The foundation and base of the pyramid. Realization and transmutation. The magic of being able to change and create, Governs all the other numbers.
Category Archives: The Thirteen Numbers of the Cholq’ij
The 13 numbers are conceptualized similar to a pyramid. From numbers 1 to 7 we are climbing with much effort. At the number 8 we are in a position where perfect harmony is possible and on the top of the pyramid, and 9 to 13 is directed downhill, creating more ease with the energies, as they are no longer so forceful in developing us. This varies slightly between men and women: for men, 8 is considered to be the top of the pyramid as they are considered to typically be more balanced physically and have to struggle more to reach the spiritual levels than women, where 9 is the top of the pyramid, where they are typically thought to be slightly less stable in the physical realms but have an easier time accessing the spiritual.
Strong energy that ignites because 12 is a spiritual catalyst. The group, the family, the association.
Energy that has many tests and payments. More of a spiritual and mental order. It is the test to transmute to knowledge. Action of dividing, sorting Separating, putting in order, sharing.
Creativity – flowing. The law, the authority.
A world of female strength, it has 9 levels within and represents the emotional, intuitive, the artist. Power of realization and the creative energies, highest vibration of the female energy.
Complete energies of the material world. The top of the pyramid. A world of male authority. Energy of arts and Creativity. The highest Male energy.
Energy to catalyze. Great power versus great temptation. A final test, and step, before the summit. Equilibrium, harmony. A force that can harmonize.
Imbalances. Many tests and things to evolve to, and work to develop. The physical world, the body. The tests are to develop, refine, learn balance and overcome.
Elevation of creation. The 5th element, Ether. Is a helper to #8 Work. The action energy.
The balance. The four energies, elements of the 3 dimensional universes: wind; water; earth and fire. Solidarity. Balance. Elements. Four planes of manifestation: physical; mental; emotional and spiritual.