Restructuring Awareness in These Times of Change


During these times in which the crisis leads us to reevaluate our destiny and purpose as human beings, both in the personal and community levels, we must not forget that our path of life is connected to that of Mother Earth. This moment in which we see ourselves forced to make a stop we have the opportunity to reevaluate our life, our purpose, and our projection, we have time to think, to determine and take action. We must realize that we are in a time of change, according to the knowledge of the Maya ancestors on December 21, 2012 we entered the Job’ Ajaw, the current cycle that indicates a period of transformation and ascension in a more subtle spiritual level, the prophecy indicates that this is a moment in which if we are not able to accomplish our evolution, we are condemned to become stagnant. We must be aware of the purpose for which we have this existence, according to the guidelines of Creation this purpose influences both human beings and Mother Earth. This is a moment of a vibrational change in a planetary level, the new awareness is being gestated and it will allow the subtleness to emerge. 

Spirituality and science have finally come together in the awakening of consciousness! 

We need to restructure reality, both the individual and the shared. The ancestral wisdom of the Maya Grandfathers and Grandmothers gives us techniques and tools to change this reality, and we will be transmitting this knowledge. 

Reestructurando la conciencia en estos tiempos de cambio

En estos tiempos en que la crisis nos hace reevaluar nuestro destino y propósito como seres humanos, tanto en lo personal como en lo comunitario, no debemos olvidar que nuestro camino va unido a la evolución de la Madre Tierra. Este momento en que nos hemos visto forzados a hacer un alto es la mejor oportunidad para reevaluar nuestra vida, nuestros propósitos y nuestra proyección, tenemos tiempo para pensar, para determinar y tomar acción. Debemos realizar que estamos en un tiempo de cambios, acorde al conocimiento de los ancestros Mayas el 21 de diciembre de 2012 entramos al Job’ Ajaw, el ciclo actual que nos indica una época de transformación y ascensión a un nivel espiritual más sutil, la profecía nos indica que es una época en la que si no logramos nuestra evolución, estamos condenados a quedarnos estancados. Debemos tomar conciencia del propósito para el cual tenemos esta existencia, acorde a los lineamientos de la Creación este propósito nos influye tanto a los seres humanos, como a la Madre Tierra. Este momento es de un cambio de vibración a nivel planetario, se está gestando esa nueva conciencia, la que aflora lo más sutil. 

¡Espiritualidad y ciencia finalmente se unen en el despertar de la conciencia!

Por esto debemos reestructurar la realidad, tanto la personal como la comunitaria. 

La sabiduría ancestral de los abuelos y abuelas Mayas nos da técnicas y herramientas para cambiar esta realidad, por lo que estaremos transmitiendo este conocimiento.

Carlos Barrios
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2 thoughts on “Restructuring Awareness in These Times of Change”

  1. Thank you for your message, Carlos, so very much needed now! What great synchronicity, too, since I was going to email you today! I am Susana, and I was part of the group with Elizabeth and Grace Marie at Blake’s. I have been using your book as part of my daily inspiration for almost 9 years now, and it was an honor and pleasure to be with you during those blessed days. I am so very grateful.

  2. Thank you for posting the comment about the current crisis. What little I think I understand about the emergence of the Fifth Sun is very helpful to me know and I am planing on sharing some of your writing with other non Mayans. I ask you to consider posting a YouTube talk or discussion on this subject because I think this perspective has the potential to help a lot of people who are suffering and confused.
    I am assuming that those who suffer most have given their permission on some level to carry this burden on behalf of others. Perhaps there are ways to lesson it, not only for them but for all of us.
    Thank you for all you do

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