers and knowledge they may bring health to any of the four bodies.

Opportunity of a Red Moon: Lunar Eclipse

Maya Fire Ceremony in New Mexico at Dusk
Mayan Fire Ceremony

A Red Moon with a total lunar eclipse is a celestial event that rarely happens; the red moon was seen by ancient cultures, especially the Maya, as a moon that brought with it a very especial power. It is said that it is a light of war, that it can bring confrontation between countries and different social groups, however it is up to us to make something positive with the power brought by it. This event foretells that we are approaching times of change. The Red Moon brings the energy of action and it is time to take this action with responsibility, firmness and determination, for this is the moment in which we can change our destiny.  This is a special opportunity because our planet will project its shadow over the Moon, opening an energetic gate in which Mother Earth will receive all of its light. We should make this gate one of clear action.

We can take the opportunity that comes with this unique moment to elevate our prayer and ask for what we need for ourselves and our communities, but remembering that the most important thing is to ask for Light, for harmony between us and Mother Earth, for peace and especially for the spiritual growth that will bring the NEW HUMAN BEING!

The importance of this magical day is the opportunity that we will have to connect with the thousands of people across the globe that will be making their rituals and celebrating their ceremonies for the opening of this gate; this is the perfect moment to harmonize ourselves with this flow, which is the cosmic prelude to the so awaited Time of Spiritual Awareness. Regardless of your beliefs, we ask you to take action, which is the energy that is needed for the spirituality of these times. We are all called upon to make a ritual… celebrate a ceremony, elevate a prayer, light a candle to ask that we return to be in harmony with nature, that people will again search for their spiritual growth so that they can become the NEW HUMAN BEINGS.

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies