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K’at represents both the net that entraps us and that has the power to unite the people and elements required to accomplish our development in life. Number 3 symbolizes the rhythm of life, it is communication and creativity. The energy of 3 K’at allows us to see the connection between all human beings, connect to the energies of this day to find the similarities and the things that bring you together with the people that around you instead of worrying about the differences; by working together we can accomplish much more.
- KAJIB’ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 9, 2025
- OXIB’ E ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 8, 2025
- KEB’ B’ATZ’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 7, 2025
Another Day To Activate The Unity Consciousness These Holiday Do Bring Family And Friends Together Again