During these days we celebrate our ancestors, we commemorate the memory of those who left this dimension before us. In the traditional Maya world we pay homage to their memory every Kame, especially on the day 13 Kame. With the coming to the Americas of catholicism, and to protect their spirituality and traditions, the Maya people adopted the celebrations of All Saints Day and the Day of the Dead to celebrate their ancestors (November 1 and 2).
The Maya elders tell us that during these days there is a subtle line in which the realities of this world and of the world of those who have passed touch, in a way we are vibrating in the tradition of celebrating the memory of our ancestors, these beings who existed in the ephemeral existence of life, in which they achieved their projections, their evolution, and left us the legacy of their knowledge. The importance of belonging to a lineage that was inherited to us marks us in life, for this lineage is transmitted to us at every level.
Let’s remember and thank our ancestors in the other dimension for guiding, advising and protecting us, for always watching over us. Especially for interceding for us before the energies of Creation, for inheriting us the lineage that composes our being, for transmitting their life experiences to help us grow.
We are bearers of that long lineage, our own character was outlined by all the ancestors that came before us, it is because of this that reminiscing their memory and recognizing their values and interests brings us closer to our purpose of life, their awareness of being is part of our origin, of our destiny, it serves us to redirect our purposes of life.
Today and tomorrow we can light a fire or some candles to invoke our ancestors and connect to their energy, wisdom, and essence. Let’s not forget them, let’s thank them for their lineage and heritage, let’s say a prayer to honor them, to remember that a great part of who we are, a great part of our being, exists thanks to them.
“Oh Father, Oh Mother; Heart of the Sky, Heart of Mother Earth, Heart of the Air, and Heart of the Water, oh Great Grandfathers and Grandmothers, great ancestors who have preceded us in this reality, in this day in which your presence is stronger we want to honor and remember you, we want to thank your legacy, your guide, and your protection. Our heart calls you so that your heartbeats attune with ours; we are your descendants, the seeds that you planted, the offspring that succeed you in the transit through this reality to carry on with the process of healing and growth of your legacy, for this we give thanks. Your consciousness has influenced the lineage of which we are a part, your achievements and shortcomings have brought us to this moment and for this we ask that together we can move forward to fulfill the destiny that was outlined at the beginning of Creation. We ask your guidance to fulfill our individual life’s purpose and the destiny that we share as a lineage. We give thanks for your existence, your heritage, and your energy in our lives. We honor the life of each and every one of you and for it, we give thanks, four times we give thanks.”
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