Imox is the subtle part of human beings; it is the unusual and the eccentric, the essence of our consciousness, the strength of our mind. It represents the Water element, thus, it is an auspicious day to ask for rain, for water, and for the fertility of nature. Number 11 symbolizes the act of dividing, sorting and sharing. During this day ask 11 Imox to help you focus on your positive thoughts and to develop your intuition.
During the Creation of the Universe the stones and the trees where created on a day 11 Imox, this was done within the Sun.
According to the Maya, the world was created in one Mayan month (twenty days). The process of creation begins on Jun (1) B’atz and ends on the day Wuqub’ (7) Tz’i’, completing the first twenty days of the Cholq’ij (Calendar of Life). After this final day of creation, the day Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’ arrives, which is considered the Cholq’ij New Year. When Maya people celebrate the Cholq’ij new year, they are celebrating that the creation of the world has been fulfilled, and the beginning of a new cycle of 260 days.
- LAJUJ KAN ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 13, 2025
- B’ELEJEB’ K’AT ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 12, 2025
- WAJXAQIB’ AQ’AB’AL ~ Today’s Ch’umil - March 11, 2025