Kame is birth and death, and all the cycles that manifest during this period; it also represents the invisible guardians, the power and strength of our ancestors who advise us and protect us. Number 3 symbolizes our creative energy; it is our connection to the three levels; underworld, earth, and cosmos. Today you have a special connection to your ancestors, 3 Kame opens the channels to reveal their ancestral wisdom.
During the Creation of the Universe 3 Kame created death.
The book of the Chilam B’alam of Chumayel explains the creation of the universe. It tells that the world was created in one Maya month (20 days). The process of creation begins on the day 1 B’atz’ and ends in a day 7 Tz’i’, when the first 20 days are completed. After the last day of creation comes the day 8 B’atz’ (Cholq’ij Maya New Year). When Maya people celebrate their new year, they celebrate that the creation of the world has been fulfilled.
- LAJUJ KAN ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 13, 2025
- B’ELEJEB’ K’AT ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 12, 2025
- WAJXAQIB’ AQ’AB’AL ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 11, 2025