Peten Itza – Maya Water Wisdom

Alligator Formation at lake Peten ItzaWe are excited to be able to share the first video from Jim and Brenda’s recent trip to Guatemala.  As we discussed recently, humanity is at a place where we must question the way we relate to water, to treat it as a living gift to be nourished rather than as a dead commodity to be exploited.  The Itza are known as magicians for their work with water. In this video, Carlos gives an amazing perspective into the formation and function of a sacred land formation in lake Peten Itza.

Lake Peten Itza – Carlos Barrios shares Maya Water Wisdom from Saq’ Be’ on Vimeo.

This video was the ultimate film-on-the-fly experience. Traveling in a van full of people on the way to Tikal National Park, Carlos Barrios, an ajq’ij’ of the Eagle Clan in Guatemala, felt it was important to share the mystery of this magical, pristine location. The Maya-made mountain is well named for an alligator which it resembles.

Video and editing by James Jenner and Brenda Bynum

Sarayaku: Living Well and Resisting Oil

Ecuador 2004 136Deep in the Ecuadorian Amazon, the community of Sarayaku has sustained their way of “Living Well” by keeping extractive oil industries out of their territories.  Saq’ Be’ has a long time connection with the community.  In 2004, my wife and I travelled to Sarayaku where we got to know the people of the community and recognize a way of life that embodies the potential that humans have when in balance with each other and our place. We had the privelage of being welcomed by the children of Sabino Gualinga, a powerful medicine man, with deep roots in a profound healing lineage.  It was also a time when the petrol companies were deploying numerous strategies to remove the community from the territory – modern day versions of the same tactics used to extract people and resources throughout history.  You can read more about that experience here: Cry in the Jungle: Defending Life, Resisting Devastation

The struggles Sarayaku has faced is indicative of both the challenges and the hope that Indigenous communities around the world hold.  These communities have much to to teach the world about how we live our lives and relate to our home:

Sarayaku residents describe sumac kawsay as “choosing our responsibility to the seventh generation over quarterly earnings, regeneration over economic growth, and the pursuit of well-being and harmony over wealth and financial success.”

Through our board member, Karen Marrero, we hope to continue to provide much needed support to the community in their successful efforts to turn back extractive industries, live in right relationship, and to bring that wisdom forward into the world.  Please contact us if you are interested in contributing to support these developing efforts to help Sarayaku.

Please read this timely, and eloquent article that appears in Yes! Magazine:

Deep in the Amazon, a Tiny Tribe Is Beating Big Oil

1 Tz’i’ – Nawal & Prayer for Trecena

Nawal Tz'i'Tz’i’ represents authority and justice; it is the energy of the material and spiritual law, of the righteous path. Number 1 is the beginning; it contains a great power, but it lacks the experience. During this trecena (thirteen days) connect to the energy of Tz’i’ and ask for its power and intervention to solve any problems and injustices that may appear on your path.

Prayer from Pedro Ixchop for Tz’i’

In this sacred day Cholq’ij Tz’i’ Ajaw, I ask that in your presence Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth there is no rumor, slander, or defamation from false accusers that can involve me; that all blasphemy from my enemies is discarded by your divine force. I ask that all falsehood in the words is abhorred by the people, so that we can live at peace, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you to purify my ears from the gossip and the false testimony, I ask you to purify my mind, my hands, my feet, and my soul Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth.

I ask you Ajaw that all lies are soon completely elucidated so that they cause no harm in me and in my sons and daughters. I’m grateful, Ajaw, for not being involved in any rumors from people who are unfaithful to your sacred word, so that there is no threat or intimidation to me or to the creatures that follow you, Ajaw. For this reason I kneel  in your presence, I talk with you, and I worship you with all my heart and devotion , because I trust you Ajaw, because I have had faith in you from the beginning until the end of my existence, Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. I ask you to save me and free me from all wicked gossips throughout my life. Free me from all temptation of lust, arrogance, and lie; let all those desires be vanished with your divine force, Ajaw Heart of the Sky and Heart of Mother Earth. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox. 

Maya Elder Pedro IxchopAjaw Great Father or Supreme Being

Maltiox Thank you

Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies