All posts by Carlos Barrios

Carlos Barrios is a Mayan Ajq'ij, who originates from and resides in Guatemala. Carlos is the Coordinator of the Spiritual Reserves of Humanity for Central America and Coordinator of the Water Project for Central America for UNESCO. He has been given the mission by his elders to begin sharing the prophecies and teachings of the Mayan peoples with the rest of the world. Carlos travels internationally to share these teachings and to generate awareness and support for the rescue and preservation of the ancient Mayan tradition in his homeland. He is also the author of "The Book of Destiny", a book on the cosmology, Cholq'ij calendar and prophecies of the Mayan peoples.

4 TIJAX ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal TijaxTijax is ruled by the obsidian knife which cuts away the negative and at the same time opens the space to the four corners of the world and the four prime elements. Focus your thoughts to reach your development, don’t be afraid to open these spaces.
Tijax es regido por el cuchillo de obsidiana que corta lo negativo y al mismo tiempo abre los espacios de las cuatro esquinas del mundo y los cuatro elementos primigenios. Focaliza tus pensamientos para alcanzar tu desarrollo, no tengas temor de abrir esos espacios.

3 NO’J ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal NojWe are often influenced by external thoughts which are not necessarily beneficial, for this reason clarity is important. Today you can connect thought and knowledge to project it in a higher level.
Muchas veces nos vemos influenciados por pensamientos ajenos que no necesariamente son buenos, por lo que la claridad es importante. Hoy puedes unir el pensamiento y el conocimiento para proyectarlo a un nivel más elevado.

2 AJMAQ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjmaqThe duality of this sign asks us to learn forgiveness, especially to forgive ourselves. The curiosity that is manifested during this day should guide us to the search of the hidden knowledge and the consciousness of the creativity. Your actions should be directed.
La dualidad de este signo nos pide aprender el perdón, principalmente el perdonarnos. La curiosidad manifiesta debe indicarnos a la búsqueda del conocimiento oculto y la conciencia de la creatividad. Tus acciones deben de ser direccionadas.

1 TZ’IKIN ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Tz'ikinTz’ikin is the origin of intuition and vision, it is where the developing of the inner powers begins, it is the one who communicates us with the supreme and who brings us economical well-being. Invoke its energy which will rule during this trecena (13 days).
Tz’ikin trae el origen de la intuición y la visión, es donde principia el desarrollo de los poderes internos, es el comunicador con lo supremo y quién nos da el bienestar económico. Convoca esa energía que regirá durante está trecena.

12 AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal AjThis sign is marked by a kind authority, the purpose is to take advantage of this energy to put order in your house, your environment, especially with those people who influence you as an authority. You must also manage the authority that you have with wisdom and love.
Este signo está marcado por una autoridad bondadosa, el propósito es aprovechar ésta energía para ordenar tu casa, tu entorno, principalmente con aquellas personas que influyen como autoridades. La autoridad que tú tengas también manéjala con sabiduría y amor.

11 E ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal EThroughout the path we can always find obstacles, it depends on us if we open a space and give power to them. We have to take them into account, but we must not let them dominate our life.
A lo largo del camino siempre se encuentran obstáculos, de nosotros depende abrirles un espacio y darles poder. Hay que tenerlos en cuenta, pero no dejar que dominen tu vida.

10 B’ATZ’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal B'atz'B’atz’ brings balance to our reality, it is the strength with which everything begins, to where we can always return to empower ourselves. It is the energy of healing that is within us, at these moments it is very important to connect to this power.
B’atz’ nos trae el equilibrio de nuestra realidad, es la fuerza con que todo inicia, a la que siempre podemos retornar para empoderarnos. Es la energía de sanción que está en nosotros mismos, en estos momentos es importante conectarnos con ese poder.

9 TZ’I’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Tz'i'The spiritual authority is the energy which manifests today, it is the natural law that rules over us, which we must respect. To Tz’i’ we ask for the light in our path, in which we must walk with consciousness. This Nawal helps you develop.
La autoridad espiritual es la energia que se manifiesta hoy, es la ley natural que nos rige, a la cual debemos respetar. A Tz’i’ pedimos luz para nuestro camino, el cual debemos caminar con conciencia. Este Nawal te ayuda a desarrollarte.

8 TOJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal TojThe energy count indicates that this is a day of material payment. Seek to make an offering that has the intention of giving thanks for all you have received in life.
La cuenta energética nos indica que éste es un día de pago material. Busca hacer una ofrenda que lleve la intención de agradecer todo lo que has recibido en la vida.

7 Q’ANIL ~ Today’s Ch’umil

Nawal Q'anilToday we celebrate the evolution of our offspring, let’s plant in our children the seeds of love, respect, and awareness. What you plant today with a good intention, will bear good fruit.
Hoy celebramos la evolución de nuestra descendencia, sembremos en ellos las semillas del amor, el respeto y la conciencia. Lo que hoy plantes con buen propósito, traerá buenos frutos.