Ajmaq is the day of repentance, forgiveness, and reconciliation with the Great Father and today it converges with number 1, which symbolizes the beginning. Use the energy of 1 Ajmaq to practice understanding and acceptance; remember that when we love we should not keep track, we should learn to let things go and accept the imperfections of the people we love. This is the first day of the Ajmaq trecena (thirteen days); during these days focus in being forgiving and understanding.
Trecena Prayer from Don Pedro Ixchop
In this sacred day I thank you, Ajaw, for all the richness (I don’t know if wealth works better?) that I have in my life, I thank you for being the richness of my path and my heart. I thank you for the richness in my destiny, in my hands, in my ears, and in my intelligence; for the richness in my existence and in my spirit. I am grateful because if I have any richness it is because of you presences, because you live inside me Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol; only you can bring joy to my home, to my family. I pray that my work will become green in your work, that it will become spiritual gold that will flourish inside me. I pray that the green gold and silver will be abundant in your presence through all the good things, Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol, because it is your charity, your favor, what I am grateful for Uk’u’x Kaj Uk’u’x Ulew. (I didn’t quite understand this part in Spanish, but I hope the translation makes some sense) I thank you for your infinitude, for everything I have, for the abundance. I ask you that there is no sadness or bitterness in my life, that the happiness and joy will always be abundant in my heart, Ajaw. I am your son, I am your flower here in Earth and I ask you to help me with my needs, Ajaw. I don’t want to live in poverty and I thank you for helping me prosper in all the activities I undertake, I thank you for your divine miracle, Ajaw. I know that I receive your blessings because I trust in you, because you gave me the qualities I need, you gave me the gifts I have, and these will bring me richness, and for this I thank you and I honor you by offering these candles in your name, Ajaw of the Sky and the Earth. Maltiox, Maltiox, Maltiox, and four times Maltiox.
Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Tz’aqol and B’itol Creator and Maker
Uk’u’x Kaj Uk’u’x Ulew Heart of the Sky and Heart of the Earth
Maltiox Thank you
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