Today is Wajxaqib’ (8) B’atz’ , which is the Jab’nal or Maya New Year. The counting of the days begins on a day Jun (1) B’atz’, after 20 days have passed we arrive to the Wajxaqib’ B’atz’, when we celebrate the creation of the universe, which takes place on the first twenty days (Maya month) under the auspices of the twenty energies or Ch’umilal of the Calendar of Life. On this day we thank the Creator and the Maker for all we have learned and received during the last cycle. We ask the Mother and Father of the Universe that our body, mind, heart, and spirit will develop fully during this new cycle, so that we can walk the path of life in plenitude.

You can begin this cycle by making a meditation to harmonize yourself with the 260 energies of the Calendar of Life, the Cholq’ij Calendar. Begin by focusing on your breathing, breathe in and out twenty times and feel how through each breath each of your four bodies -physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual- is being cleansed and energized. Close your eyes and visualize how the energy of the 20 Ch’umilal and the 13 numbers comes to the space where you are and all their power and knowledge flows through you and vibrates with your body, mind, heart, and spirit (it does not matter if you are not very familiar with the powers and the knowledge of each the Ch’umilal and numbers, or if you visualize them as glyphs, animals, colors, energies, or whatever comes to you. What is important is that you feel their presence and vibrate with them). Allow these energies give your their wisdom, let them help you develop your inner powers. Slowly open your eyes and feel how you are now at harmony with all the energy that surrounds you, how you are now at harmony with the Ch’umilal and the numbers. Finish your meditation by lighting some candles to thank the previous cycle for all it brought and to ask the new cycle that begins today to bring you the experiences you need for your development. You can work with a red candle to the East, which represents the energy of fire, the energy of B’alam K’itze. A black candle to the West, which represents the energy of earth (the element), the energy of B’alam Aq’ab. A white candle to the North, which represents the energy of the wind, the energy of Majukutaj. A yellow candle to the South, which represents the energy of water, the energy of Ik’i’ B’alam. A blue and green candles to the center, which represent the energy of the Cosmos and the Earth.
- 6 Kan ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 27, 2020
- 5 K’at ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 26, 2020
- 3 Iq’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - June 24, 2020