Toj is the law of cause and effect; it is the payment, the atonement to Mother Earth, to all the elements, and to the Creator and Maker. Number 1 contains strength and experience; it is realization and magic. Everything you do generates a reaction, and this reaction is based on the real intention, the essence, of your actions. Let your actions be driven by passion, justice, love, and consciousness, remember that each step you take is part of a larger process that leads you to your own self-realization. This is the first day of the Toj trecena (thirteen days); this is a good period to be grateful for all we have received during life and to ask that we will find no obstacles along the way.
Trecena Prayer from Don Pedro Ixchop
In this sacred day Toj I am grateful for your sacred blessing in my home and my family, Ajaw of the Sky. I ask you to vanish all penance that may exist in the hearts and thoughts of people. I ask that no penance can harm me during the course of my lifetime, that you will vanish all desperation, that there are no unforeseen accidents in my life, Ajaw B’itol and Tz’aqol. I ask that your blessings will come to my path, my destiny, and my whole life; that my existence will be joyous before your presence, Ajaw B’itol Tz’aqol. I give thanks to you, Ajaw, for blessing us with the rain, a blessing that the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of Mother Earth gives us. I ask that your holy water will transform the energy in our veins and the veins of all the creatures that live over the face of Mother Earth. I am grateful for the water that assuages our thirst and I ask you to vitalize my life every day, Ajaw. Maltiox, maltiox, maltiox, and four times maltiox.
Ajaw Great Father or Supreme Being
Tz’aqol and B’itol Creator and Maker
Maltiox Thank you
- KAJIB’ AJ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 9, 2025
- OXIB’ E ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 8, 2025
- KEB’ B’ATZ’ ~ Today’s Ch’umil - February 7, 2025