Ashes over Antigua

April 5-Antigua-VolcanoYou may have noticed that I’ve stepped in over the last few days to provide the daily Nawal. That is because Denise has been offline from her home in Antigua, where Volcan del Fuego erupted on Saturday. The city is covered with ask and communications were knocked down for a bit.  Thankfully, everybody is doing just fine.  Fortunately for everybody else, Denise is back to writing the Daily Nawal to share with everybody!  We are extremely grateful for all her hard work and dedication!

We’re thinking about expanding the content on the Daily Nawal.  Let us know if there is something that you would like to see on a daily basis that would support your connecting with the energies of the Cholq’ij Calendar.


Here’s a little news video on the eruption:

4 Ajpu – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal AjpuAjpu represents the spiritual warrior and the hunter.  It brings certainty, directness and decisiveness.  The number 4 projects stability and security.  Focus your energy on your spiritual path and that which brings stability into the world across the four planes of existence: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.  This is the day to overcome all doubts and find certainty in the deeper truths that are present before us.

3 Kawoq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal KawoqKawoq means the strength of unity; it represents the family, the community, the society, and the group. It is the energy of abundance, in both the material and the spiritual sense. The number 3 represents communication and creativity, the fruits of our efforts.  Connect with today’s energy to clarify the communications within your family and amongst your community.  Give thanks for the results of our collective efforts, and seek the shared creative force that will bear fruits in the future.

2 Tijax – Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal TijaxTijax represents the double bladed knife, the ability to heal or to injure, to open new pathways.  Tijax is the lightning and the obsidian.  The number two represents duality and union.  Take care today to find kind words an not be cutting in your relationships.  Draw on the opportunity afforded by today’s energy to clear obstacles in your path, seeking the transcendent unity within the perception of duality, and to bring healing.

1 No’j – Today’s Nawal & Prayer for New Trecena

Nawal NojNo’j is the connection between the Cosmic Mind and the human mind; it is the power of the mind, of thoughts and ideas. No’j represents patience, nobility clarity and sublime love. Number 1 is an energy that brings creativity and innovation; it represents unity and the beginning. During this trecena (thirteen days) No’j will nurture your mind with the ideas, creativity, and clarity you need for your personal growth.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for No’j

On this sacred day of No’j, Ajaw, grant me the wisdom, the good intelligence, so that I can use it to benefit everyone around me. I ask you Ajaw that my intelligence is as soft as cotton, that it expands and that it can understand other world wisdoms; that I can understand and absorb the love for the wisdom of my ancestors, Ajaw. You, Ajaw, are the owner, the giver, the donor, and the bestower of the intelligence of all the creatures over the face of the Heart of Mother Earth. Let my wisdom be righteous and correct, without any influences that can bring insanity and which can harm my intelligence, Ajaw, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Ajaw, I ask you to give me thoughts that are tolerant and that will sustain the peace at my home. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.  

Ajaw Great Father of Supreme Being

Maltiox Thank you

Living Lineages & Healing Addiction

Offering in Lake ChicabalCan the knowledge and wisdom of living lineages help to heal individuals and a society being devastated by addictions?  This recent article (below) points to a growing awakening, led by the scientific community, over the causes of addiction.  While we often associate addiction with afflictions such as substance abuse or gambling, it is clear that addictive behavior is wide-spread in western society, extending to include areas such as food, material consumption and information (internet).  The emerging realization is that “addiction” may stem more from our human need to bond than a particular pathology, and without perceived opportunities for positive bonding, this innate impulse can lead to vicious cycles of destructive behavior.

Professor Peter Cohen argues that human beings have a deep need to bond and form connections. It’s how we get our satisfaction. If we can’t connect with each other, we will connect with anything we can find — the whirr of a roulette wheel or the prick of a syringe. He says we should stop talking about ‘addiction’ altogether, and instead call it ‘bonding.’ A heroin addict has bonded with heroin because she couldn’t bond as fully with anything else.

Our modern society is driven from a basis of disconnection, from people, environment, and cosmos.  This is required in order to sustain the levels of extraction upon which our systems are built, enabling the concentration of resources.  This disconnect has fostered the “war on drugs” which has not only created further separation for those suffering from addictive behavior, but has had immense impact in separating many of the communities where the healing potential of living lineages reside.

But we have created an environment and a culture that cut us off from connection, or offer only the parody of it offered by the Internet. The rise of addiction is a symptom of a deeper sickness in the way we live — constantly directing our gaze towards the next shiny object we should buy, rather than the human beings all around us.

We are not the first civilization to face this challenge, and living lineages have worked at individual, communal and societal levels to both connect a sense of meaning and purpose while awakening our potential to bond in healthy ways that create virtuous cycles at all those levels.

A quick example, with the living lineage of the Maya: It has always been a fundamental aspect of Maya society that individuals understand their purpose in this life, and be supported to fulfill their potential in harmony with that purpose.  Thus, when a child was born, they were immediately brought to an Ajq’ij (spiritual guide) to understand that purpose, primarily through the tools of the Cholq’ij.  For example, a child born under the Nawal (day sign) Tz’i (law, justice) was, at the appropriate age, brought to learn from the judges of the community, to deepen their understanding of the connection between cosmic, natural and human law, to uphold their responsibility to ensure its seamless integration.  We can also use the Cholq’ij as a tool to help break unhealthy bonds and replace them with healthy ones.  For example, we can light purple candle’s on Tijax days to help cut away our (or others) attachments to things that do not serve our purpose, connect with Nawal K’at to free us from those things that trap us and to gather those things that help us on our path, and Nawal Kawoq to connect us with a healthy family and community.  If we work with the tools of these lineages through a sustained effort with an increasingly clear intent, tremendous healing becomes possible.

Many of these lineages emphasize the space between, rather than the object, focusing upon the importance of creating harmonious relationships as a key to ensuring a healthy path.  And their are tools within these traditions to help us re-awaken these connections, shifting our perspective as we have an opportunity to move from a reductive/ separated cosmology towards reclaiming an integrated/ interconnected view that can bring us back towards a path of healing and development.  In this way, perhaps we find hope that the addictive behaviors we suffer through, supported by our cultural context, can be transformed through healthy bonding connected to our true sense of purpose and relationship.

What potential do you see for living lineages in helping us to heal addictions and other afflictions?

Read the article by Johan Hari here:

The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think

13 Ajmaq – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal AjmaqAjmaq represents curiosity, it is the day in which questions arise and we can delve deeper into the purpose and direction of our lives. Number 13 is the energy that connects us to the knowledge and wisdom we have gained through our past experiences. During this day you can learn much from the experiences that rise if you are open to the possibility of seeing the world with wonder and knowing that there is still much to learn to reach the path of wisdom. This is the last day of the K’at trecena (thirteen days); thank K’at for all the tools it has given you that have helped your development.

11 I’x – Today’s Maya Day Sign (Nawal)

Nawal I'xI’x is the female energy, the creative impulse of the Universe; it possesses the power to expand our mind, and gives us the strength with which to reach high levels of consciousness, granting you inner strength and magic. Number 11 stands for the cycles of life, it symbolizes learning through experience. During this day you can be very sensitive, use this sensitivity to be in harmony with everything and everyone around you. Try to avoid any conflicts

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies